a great show in London I headed over to Copenhagen to witness
one of the most excellent doom packages for years (except the
doom festivals ;)). Despite of a long running career and enjoying
a great popularity my beloved doomsters SATURNUS
still did not make it to tour Europe. Seems the mountain must
go to prophet again… But who can resist such great line-up?
I surely could have went to a show in Holland much closer to my
town, if there would not have been this Neurosis show in London…
However, it was a cold and gruffy Monday morning for a flight
over the North Sea, but before leaving the United Kingdoms I first
got checked to pieces. On the German side they even abrogated
the extra checks for the UK and no one was interested into my
hand luggage but when leaving they turned the inside out of me,
my photo equipment and personal stuff. Even cosmetic odds like
lip-gloss and mascara they throw away because those are dangerous
liquids. Ladies, watch out! Afterwards I could buy everything
new in the duty free shop and none did care about my liquids.
I not even had to put them into a plastic bag… Brits go
bonkers I tell ya!
Arriving in Copenhagen it was icy cold but the hostel (Danhostel)
like a five-star-hotel ;) Very pleasant. By the way… Copenhagen
is a beautiful city. If you get the chance do not miss visiting
this capitol!
To find the venue called Loppen was not that easy. While asking
around I bumped into two Swedish doom fans of all who did not
know it any better. But after passing the house twice we found
our destination. The Loppen emerged as a small but homey location
with room for approx. 200 people…
pics ::
~ kicked off the evening belated and had to prepare
the crowd for what had to come. Not the easiest task but the freshly
signed Belgians did not really care and started with full throttle.
Except for two songs that came from their Scent Of
A Dream album, all other ones were taken from their
label debut Circadian Rhythm soon to
be released. The songs were quite varied. Short blast attacks
led over to wonderful and solemn melodies, solos, acoustic dashes
here and a symphonic background there. Likewise diversified the
singing was with THURISAZ mastermind and axe-man
Peter as main singer for grunts and clean vocals, second guitarist
Mattias for the deeper growls. Keyboarder Kobe tried to set accents
with clean singing in between on higher pitches, what did not
work out that good since he was a bit off. Besides, there was
absolutely nothing to nag about the performance. New material
sounds a bit straighter, while the keys are not that striking
anymore. Well-done! Has convinced me! The crowd seemed to enjoy
the show too, although the people still acted reserved and many
watched the guys playing from the bar perspective…
Setlist: When Images Are Fading, Circardian
Rhythm, Scent Of A Dream, Drowning, Point Of No Return

immediately stopped all kind of reservation ;) This show displayed
how much popular this band is. That is probably one of the main
springs that gave power to go on through all these years and difficulties
the band had in the past. Really, these cats are so downright
likable, always running around to care for the fans, bands and
merchandise. Perfect hosts! Great!
They opened their set with Pretend from current album
Veronica Decides To Die, afterwards
they took the fans on 45 minutes journey through the entire band
history, back till the beginning with debut album Paradise
Belongs To You, But I have to confess that the songs
from SATURNUS’ masterpiece Matyre
conjured up the biggest emotions. Fans downright all excited,
celebrating the band frenetically, even laid down on their knees.
Pure gooseflesh I tell ya! For the last song Murky Waters
singer Thomas got joined by November’s Doom singer Paul
Kuhr on micro. In between the guys told stories and joked around
(ok, I did not understand any word) and saluted the other bands
they shared the bill with during the last four days. Stunning!
Setlist: Pretend, Starres, I Long, (Softly
On The Path You Fade?), I Love Thee, Empty Handed, Inflame Thy
Heart, Rain Wash Me, Christ Goodbye, Murky Waters

~ got likewise warmly welcomed, but a noticeable
part of the crowd went back to the bar following the show from
a sitting position. In a joss stick flavored air AGALLOCH
surprisingly kicked of their show with the old song Of Stone
Wind And Pillor from the so-named EP in 2001. Among songs
from the new album Ashes Against The Grain
this American mates also presented a great retrospective of their
work. At least one song from each record (ok, 2 from The
Mantle ;)). Mastermind and singer John Haughm seemed
to have some minor problems with his clean voice but besides AGALLOCH
did not have any problems to create the same kind of atmosphere
that gets enwrapped you while listening to their CD’s. With
the scent of the joss sticks in your nose one could already smell
the breath of the forests in Oregon, USA.
The musicians displayed a wide range of technical skills and perfectionism,
lapsed into contemplative reflection or energetically rocked out.
It looked like they really enjoyed letting off steam onto stage
and the great feedback they received. The last song guitarist
Don Anderson dedicated a German friend who committed suicide and
at its end he went down with his guitar kissing the dust. That
went under my skin!
As for November’s Doom too it is the very first time for
AGALLOCH to tour Europe. I hope they have so
much fun and gather good memories that they will come back ;)
Setlist: Of Stone Wind And Pillor, Falling
Snow, Limbs, Odal, Dead Winters Days, In The Shadow Of Our Pale
Companion, Bloodbirds

DOOM ~ had some problems to keep this energetic
and emotional level up. The crowd was visibly tired but already
with opener The Pale Haunt Departure
the fans were on the right course again. Singer Paul has become
a heavyweight but that did not cut down any bit of his agility.
With great gestures and pathos he awoke emotions and captivated.
The guitar front was nothing short of the headbang qualities of
the crowd. Great hair-chaos on stage ;) The band had a lot of
fun, was joking, left the micro to a girl (sounded quite good)
and said thank you for hard facts to another wench *g* As the
other bands did before NOVEMBER’S DOOM
again spread a splash of love-avowals in direction to the other
bands and musicians, and regretted that it was the last show with
Saturnus. To top that Saturnus singer Thomas entered the stage
and sung along with Paul. Grandiose gesture, grandiose show! The
only thing left to mention is the fact that NOVEMBER’S
DOOM have finished recording their sixth album entitled
The Novella Reservoir, set to be released
in February via The End Records. Two songs of this new upcoming
record they already played (Rain, Drown The Inland Mere)
and I can tell you they sounded great and promising ;)
Setlist: The Pale Haunt Departure, Not The
Strong, Rain, With Rue & Fire, Autumn Reflection, The Day
I Return, Drown The Inland Mere, Within My Flesh, Lost In A Day,
Dark World Burden // In The Absence Of Grace, Dethroned Emperor

I guess I
cannot conceal: it was a great evening and a stunning concert
experience. It was more than worth to take that ride. All of these
four bands gave their best, lived and expressed their music from
the deepest of their hearts and created a breathtaking atmosphere
during their sets. That was show I keep in mind for a long time
that is for sure. Thank you guys!
And as for Copenhagen, I’ll be back soon! ;)