Sisters Of Mercy - Eisbrecher - Camouflage - Corvus Corax - Mind.In.A.Box
- Spetsnaz - A Life Divided - The Wars
- Apoptygma Berzerk - Haujobb - [:SITD:] - Assemblage 23 - Seabound
- [X]-RX - Tyske Ludder - Eisenfunk
On Saturday Berlin-based indie/rock band ::
:: was allowed to open the Main stage. They were introduced
by Alexander Wesselsky from Eisbrecher. For me it was the first
time I saw them and because of the good feedback that reached
me way before the festival I was looking forward seeing them.
I guess many others did, too. In this “morning” -
it was 12:00 am - the Tanzbrunnen was already pretty well filled.
And you know what? The weather was phenomenal. Back to topic...
The band did a good job and brought us in festival mood. I like
their music. The only thing I missed was a little conversation
with the audience.
But let us go to that great industrial looking building Staatenhaus.
While people outside have to squint, here it was night 24/7. Staatenhaus
was the real exile on those days. Inside you could hide from the
sun and heat. And so a completely different day was starting here.
The light sources here were presented just by the fluorescent
sticks, clothes-elements and of course stage. ::
:: started the party at the Staatenhaus. It is hard
to imagine any other situation, when such music would play in
the morning. Maybe, just after a night-party, when the morning
isn’t the beginning of the new day, but continue of the
previous one. However, people were already overexcited. There
were several dance-battles in different parts of the club: People
were standing in circles, dancing and enjoying themselves. The
music is pretty hard, with live drums, giving a nice tempo for
the dancers. It was the best way to start the day. And so the
electro party in Staatenhaus went on.

:: A
LIFE DIVIDED :: Oh wow. I already knew their music
is good, although there’s only one album they’ve released.
The live performance from the Eisbrecher guitarist and his crew
was so amazing. They performed a song called Lost which will be
released on their new album in January. And I think we may look
forward to this new album. A LIFE DIVIDED - it was a lot
of fun, from the very first second they unchained the audience.
They had no problem to inspire the fans with their music; they
presented yet so good stuff for the eyes and ears. I was happy
to be there!

Back to Staatenhaus, where :: TYSKE
LUDDER :: were on the schedule. TYSKE LUDDER
is one of the few bands from Electro-90s, which have managed come
back successfully. The band uses provocation in their music and
content pretty much. The concert went literally under the Israel
flags. It wasn’t just the singer, waving the state banner,
but also there were some big and small flags in the public. The
first lines seemed to really enjoy the show. They were jumping,
singing along and greeting the band. As for the lines behind -
there it was much calmer as at the previous show. There were less
people, and less people were dancing. The sound wasn’t that
good, already at the opposite wall from the stage the music sounded
messy and it was hard to recognize separate elements of songs.
It was funny to meet a person in TYSKE LUDDER t-Shirt outside,
while the band was performing, the fact, that there was nobody
performing at the moment at the Main stage, makes the situation
even more ridiculous.
:: was the next act on the mainstage. With some well-known
songs like Alligance they kept the pulses going. Singer
Pontus Stålberg himself seems to have tons of fun. He dances
on the stage and said that it is good to be back. While he gave
full throttle the front rows began to dance and Stefan Nilsson
pounded on his e-pads, it was a joy.
Cologne-band :: [X]-RX
::, being next on the indoor stage, combines Aggrotech
and Techno with Hardstyle. As later it is, as less there are people
and as calmer and more tired people are. Maybe it’s because,
they danced so hard with previous two acts, but even if it was
already (or just) 14:30, people seem to be very quiet and calm.
There are still enough people to have problems to get right to
the stage. The first lines were creating the whole atmosphere.
Probably because of the light on the stage, it looked like the
first lines vibrated along with music. While the musicians ran
all over the stage shouting their manifests, people in front of
the stage had not many options, but to move mainly vertical. Fans
in that area seemed to be absolutely happy and excited about the
show, they jumped, shouted and greet the band. But the picture
was a bit different behind. Stunned people hardly moved, some
stood still looking at one point, some were leaving. Just one
dancing circle left, it was somewhere in the corner. People still
had fun there and showed their best dancing. But we have to be
fair. At the same time at the mainstage Spetsnaz was acting, so
no wonder a lot of people left the Staatenhaus. The show was fine;
there was a lot of energy from both sides: the musicians and fans.
With a bit more luck and different schedule the band would have
as big public, as the previous two acts.
A highlight at this year’s AMPHI FESTIVAL was one
of the few stage appearances by :: SEABOUND
:: They played at 15:30 and the Staatenhaus was again
completely filled. What an amazing feeling. They played some well-known
songs like Scorch The Ground. But also new songs were in
the repertoire of electro popper, like the track Nothing But
Love, from the forthcoming album, which was very well received.
I like the new material although the sound was really bad at this
time in the Staatenhaus.

Finally the time for dream-electronics came with Austrian electronic
music project :: MIND.IN.A.BOX
:: and mastermind Stev Poiss. He manages to unite in
his music Futurepop, Progressive Trance and cyberpunk. From the
very beginning there was the wonder of the day that on the main
stage the sound was the worst. Maybe it was because it’s
outside or maybe there are some other logical reasons, however,
the peak of this was at the MIND.IN.A.BOX show. The sound
was faded out all the time, once it was away for more seconds,
once the band took a break… a break in a 50-minutes long
show. But away from all the bad things, the show was fine. The
band's songs were presented by the use of vocoder vocals and guitar,
bass and drums. While Staatenhaus was shaken by the EBM and Industrial
beats, and after Spetsnaz rocked the mainstage, the MIND.IN.A.BOX
show with their light and dreamy melodies was kind of relief.
The vocal effects give a strange impression. On the one hand it
is very unusual and when it is done well, it is kind of funny
to listen to it live. On the other hand there were some thoughts
that it would make no difference if I listen to the CD. But it
is worth being caught in the Dream Web live.

Formed by Castus Rabensang, Meister Selbfried and Win ::
:: released their first album in 1998. They’re
still performing - with authentic instruments and period costumes.
The band was the only "medieval band" at the AMPHI
FESTIVAL. I could just see one song of their show since Assemblage
23 at the Staatenhaus was calling!
FRONT :: concert was the first concert after all
the readings, which were running in the Theatre. SPIRITUAL
FRONT is a Neofolk band based in Rome, although their music
is known better as “nihilist suicide pop”. The influence
of neoclassical and rock music elements, as well as tango and
experimental feel, is unquestionable. So, to get to the theatre
before the concert was a real quest. An hour-long queue was at
the doors. Some had no more patience and left wishing to have
a good time. Yeah, it was not much fun waiting for the entry,
but those who were there, knew that it was worth. Note for future:
it is not necessary to stay in the queue while there are some
readings, if you don’t want to visit the reading. It is
clear, that the place inside the theatre is limited. But after
the reading were finished all the guests were leaving and the
entry was free again. soundcheck was pretty quick while the public
was gathering. And finally the show went on. This time the band
used new acoustic backtracks, which of course presented the new
intensive and intimate atmosphere. It is no need to say how SPIRITUAL
FRONT music influences people. If you look around, there are
always hundreds of inspired faces, shining eyes and smiles. During
the concert, more over if it is the theatre-concert, there is
a very good chance to look deep inside of you and let all your
beautiful emotions come outside with the music. The time while
the band plays its sincere pure and heartfelt songs somebody’s
life can be turned upside down. With time it becomes clear, that
the only instrument the musicians play is the listener’s
soul, and they manage to touch that strings, that were secret
even for the listener himself.
Setlist: The Shining Circle, Cold Love In A Cold Coffin,
Walk The Deadline, Darkroom Friendship, Jesus Died In Las Vegas,
Song For The Old Man, German Boys, Slave, Soul Gambler, Hey Boy,
Bastard Angel

Tom Shear and his project called :: ASSEMBLAGE
23 :: is one of my all-time favorites and I listen
to him very often. The first time I saw him live was at the Blackfield
Festival 2 years ago. I remember that I got disappointed (oh damn,
I missed Disappoint on the set list this time - what I
pity). The performance on this stage was more than satisfying.
After some minutes of start-up difficulties Tom found his full
strength of his voice and started to entertain the people with
a mixture of some wonderful old and some brilliant new tracks.
I can say that the news songs from the latest album Bruise
are really good - and they are going very well at this live performance.
Setlist: Crosstalk, Open, Drive, The Last Mistake, Naked,
Over & Out, Document, Let The Wind Erase Me, The Noise Inside
My Head

:: the AMPHI FESTIVAL offered one of my most
looking forward top-acts. The cult synth-popper camouflage began
their show with "Suspicious Love". In the fashionable
white suit Marcus swept across the stage and looked good. My favorite
songs came after 40mins. And then the show ended very quickly.
At the end I was disappointed. It could be that I’ve set
too high expectations. But it doesn’t change my opinion.
What a pity.
Setlist: Suspicious Love, Misery, Neighbours, We Are
Lovers, Dreaming, Confusion, That Smiling Face, Me And You, Love
Is A Shield, Shine, The Great Commandment
Tom and Casi - known as members from ::
[:SITD:] ::
took part right after A23 gig. They started with songs like Code:Red
and Lebensborn and made friends with the audience, who
appreciated the fast start.
Setlist: Extrajudical Punishment, Code:Red, Lebensborn,
Periculär (Richtfest II), Sonic Barrier, Papillon (Editors
Cover), Laughingstock, Rot, Richtfest, Snuff Machinery

Back to the Theatre again with :: HENKE
:: First of all Oswald Henke is famous for his previous
band Goethes Erben. If visiting the show of the previous band
there could be some questions, like why is everybody sit? Doesn’t
anybody want to dance? Now there is no shadow of such a question.
The rich decorations, big preparations, the number of classical
instruments (played by Goethes Erben) and the real theatrical
play - welcome to HENKE’s world! First of all this
show is for German-speaking public. So if you don’t belong
to this category, it would be useful to get some translations
of his songs before you come to his concert. The play is very
personal, telling a story of the whole year of life of the main
hero. It is a wonder that somebody would ever dare to bring that
deep feelings and thoughts on the stage. But especially in modern
art people got used to the idea that for many artists exactly
this kind of emotional exhibitionism is saving. The whole story
is quite emotional and pretty sad, and the public seemed to be
really involved.
Setlist: Ein Jahr als Tag, Das schwarze Wesen, Abseits
Des Lichtes, Märchenprinzen, Die Form, Spüren, Rote
Irrlichter, 5 Jahre, Kopfstimme, Vergessen, Helden, Der Eissturm,
Mensch Sein, Sitz Der Gnade // Zeitmemory

:: was the next act at the Staatenhaus and I always
like to see Daniel Myer but this was my first attendance at a
HAUJOBB gig. And you know what? Wow, what an amazing EBM
sound. He for example played Let’s Drop Bombs (which
you can get for free I you want to – or just offer the price
you think it is worth it). The concert ended too early.

:: are famous for their shows. It is always the concert
you want to visit, and this day it was one of the main shows.
Loud guitars and beating drums and of course one of the most famous
vocals on the German scene won over Tanzbrunnen. Not much people
stayed indifferent and even those who wasn’t look at the
stage, because one moment it became just impossible to get any
closer and see the stage at all. Rolling all over the park up
to Rhine EISBRECHER attracted more and more people. Of
course it was great to listen to the tracks from the new album
as well as the unfading hits, like Schwarze Witwe. It is hard
to believe that the song is eight years old. So much beautiful
years spent with EISBRECHER’s music flew away like
one day, but it always a great pleasure to listen to it and visit
shows of the band.
Setlist: Exzess, Exzess, Willkommen Im Nichts, Verrückt,
Leider, Herz Aus Eis, Amok, Prototyp, Schwarze Witwe, Vergissmeinnicht,
Heilig, This Is Deutsch, Miststück (Megaherz cover), Die
Hölle Muss Warten

BERZERK :: was one of the most awaited acts at
AMPHI this year, even if it wasn’t on the first version
of the festival’s line-up. The founders of the genre Future
Pop with the tongue-twisting name APOPTYGMA BERZERK has
about twenty years of history, six studio albums, three live albums,
four collections of singles, remixes and cover versions and the
legendary status behind. After the successful tour around the
world back in 2009-2010, the band is going to visit the US again,
Canada and South America in September as well. The concert that
night was great. There was the absolute unity of the band and
the public. It happens when both catch the same wave. The band
was very energetic; Stephan was running the stage and communicating
with fans all the time between the songs. Fans have been singing
all the songs together with the band, so sometimes it was hard
to hear the band. With every new song the public blew up and with
new force sent a lot of energy back on stage and around itself.
And it works like a chain reaction, so if you in the radius of
its effect, you’re automatically infected by the crazy energy.
Stephan, who will never get old, made the whole crowd jump and
dance non-stop and to sing all the songs along. It was one of
the shows when the band was hardly to hear, because fans sang
over it. There was stuffy atmosphere of absolute unity and brotherhood.
Setlist: Intro, Love Never Dies, Non-Stop Violence,
Eclipse, Shadow, In This Together, You Keep Me From Breaking Apart,
Shine On, (The House Of Love cover), Kathy's Song, Deep Red, Unicorn,
Starsign, Until The End Of The World // Love Will Tear Us Apart
(Joy Division cover) // Bitch
Now we can talk about king-size-blockbuster acts - lead by the
legendary :: THE
SISTERS OF MERCY :: headlining the main stage on
Saturday. One of England’s leading Goth bands of the 1980s.
They play slow, gloomy, ponderous hybrid metal and psychedelia
- often incorporating dance beats. This created an erotic atmosphere.
All the people danced and sang along - some of them half naked,
while sitting on someone others shoulders. The place in front
of the main was totally filled.
Setlist: Kiss The Carpet, Ribbons, Crash And Burn, Logic,
A Rock And A Hard Place, First And Last And Always, We Are the
Same, Susanne, Alice, Arms (feat. Lisa Cuthbert), Dominion/Mother
Russia (feat. Lisa Cuthbert), Summer, This Corrosion (Lisa Cuthbert
Solo), Flood II // More, Vision Thing, Lucretia My Reflection,
Temple Of Love (feat. Lisa Cuthbert)
And the real legends closed that evening - ::
:: It is fantastic, that the band still exists. Although
“still exists” doesn’t really mean that the
duo is quite active. What is even stranger that the band is not
just the headliner at such a Festival as AMPHI, but it
has its public and greeted pretty well. Or maybe it’s the
AMPHI public, which is that special and there is a demand
on such bands. However it was quite weird show. For those who
aren’t really good in history, Robert Görl and Gabi
Delgado-López could give an impression that German American
friendship has always been pretty… minimalistic. I would
say Germany and America probably got to know each other in the
late 70-s, got drunk, had good time, and all the time they met
afterwards they could hardy remember what happened that night,
but somehow felt, there was something they should be ashamed of.
And just a part of public really enjoyed it: old-school fans and
some music nerds, who are interested in that kind of music. The
others either tried to have fun amain, trying to fight the tiredness,
the others enjoyed the legendary show, they hardly ever see again.
The rest seem to be troubled to understand the minimalistic bacchanalia
on the stage.
Simon Hönscheid:
A Live Divided, Apoptygma Berzerk, Camouflage, Corvus Corax, Eisbrecher,
Eisenfunk, Haujobb,, Seabound, Sisters Of Mercy,
Spetsnaz, Spiritual Front, The Wars
Mandy Privenau: Henke
Kai Bimber: Assemblage 23, Nachtmahr, [:SITD:], Tyske Ludder,
Matthias Irrgang: DAF