2010-06-13 DE – Gelsenkirchen - Amphitheater
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Unheilig - Subway To Sally - Oomph! - [:SITD:] - Saltatio Mortis - S.P.O.C.K. - Tyske Ludder - Traumtänzer - XP8

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[Psycho] Although well-rested I downright fell asleep on the back seat, while heading towards to Gelsenkirchen again. Yeah, that must be the bumps in the road... ;)
[Dajana] Exactly! That’s what I’m saying... Just remember the librations after the Rock Hard Festival... *laughs*

[Psycho] But then, widely awake, we tuned in to the gig of Italian Electro act :: XP8 :: Much thrilling this show was not, just standard stuff for Electro lovers. Solely the guest appearances of Daniel Graves made us listening more attentively but also displayed how pale the XP8 singer was next to him...

[Psycho] That it can be worse :: TRAUMTÄNZER :: unfortunately proved right after. Of course I have to give them credits for filling in that short-term for Sava. But their inconceivably boring blend of uninspired EBM and elf-like kitschy Gothic they did by themselves. Additionally the performance was so lame, no presence. Sorry, that belongs to the amateur league… at best.

[Psycho] Problems with an akinetic crowd :: TYSKE LUDDER :: never have. As already experienced several times there is always much action on stage and in front of stage. People mostly freak out ;) Today the band even more wanted to set a high value on being the bad guys when singer Ålbert provoked the audience with sayings such as: “I want to see you sweat, bummers!” or “Move, you sugar goths!”
[Dajana] “you sweet sugar goths” please *laughs* This expression was the hit after TYSKE LUDDERs show ;)
[Psycho] Anyway, also their teasing against the earl (Unheilig singer) were continued in the same manner like: “Bad news, the earl won’t show up, he has an appearance at Musikantenstadl. He get’s replaced by Scooter”. Not very gentlemanlike but they surely scored by getting the laughs…
Musically TYSKE LUDDER again delivered harsh and two-fisted EBM with wicked and intelligent lyrics, although I think, they could have chosen a different playlist. However, the audience was now definitely awake and ready for more.

[Psycho] Swedish Star Trek brigade :: S.P.O.C.K. :: I never saw live before, although this band is around for ages. But such an entertaining show I definitely did not expect. In principle the complete contrast to the bands before. Here good mood was spread galore and really a lot of nonsense talked and done ;) With a huge bazooka singer Android made the people wet, then tried it as a breakdancer and was telling guff like how heavy it is to be a rock star, entering the stage at such early time, what means to start drinking right after the breakfast, just because he cannot play sober… *lol*. The perfect entertainer with a great voice ;) So it doesn’t wonder that the Amphitheater quickly turned into a huge party area and people didn’t want to see them leave. Grandiose show that found its worthy end with the classic Never Trust A Klingon.
[Dajana] Hahahaha.... Yesssss. Same here. Never saw them performing live before and was now so blown away ;) Totally. So funny these guys. Had so many and good laughs. Also in the photo pit Mr. Android scored with lotsa jokes and fun. Just great!
Setlist: Intro/Reactivated, E.T. Phone Home, Dr McCoy, All E.T:s Aren't Nice, Not Human..., See More, Astrogirl, Astrogirl's Secret, Out There, E-lectric, Never Trust A Klingon

[Psycho] Therefore the field was tilled and following medieval musicians known as :: SALTATIO MORTIS :: splashed out and even knew how to increase the splendid mood of the common folk. To be honest, I have not expected such strong feedback by the audience. There was such a frolic atmosphere, on stage as well as in front of. Musically I once again got reminded of early Subway To Sally, but singer Alea alone is already worth the admission. Unbelievable, with what great voice he can sing while being in such movement, and perfectly interacting with the crowd at the same time. Such a bunch of join-in-games one gets hardly offered in one gig. And everybody was following his instructions…
Definitely the highlight of the festival, even if the music itself was just… the minor matter ;)
Setlist: Intro, Rastlos, Tritt ein, Uns gehört die Welt, Worte, Salome, Koma, Wir säen den Wind, Prometheus, Falsche Freunde, Spielmannschwur, Tod und Teufel

[Psycho] Some stylistic break again. Next up were :: [SITD] :: Although they had a home match here, it wasn’t an easy task to keep up this highly energetic level and mood. This undertaking almost inevitably failed. But the show was not a flop. This trio delivered a well-chosen mix of songs from the new album Rot and well-known club classics. Sure, the show wasn’t that stirring, it’s not possible at this kind of instrumentation and realization. However, I liked it though, a likeable band, which hopefully goes on developing in this positive direction.
Setlist: Intro Mephisto, Rot V.1, Rose-Coloured Skies, Pharmakon, Kreuzgang V.2, Redemption, Frontal, Laughingstock, Wegweiser, Richtfest, Snuff Machinery

[Psycho] Ok, seeing :: OOMPH! :: I did not link with any expectations, aside from getting the usual best-of set from the last three records and usual poses.
But… no way! Dero, Flux and Crab not only were utmost motivated but also embedded some surprises. So they played the very old Sex, I haven’t seen performed live for ages, or an acoustically performed part with the tracks Sex hat keine Macht and Auf Kurs. Not only had I liked it! Especially, since the rest of the show was likewise interesting and varied, and the fans started celebrating the band. What struck were the announcements by singer Dero. Sometimes witty, sometimes as cross as two sticks, then again disarmingly simple, pointing out political drawbacks. And, by the way, Dero certified why he is one of the best German singers in harder Rock fields.
It doesn’t wonder that the audience implicitly wanted an encore, which got nonchalantly denied in view of the following bands and timetable.
Setlist: Beim ersten Mal, Unsere Rettung, Fieber, Wer schön sein will muss leiden, Sex, Mitten ins Herz, Sex hat keine Macht, Auf Kurs, Revolution, Niemand, Gekreuzigt, Labyrinth, Gott ist ein Popstar, Augen Auf!, Sandmann

[Psycho] Now let’s talk about the band I already mentioned :: SUBWAY TO SALLY :: I have seen them many times, but tonight - and despite all the pyros - their show did not wanted to kick asses. The band played too experienced, too predictable, almost sedated.
Of course, even in this shape SUBWAY TO SALLY is still a great live band but I already have seen better shows. No surprises in the setlist either, you got what you expected.
Also the feedback was pretty lame compared to Oomph! or Saltatio Mortis. In this matter it was almost consequent that bigger applause came up when Saltatio Mortis‘ Alea, Falk and El Silbador entered the stage for the Veitstanz to dance and support with their own bagpipes. Huh, changing of the guard?
Setlist: Henkersbraut, Kleid aus Rosen, Feuerland, Puppenspieler, Unentdecktes Land, Judaskuss, Kruzifix, Besser Du rennst, Falscher Heiland, Veitstanz // Sieben, Räuber

[Dajana] „Betray me – scorn me – deny me” Oh yes…I would love to do so ;)
*hurgs* Now it’s getting very, very pathetic. And kitschy. And theatrical. Just terribly bad… Despite of cancelled bands and playing times not maxed out :: UNHEILIG :: did not manage to get on stage on time. For that all fans of crooners got a perfect stage decoration. Nope, definitely not my cup of tea.
Oh, and besides, UNHEILIG was definitely not the festival’s highlight. There was way more action with the bands before.
Setlist: Intro/Das Meer, Seenot, Spiegelbild, Unter Deiner Flagge, Abwärts, An Deiner Seite, Freiheit, Astronaut, Sage Ja, Große Freiheit, Maschine, Für Immer, Geboren Um Zu Leben // Mein Stern

[Psycho] Due to regular activities next day (morning shifts, work...etc) we could not stay till the end. It was my very first BLACKFIELD FESTIVAL and there’s no reason why shouldn’t come back next year. These two days were packed and not every bands was my taste but I really had an entertaining weekend :) Thank you much and see ya in 2011!
[Dajana] I’m attending this festival since its installment and there is no reason why I should stop coming over ;) Looking forward to the next year’s edition ;)


story • Psycho & pics • Dajana