is quite a town of metal. On Saturday May 17th they showcased
some of America’s best Black Metal bands during its first
tiny club called 7th
Street Entry, the place was packed with diehard black
metal fans.

As we arrived
the first band of the night :: WRAITHIAN
:: was well into their set. I was lucky enough to witness
at least 3 or 4 songs. The band seemed quite young under their
corpse paint, though their sound was older than their looks. A
four piece hailing from Minneapolis, the band prepared the crowd
for the night to come.

Next up was
MASSAKRE KOMMANDO :: also known as EMK.
A three piece band hailing from Carol Stream, Illinois. Their
brand of black metal was a bit different than the other bands.
They were also the only band of the night not to wear corpse paint.
Nonetheless they put on a power hate fueled performance; however
the crowd wasn’t sure what to make of them. The band seemed
very tight, and the bass player had a tendency to crack an evil
smile quite a bit.

After their
set came another Minneapolis band ::
:: who had quite a local following. Suddenly the small
club seemed packed to capacity. TERATISM took the stage
in full black metal garb, complete with hooded robes. As meat
hooks dangled from the stage the band took control and threw everyone
into a black metal frenzy. The band seemed to draw on this energy.
With 4 of its five members up front their stage presence was very
atmospheric. They commanded your attention. Their music and performance
could rival any Black Metal band from Norway. As I stood in back
on a platform, taking pictures, I couldn’t help but get
up front to feel the energy of this band.

To cap off
the night :: INQUISITION
:: took the stage. Not knowing much about them going
into this, I was surprised to find that they are a two piece.
Coming all the way from Seattle, Washington. Talk about amazing.
For having just 2 members their sound is so strong it’s
as if they had 4. The vocalist/guitarist Dagon does a hell of
a job with just his Jackson guitar. He has some of the longest
hair in metal. The crowd seemed in awe of them. He would pause
between songs to speak a bit to the audience and its funny the
contrast between his talking voice which is so friendly and soft
to his vocals which are so gravely and evil. This band was one
of America’s most sincere black metal acts. As the show
wound down and merchandise was snatched up I couldn’t help
hoping that there will be a Conjuring The Dark 2 in the works
for next year.