- Eluveitie - Skyclad - Manegarm - Orphanded Land - Sinister -
Absence - All We Hate - Black Messiah - Cheeno - Dark Age - Darzamat
- Debauchery - Galskap - Nitrolyt - Novembers Fall - Runamok -
Synasthasia - The Pokes - Van Canto - Verdict
one year of looking forward to it, July 13th and 14th it was finally
time for the seventh DONG OPEN AIR. And after
a little misunderstanding could be cleared, I finally got my accreditation
a few days before kick-off (thanks to Stephan and Colaman again
After being able to get hold of a nearby parking place, we took
the opportunity to take the shuttle bus to the top of the dong
hill instead of climbing 30 minutes uphill in the midday heat.
Regarding how the people we drove by looked, that was a good decision.
While the first band was already in the middle of their set, it
was time to get the press cards, find a retrievable place for
the tent and other stuff like that.
What I had to notice already at that early point, was the rather
long waiting queue at the entry. Luckily I had not to deal with
that, but some of the people waiting there for long time did not
seem very lucky. After changes touching the handing out of the
festival wristlets, this would improve later on though…
1: July 13th 2007
So I did not see anything of the performance of ::
FALL ::and just heard a bit of it from outside.
Vocalist and guitarist Benjamin told me, that the band was quite
pleased with the gig. Regarding the fact, that the opener spot
on a Friday noon is not the easiest one, there was already a good
atmosphere, as he said further. By the way, the In Flames cover
version Episode 666 featured Dennis aka Strilli as guest
singer, who would be on stage twice as drummer the next day.
Setlist: Novembers Fall, Angst Im Wald, Ghe'tor,
Take Me Home, Episode 666 (feat. the unbelievable Strilli Vanilli),
Question Of Eternity, Infernum
In order
to take a look at the second band, the logistical activities where
shortly suspended, and I went to the festival tent, where the
sound check just had been finished. Meanwhile, the waiting line
at the entry had to grown to an impressive length, what meant
for the upcoming bands, that they would have to get along with
significantly less audience than possible.
:: from Dortmund did not seem to care about that,
and delivered a good show as they did any time I saw them before.
By now, I even almost got used to the new look of front man Markus
without long hair ;) Unfortunately, I could not attend the whole
show, as there where still other things to do.
Setlist: Better Truth, Dead Reckoning, Torrent
Of Hatred, Clone FX, For The End Is Yet To Come, Soul Reactor,
Symbols Of Decay
I never saw
:: before, but when I entered the tent again after
having fulfilled all other duties and having cooled down a bit,
they looked and sounded nevertheless somehow familiar. And it
didn’t take me much time to find out why: Not only was the
music kind of similar to German Thrash legends Kreator, also singer
Daniel’s voice and look resembled to Kreator front man Mille.
I bet both the band and the singer are sick of hearing about this,
but when you see them for the first time, this is somehow striking
*g*. Anyhow, I don’t think that VERDICT
have to shy away from a comparison with the above twice mentioned
other band. And since they also utilize Death Metal elements in
their music, no one can accuse them to be some kind of a clone.
Although there was still much empty space in front of the stage,
the band gave it everything, and after short time, they got quite
a lot of people to bang their heads. The set consisted in equal
shares of tracks from the 2003 debut and its follow-up Generation:
Genocide. As the bands before, VERDICT
had to come to an end strictly on schedule, so the title track
of that release also marked the end of their show.
Setlist: Waiting For Salvation, Sick Society,
Trail Of Terror, False Prophet, Bestial Nature, Killing Spree,
Assassin: Nation, New War, Generation: Genocide
were among the few bands at this festival I didn’t know
what to do with. The whole thing reminded me a bit of hard rock
in the veins of Doro (don’t’ accuse me if that’s
a bad comparison, I am not very familiar with that kind of music
at all ;)). And anyone who knows me, know also that you can send
me fleeing with that or stuff like that, that’s it. Anyway,
there were quite a few people enjoying their gig. Since I am simply
not into this kind of guitar music, I’ll abstain from rating
this performance.
:: were already planned to be on stage at last
year’s edition of the D:O:A, but had to
cancel the festival due to line-up problems. Luckily, this year
everything worked fine, and the show could take place. When the
“Ruhrpott Vikings” entered the stage, it was the first
time that the tent saw a really big audience. Of course, that
caused a notable rise in temperature inside, and since most of
the BLACK MESSIAH members did not want to abandon
wearing furs despite this animal heat, they must have been really
suffering up there ;) Fortunately, this did not affect their performance,
which was, as usually, very energetic and stirring. After the
opening song, the audience was introduced a new song from the
upcoming album. Burn Vanheim comes along in a style similar
to the songs BLACK MESSIAH wrote up to now, but
if I’m not totally wrong, it seemed a bit harder than the
other stuff. After the new one, the band came up with the outstanding
song Irminsul and the great party song Sauflied
(translating to booze song). With the crowd cheering and dancing,
front man Zagan could also demonstrate his violin skills with
these two tracks. Especially Sauflied with its rousing
violin parts made the people hop and dance boisterously. Unfortunately,
Riding The Drakkar was the only title from the album
Oath Of A Warrior. If it was up to
me, BLACK MESSIAH could always play this album
from the first to the last song. Well, that we got only one song
out of it was most likely due to the strict schedule at the D:O:A.,
because of which the set was officially done now. But anyone who
already knew the band also knew what was still missing: Of course
BLACK MESSIAH would not leave without their standard
encore Moscow, originally performed by a horrible German
pop group from the outgoing seventies. But in the BLACK
MESSIAH – version, the song really kicks ass and
made anyone in the tent move and chant once again. As always:
great show!
Setlist: In Remembrance, Erik Der Rote, Burn
Vanheim, Irminsul, Sauflied, Die Sühne des Feuerbringers,
Setting Sails/Riding The Drakkar // Moscow
After this
first highlight, things got set for blood and brutality ::
:: from Stuttgart, habitually smeared in blood,
stepped on the stage. Although I did not see as many fans in the
same habit as recently at their gig in Essen, the crowd obviously
liked the band. There were massive mosh- and circle-pits, and
so much movement, that I wondered why no sweat was raining down
from the fly. Stylistically, DEBAUCHERY are settled
somewhere between Six Feet Under and Bolt Thrower. So you could
not expect groundbreaking and complicated song structures, but
simply good, old-fashioned kick-ass Death Metal. Especially when
such groove monsters like Blood For The Blood God or
the bonus song Kill Maim Burn were played, the fans went
Setlist: Praise The Blood God, Torture Pit,
Rape And Murder, Blood For The Blood God, Baptise This World In
Blood, Butcher Of Bitches, Masters Of The Killing Art, Back In
Blood, Carnival Carnage // Kill Maim Burn
It was a bit
of bad luck for :: DARZAMAT
:: to play just after Debauchery. Obviously, lots
of fans had overpowered during that show and had to take a rest,
and due to that, the tent was only about half filled. Nevertheless,
the guys + one lady of the Polish ex-Black and now more Gothic
metallers put on quite a show. However, it seemed to me as if
they were a bit afflicted because there was a notably smaller
audience than the two bands before had. I also had, one of few
times during all the festival, to criticize the sound. The clear
sung passages were sometimes literally crushed by the rest of
the music.
Setlist: Blackward, Vampiric Prose, Era Agression,
Labyrinth Of Anxiety, Hallucinations, The Burning Times, The Old
Form Of Worship, Demise, Fistful Of Ashes // Storm
Now, one of
the bands I was lucking forward to since they had been announced
as (in my
opinion more than adequate) replacement for Primordial, who had
to cancel the festival: :: MANEGARM
:: from Sweden with their “fiddle dervish”
Janne Liljeqvist. I already had the opportunity to see these Folk/Viking/Black
metallers back in 2005 at the first Ultima Ratio Festival, but
unfortunately, their violin player missed back then. And another
reason too look forward was, of course, the great new album Vargstenen.
And as hoped-for, MANEGARM delivered a hell of
a show! Besides the few occasions, where Janne had to contribute
some backing vocals, he was all over the stage, and it was like
almost a miracle, that he did not knock over his band fellows
accidentally ;) MANEGARM played a nice best of
off their recent albums, which left almost no wishes. Especially
impressive, how drummer Erik accomplished the feat to sing without
problems while simultaneously firing off blast beats from his
percussion! The audience in the well filled tent (after about
two hours, the opening of the tents “air vents” began
to pay out) experienced an outstanding show. I guess almost no
one was still upset that he/she missed Primordial after this!
Setlist: Fimbultrollet, Genom Världar
Nio, Ravenous, I Underjorden, Sigrblot, Daughters Of Eve, En Fallen
Fader, Hemfärd, Vargstenen, I Evig Tid, Vedergällningens
Tid // Fädernas Kall, Daudr
to come were Dutch Death Metal legends ::
:: After a short-lived split up in 2005, the band
quickly re-emerged with a different line-up. Female shouter Rachel
had left the band’s ranks, and her husband switched the
drums with the microphone, while Paul changed from bass to six
strings. The band is completed by two other well experienced musicians
from the death Metal scene. Luckily, all the personnel-changes
did not restrain the Death Metal Live Experience. SINISTER
easily rolled through their set containing songs from more than
one and a half (!) decade. For example, the fans were served delicacies
like Cross The Styx or Sadistic Intent, what
made this gig kind of a feast for Death Metal fans who were already
off their swaddling-clothes back in 1990 *g*. But also the new
songs from the most recent output Afterburner,
among them The Grey Massacre and Men Down, were
convincing. Too bad, that not as many people as I had expected
attended the SINISTER gig, once again, the tent
was only half-full. Maybe most of the D:O:A visitors
had to pay the price for too much of the cheap beer an mead and/or
the extreme weather until now, I don’t know. At least, the
show of the four Dutchmen didn’t give any reason to stay
away from the stage.
Setlist: Bleeding Toward The Wendigo, Epoch
Of Denial, The Grey Massacre, Sadistic Intent, Into The Forgotten,
Men Down, Barbaric Order, Altruistic Suicide, Afterburner, Cross
The Styx, To Mega Therion
LAND :: were not able to attract more people
than Sinister before, but there were still quite many metalheads
on their feet, especially regarding that it was almost 1am now
and we had almost 12 hours of live music behind us. When I talked
to folks before the gig, I noticed that only few knew the band
from Israel but stayed because they were curious. Well, ORPHANED
LAND play a stylistic mix-up of folk, rock, prog and
metal elements, combined with clean female and harsh male vocals.
Technically very demanding, but maybe it bit too dodgy for a late
Friday evening. Nevertheless, the audience took their hats off
to ORPHANED LAND, maybe not only because of the
music, but also for the female oriental belly dancer.
I have to admit, that I found the music a bit too stressful after
a while, so I went in front of the tent, where I could listen
to the music as kind of a background sound, and spend some time
with a few more beers while talking to some tiddly guys from the
Netherlands *g*
Setlist: Birth Of The Three (The Unification),
Seasons Unite, Find Yourself Discover God, Like Fire To Water,
he Kiss Of Babylon (The Sins), The Sahara`s Storm, Whisper My
Name When You Dream, Halo Dies (The Wrath Of God), Amen, Ocean
Land (The Revelation), A Neverending Way, El Meod Na'ala, Of Temptation
So, after
this the first day was musically over. There were still some friends
to meet; at least of they were not completely drunk yet. But due
to my plan, to be in the tent with the first band tomorrow, I
went to sleep at about 4am.
2: July 14th 2007
that was a short night. It seems as if I am getting too old for
that shit. It’s definitely not my cup of tea to get raised
out of sleep by noisy passers-by at 7.30 in the morning with est.
100% humidity and about 50 degrees Celsius in the tent *g*
Well, at least there was no danger of oversleeping, and so I started
to make me fit for the day with some hectoliters of coke.
:: had the everything but easy duty to open the
second day. And although their performance was quite nice, the
guys from Leipzig had a hard work to get the few people in front
of the stage in motion. Simpatico that they did not seem to care,
and gave their best. What I can remember, is that one of the songs
dealt with a drummer, named Incredible George (as the band drummer’s
name is) who had to save the world of some threat… dunno
exactly, still was a bit down *g*
Next up was
:: Even before they played the first note, they
had caught the growing audience with their intro: As playback,
we got Cheech Marins legendary “Pussy-Speech” from
From Dusk Till Dawn *g* The music was solid Thrash Metal with,
as I meant to notice, few punk rock ingredients, that mixed up
the apart from that rather traditional song structures. Nice Gig!
Setlist: Painslave, The World will Be Taken,
Invisible Man, Killed, You Will Fail, Guilty, Mother Earth, Wargames,
Back For Revenge, Cowboys From Hell
Due to the
gig cancellation by Chainsaw just days before beginning, the orga
team needed another band replacement. Since drummer Dennis was
already booked with his other band, and all the other members
were also at the D:O:A as guests, ::
:: from Duisburg were asked to take the free spot
and agreed. Good decision, as they are regionally well known and
have proved a recipe for great party at any of their shows.
While still minor technical problems had to be solved and the
band also had to wait for their drummer, vocalist Brian made fun
with the audience, wearing a fat, chawy, golden chain with a enormous
Hansa-Pils (one of the worst beers you might be able to get, but
also kind of a German cult beer) emblem. After everything was
set for the gig, SYNASTHASIA played fast, melodic
Power Metal with mostly clean vocals. The singing could have been
a bit harsher in my opinion, in order to get a little more hardness
in. But that’s only my position, and I’m not known
as a friend of clean singing anyway ;) The audience liked it a
lot, especially a little horde of local patriots, tirelessly wielding
a Westphalia flag. And of course, although it was quite early
in the day, lots of fans were drunk enough to cheer like crazy
for the weird Kassierer cover at the end *g* Oh, and not to forget:
SYNASTHASIA were the only band so far to use
something like pyrotechnical effects, blowing up red shreds of
paper a few times.
Setlist: Scotia's Death, War, King of the
Kill (Annihilator Cover), Synasthasia, Million Faces, The Wolf,
We Create Our Fate, Gone Forever, Großes Glied (Die Kassierer
Cover), Assfuck
I was highly
skeptical, if the next band, as a non metal combo, was fitting
into the D:O:A concept. ::
:: did not even fit into the festival optically,
they were way to well dressed ;) The two guys responsible for
banjo and guitar wore dignified clothes with fine waistcoats,
while singer Ian was dressed in a light blue with a union jack
neck tie. And Attila handled his accordion suited in a combination
reminding of a pirate outfit.
But all doubt was gone as soon as the Berlin based band started.
THE POKES carried the whole audience full of
metalheads within minutes and initiated a boisterous party. Hard
to believe, that you can put so many convinced metallers into
motion without even using an e-guitar. The set contained songs
from the 2005 demo, of which Hello My Dear and Gotcha
were my favorites, was well as lots of tracks from the just released
second album Pokin’ The Fire.
Above all, the title song of that album caused lots auf jauntiness
with its adoption of the famous Pippi Långstrump Theme.
Singer Ian entertained the crowd with witty announcement between
the songs. Among other things, he referred to the fact that his
band would not fit into a pure metal festival, as they had a maximal
of one maybe folk metal song in their set. It was easy to see
that the audience did not share his “concerns” at
any time. Quite the opposite, they relentlessly danced and hopped
in step to the folky tunes. At the end and as encore, THE
POKES wanted to play their pub hymn Hidin’
Out, but as there was not much time left, they had to cut
that song to a one minute version. Too bad… I think both
the band and the audience would have liked some more of this show,
but the schedule had to be met, and so THE POKES
were said goodbye with thunderous applause.

That was great
fun! @ orga team: please re-invite the band next time!!
Anyone who adores Irish influenced folk punk or likes bands as
Blood Or Whiskey or Flogging Molly should take a look a the band’s
homepage, where one can download the whole 2005 demo. By the way,
the only song of that demo would have been a good choice to play
today. With a little bit of imagination, you can identify the
beginning of Metallica’s Fade To Black in the bass lines
Setlist: Lots Of Goodies, Pokin' The Fire,
Good Bye Working Class, Gotcha, Swindle, Till Death Us Do Part,
Hello My Dear, Bertie McVogts, The Day I Pass Away, Oh Wunder,
Jump The Gap, Take A Break // Hidin' Out
Black Metal
following right after this folk-fun attack? Seems like a really
blatant transition… Maybe also due to the fact, that this
year’s D:O:A did not feature that many
really evil bands, it seemed to me as if there were only few Black
Metal fans among the visitors. So, after the turmoil during the
Pokes-show, it was now a little more open in front of the stage
when :: GALSKAP
:: entered the stage. As is right and proper for
an old school BM formation, the band from northern Germany was,
besides the drummer, completely dressed in black, and, of course,
also fitted out with corpse-paint, spikes and rivets. Vocalist
Grimmschlag additionally evinced regional solidarity by wearing
an Endstille shirt.
I did not know much about this young band so far, except for that
they had recorded two demos since 2003. Nevertheless, what I got
to listen to was some strong material, although I would not go
so far, to announce the drummer as the best Black Metal drummer
in the world, as Grimmschlag did. The songs all followed a sinister,
rather monotonous style, without many breaks or hectic pitch changes,
altogether creating a cold and grim atmosphere. Although that
description may sound not very exciting, all the songs had a certain
drive that made them everything else but boring. The singing,
or better the shrieks, were not too intrusive and contributed
well to the ambience.
Most were of the first studio album Manifest Der Verdammnis,
which is scheduled for a soon release. I think GALSKAP
won’t have many problems to find a label for this album,
since they really know how to play good Black Metal. Strong Performance!
Setlist: Intro, Blinder Instinkt, Terrornova,
Kollisionskurs, Macht Und Rebell, Sodom Und Gomorrha, ... Vom
Pestwinde verweht, Entstörung, Torrent Of Hatred, Fegefeuer
Shortly after
the Black metallers left, the tent began to fill as if someone
had announce free beer in front of the stage. Seems, that almost
anyone was curious about a Metal band without any instruments
besides the drums :: VAN
CANTO :: , promoted as Hero Metal a Capella.
That means, one lady, four singers and (only two and a half hour
after his gig with Synasthasia) one drummer. So, metal “extremely
unplugged” – if that will work? It does! Of course,
it not easy to get used to that concept, but if one allows oneself
to get involved with it; one will find out that it rocks. And
regarded that there were no instruments, the sound was quite powerful.
Especially impressive was, how some of the guys “played”
the rhythm section instruments with their voices… I got
sore muscles in the face just from watching it ;)
At all: Probably a concept hard to get used to, and for sure not
everybody’s taste, but I think any metal fan should have
seen this at least once. And, at the D:O:A, VAN
CANTO were without doubt fully successful!
Setlist: Stova Rövardansen, King, The
Trooper (Iron Maiden Cover), Rain, The Mission, She's alive, I
stand Alone, (total gutes) Drumsolo *g*, Battery // Starlight
The next act
were :: DARK
AGE :: . I saw them recently at the Rage Against
Racism, a nice festival that took place just a few kilometers
from the D:O:A venue. Although the guys from
Hamburg delivered a nice show some weeks ago, I decided to take
a rest and try to find a windy spot outside for some cooling down.
I found such a place at a knoll nearby, from where I could listen
to the gig in astonishing good quality. Since I even could hear
loud applause from there, I guess, the Dong community was very
pleased with the show!
Setlist: Fix The Focus, Dailycombatm, Neokillers,
Black September, Silent Republic, Zero, Last Words, Minus Exitus,
Suicide Crew, Dare To Collapse
Next stop:
:: ALL
WE HATE ::, the another band that I saw less
than a month ago. Pete, Marcello and Westi are already D:O:A veterans.
If I’m not wrong, the played the festival at least three
times with their former band Guerilla. Now they are back with
a new founded band and a program of fine Trash Metal with citations
and covers of metal classic from Megadeth up to Rage against the
Machine. Especially R.A.T.M.’s Killing In The Name Of
made the fans immediately start to rampage, only to be disappointed,
that Marcello told them after a few betas, that ALL WE
HATE really would like to perform the song, but were
not allowed thanks to copyright issues … but, of course,
he was only kidding *g*
The band kept thrashing through the song and through the rest
of the set, needless to say, that Marcello and baser Westi went
on their usual excursions through the audience. Not only prior
to the song All I Hate, some anti-Nazi statements were
given, and at one occasion, the singer recommended the crowd to
read a book every now an then, since mostly dumb people would
turn right wing. The longer the gig lasted, the crow got wilder
and wilder. People started moshpits, and began to spatter each
other with beer (you will all go to HELL for that, beer is for
drinking *g*). Hardly surprising, that the fans wanted ALL
WE HATE to play more than only Speed as a bonus,
but time was running out. I bet the band as well as the crowd
had tons of fun tonight.
By the way, all new songs of the band, if not already there yet,
are going to be available for free on their homepage/MySpace page.
Or if someone prefers a CD, he can get it at cost price plus porto
directly from the band. That’s how it should be, and true
to their statement, that “commerce did not really help on
any band yet”.
Setlist: Shut Up, Dead Man Walking, R.A.T.M.
(Killing In The Name Of), Greed, All I Hate, Temptress, Follow
The White Rabbit, War Is Calling // Speed
And again,
it became full. At first on stage: ::
:: from Switzerland prepared to conquer the D:O:A.
The Folk/Pagan shooting stars brought none less than eight musicians
on the scene. Of course, at the other side of the barrier it was
crowded like hell, no one wanted to miss this act. I never before
saw that many guys and girls with kilts, drinking horns and other
medieval stuff at the festival yet. Some of them even thought
it was a good idea to bring like three meters long corn shafts
from a nearby field in front of the stage. ELUVEITIE
seemed very fond of that big welcome, and did their best to pay
back with their show. The crowd got a great best of set. Cheerful
musicians, much checkered songs, lots of different instruments,
great sound… what would you want or expect more!
And one could see a funny optical parallel to Black Messiah: Where
the other night Zagan could be seen as wild man with a nice little
violin, now Sevan, also with long hair and beard and lots of tattoos,
looked a little funny with some small flute in his big hands *g*
Likeably, the band did not entrench backstage after the gig, quite
contrary, they could be found in the audience after a very short
Great Gig and Horns up, I’m already looking forward to November,
when I’ll have the next opportunity to see ELUVEITIE.
Setlist: Andro, Your Gaulish War, The Song
Of Life, Lament, Of Fire, Wind & Wisdom, Slania's Song, Primordial
Breath, The Dance Of Victory, Tegernakô, // Spirit, Uis
:: made Dong History some years ago, when they
played two great sets as
headliner. I could not be there back then, and I almost had missed
them this year, too. SKYCLAD almost had to cancel
their show, because they lost all their equipment besides some
cymbals and the violin during their trip to Germany, as singer
Kevin told the story between the first few songs. Chief organizer
Stephan could manage to borrow a replacement for the lost stuff,
and as reward for that, he could chose a song, that the band would
play in exchange. Thanks to that, the D:O:A experienced
the live premiere of a song SKYCLAD had never
played in front of an audience before: Helium. That one,
and of course all the other songs like Anotherdrinkingsong
or Penny Dreadful were enthusiastically received. Some
people in front of me could not calm themselves anymore and simply
jumped up and down like crazy during the whole set. Others turned
the small grassland within the enclosed tent area into a dancing
ground *g*
Based on the great resonance by the crowd, SKYCLAD
where allowed to massively overrun their stage time, and extended
the set to two hours. And I guess, if they had not been “forced”
to come to and end, it would have lasted even longer!
now only one band was left to conclude the festival and the Folk/Viking
evening it was during the last hours. Although it was way past
12, the tent was still full, when ::
:: came out. As usually bare- and partially beer-bellied
and with the obligate war painting, the young guys from Finland
started off to tickle the last party energy out of the fans. And
of course, the metalheads in front of the stage gave it everything.
I think no one left, maybe apart from getting a new beer, until
ENSIFERUM were done with the show. Songs of all
three albums were played while the guys presented themselves in
perfect playing mood, over and over animating the crowd to sing
along. So no one actually believed in it, when ENSIFERUM
left the stage for the first time after about 70 minutes with
the title track of Victory Songs. Of
course there had to be encores, the gig could end without One
More Magic Potion and Iron, and with Guardians
Of Fate, the played even a third bonus song. But after Iron,
neither applause nor encore chants helped - the musical part of
the DONG OPEN AIR 2007 was history. And ENSIFERUM
made it a worthy final.
Setlist: Intro, Deathbringer From The Sky,
Treacherous Gods, Ahti, Into Battle, Token Of Time, Blood Is The
Price Of Glory, Dragonheads, The New Dawn, Tale Of Revenge, Victory
Song // One More Magic Potion, Guardians Of Fate, Iron
While we were
waiting fort he „untrue“ shuttle bus to get down the
hill, I unfortunately could witness some less nice scenes: One
or more guys seemed to have beaten some others up, and now were
chased through the camping ground by police and security. And
another did not have much luck as well. He was not beaten up,
but some idiots overthrew a portaloo, while he was inside. Bah.
And I for myself wasn’t that happy that some assholes snitched
my rucksack. And even worse, I was not the only one how had to
bemoan the loss of some stuff.
Anyhow, compared
to all of the positive aspects of the DONG OPEN AIR 2007,
all that does not really count in at all. Overall, the festival
was outstanding again. The billing was great and provided some
positive surprises. The drink supply was mostly quick and satisfying,
and the prices still more than ok.
Security and helpers were friendly, calm and did a good job. Also
the sound was 99% good, thanks to sound guy Klaus (known as singer
for Crikey and Blood Red Angel at the other side of the technique)
and his team for that.
And of course, the overall mood was again as good, as the D:O:A
is famous for. And I’m sure that anyone who was there, will
try to get a ticket for 2008, too.
Anyone who
missed his favorite band or could not attend the festival at all
might at least have a chance to listen to it as sound
stream. Many bands agreed, that a stream of their
show can be published here. For information regarding the schedule,
visit the Dong-board!