year I advocated a monthly D-day. It did not happen. Much more
it seems I have to be satisfied with an annual DIORAMA
event only. Too bad. But when it comes to tours and live shows
DIORAMA appear to be rather stingy. There was no full tour
in support of the band’s most recent album Cubed
and 2012 only sees a handful of shows too. Two ones in Germany
and only one as a single club show. But… luckily…
this one was set to take place at Bochum’s •
• club. Great to live nearby… ;)
pics ::
To grace the
show was always beyond question. DIORAMA long conquered
my heart musically and outperform bands such as Diary Of Dreams,
in my opinion, which became - in comparison - fairly lame these
days. Besides, this show tonight even hold two more offers not
to miss out: first DIORAMA was supposed to play one or
two brand new songs from an album to be released in fall and second,
DIORAMA’s own key wiz FELIC MARC debuted his
solo project live on stage in Germany.

of course conditions that made this show to something special
per se. Many fans (even from Russia) and friends came together
to witness a show par excellence. After the clock stroke 8 ::
MARC :: entered the stage and surprised with a
full band line-up, playing mostly songs from his sophomore Parallel
Worlds. Keyboard player Mylucina took over singing parts
and even delivered a really impressing duet with Felix at Collector.
Pure magic. Gooseflesh. Another highlight for sure was the cover
version of INXS’ super hit Mistify, which was really
awesome. Generally speaking one could sense out a certain Torben
Wendt school all the time, which is definitely not meant in any
negative aspect. FELIX MARC carves its own niche, is authentic
and independent but also ranges on a high quality level and never
drifts off into sickly sweet synth pop tunes. FELIX MARC
played a 60, 70 minutes show. Wow! Stunning!
Setlist: Digital Love, Belles (Surrender), Ghost, Moscow
Paris, Modern Talking, Parallel World, Fallen Stars, Mystify,
Collector, The Muse, Life Is Porn, Garden Of Light, Give Back
The Moments

Short break,
a beer and taking a breath and it’s up to ::
:: to take over. Easy job. They kicked off with a brand
new yet untitled song, followed by the classic Exit The Grey
and the Cubed-song Ignition. Did take a second
to master the crowd I’d say. Audience is under fire, enthused,
almost frenetic, sings along whenever it is possible and cheered
the second new song called Hello Goodbye.
Once again mastermind Torben Wendt delivers an extremely charismatic
performance, while his band plays its souls off. And again, Torben
got injured during the show (twisted his knee), had pains and
was hobbling over the stage since then. Ouch. Though, he did not
slow down any bit and rocked the stage. Much the opposite. He
even pushed back the curfew, played one or two more songs and
came back for three encore songs. It was truly amazing! Fans were
almost freaking out and not to stop adoring the band. Maybe it
is just because DIORAMA rarely play shows. That makes every single
to something really special, something unique and intensive. Yes,
not for love or money I wanted to have missed this show. Afterwards
even more and unexpected friends we bumped into, what a pleasure,
had a great time chats. Fortunately I had a day off and could
take things easy. It got late. Ok, Matrix, see ya tonight again.
Another show’s waiting ;)
Setlist: New Song, Exit The Grey, Ignite, Definition
Power, Acid Trip, Why, Refugee, Hello Goodbye (new song), Erase
Me, Last Minute, Stereotype, Home To Millions, Advance, The Girls
// Someone Dies, Child Of Entertainment, Synthesize Me