DISBELIEF, NOISE FOREST and GORILLA MONSOON sharing one stage, at the same time… at the :: Turock ::… Holy crap!
And it’s like a Déjà-vu!
DISBELIEF already toured with NOISE FOREST (2004) and GORILLA MONSOON (2010, 2012) several times, including stops at the Turock club, of course witnessed, documented and photographed ;) But all three bands united in one tour and show. At least to me :)
Being a fan of all three bands since their early days as well as accompanying them editorial, it probably doesn’t wonder that I was stoked from the day on the dates were announced. Memories popped up in mind from above mentioned shows. Those three bands I already accompany editorial as well as a fan since their early days. And I didn’t see them live for a long time. So, despite of being overtired (early shift) and on caffeine detoxification (just back from tour myself) I was really much looking forward to this show Even more since DISBELIEF have released such a stunning new record that needed to be bought as limited vinyl edition next to some new apparel and other merch. In high spirits I hit the road towards Essen. Stop… Wait... Is this really my first show at the Turock this year? How the hell could this happen?
:: pics :: EAT MY BODY ::

The weather was far away from providing a warm and sunny spring weekend. Good for the clubs, so I thought, and expected a full house. But I got disappointed as the club was just loosely filled, at least in the beginning. Ok, there were other shows and events going on in this area on this weekend so that the audience was separated. On the credit side, fans of :: EAT MY BODY :: had now enough room to mosh around, and there were quite a few of them ;)
This was my first encounter with EAT MY BODY. I heard of this band before, but wasn’t able to catch them live yet. So, time has come to close another gap in musical education closed ;)
With the maximum input of the fog machine EMB kicked off the evening with bloodily charming Death Metal, presenting tracks from their outdated debut EP Gore-BQ (2007) and some newer material. It got to rock and it got to groove. My neck willingly followed the rhythms. That was entertaining.
It’s said that the band rather likes to drink than to play and they obviously did before the show but I couldn’t see any deficits. As for the singer Blutsvente: Beer-posing: check. Heavy headbanging: check. Deep-throated growls: check (correct lyrics not approved ;)). His communication to the crowd could be slightly improved. His band mates did not act that wild but though put on a good show. Perfect opener for this concert night. There’s only one question left: What about a new record?
Setlist: Festival Of Death, Sweat & Blood, Cut, Lord Of Morbid, Pull The Plug (Death Cover), Blood For The Animal, God Is Not An Option
:: pics :: NOISE FOREST ::

A new release :: NOISE FOREST :: have actually to offer. After many years of silence and line-up changes, Boris Kronenberg found new musicians and released the Boiling Blood EP as a first sign of their comeback. Also live they want to have another go, better said another run, as they into their set with brute force and a at neckbreaking speed. As if they were hounded. Perhaps they were by the time schedule as NOISE FOREST had to skip two songs from the setlist. Singer and bass player Boris did not talk that much, just introduced his new mates and besides focused on the set. The moshing fans had meanwhile left for the bar or the smoking area outside and it became silent in front of stage. Too bad. NOISE FOREST would have deserved more moshpits, more action and more response by the fans. I at least really enjoyed their show and I’m happy to see them back on stage.
Setlist: Cramp, Suffer Till Death, State Control, Past Redemption, Be At Peace, Boiling Blood, Greed, Among Enemies, Backbite, Flag
:: pics :: GORILLA MONSOON ::

Long time no see. That also applies to :: GORILLA MONSOON ::. They truly have made themselves scarce. At least in the area I usually haunt. I almost forgot how fucking awesome this band is and I so missed their asskicking and wicked Fuck-You/Southern HellRock attitude :) Hahaha. I so love it!
GORILLA MONSOON played kind of a best-of set through their three albums. I was hoping to get a sign of new material, since their last record, Firegod - Feeding The Beast, dates back to 2015. But there was none. And I missed some dainties, like Extermination‘s Hammer for example, but you can’t have it all, right? It was already a pleasure to see them live again after such a long time :) Applied to all bands.
On this tour GORILLA MONSOON introduce their new axe-man Max, who, from now on, replaces K.K., who parted ways due to job-related reasons. The club was finally well-filled and the crowd cheered and adored the band the way they deserved. Yeah, that’s the way it has to be! Crushing show.
Setlist: Intro, March Of The Hellrock Inc., Damage King, Law Of The Riff, Death Revolution, Call Of Gaia, My Way, Codeine Commander, Born To Lose
:: pics :: DISBELIEF ::

It indeed took seven years, till :: DISBELIEF :: had finished recordings and released and released a new album. And, as you may have noticed, singer Jagger also has a bit on the side, fronting Morgoth since 2014. I’m sure there were quite a few people that had already written the band off. But there's still life in the old dog yet. Renewed life and energy ;) With The Symbol Of Death DISBELIEF have a released a strong comeback album album that musically ties up to the band’s early releases. To me, The Symbol Of Death is one of the top 5 album highlights in 2017!
Live on stage, DISBELIEF still kill too, brutally, and left nothing but scorched earth and headbanging people in the whole club. There was just not that much to see since the fog machine still operated at maximum power. Jagger and his mates played their asses off and seemed to have much fun and delight in doing so. Last time I saw them playing they rather seemed to be sick and tired of the scene and business.
By the way, drummer Fab was absent, having his bit on the side with Antimatter, touring through France and Spain. In May, he will return to his duties in DISBELIEF. Meanwhile, Morgoth drummer Marc was helping.
DISBELIEF played half of the songs from their new album The Symbol Of Death and spiced them up with a view classics. They played for almost 2 hours and my neck was thankful that the show came to an end but it felt way too short though! Yeah, I got hooked again ;)
Yes, DISBELIEF are back! And I definitely want more!
Did I already mention how fucking awesome that concert night was? Killer show! Thank you DISBELIEF! Thank you GORILLA MONSOON! Thank you NOISE FOREST! And thank you Peter & Turock for putting up this great show!
Setlist: The Symbol Of Death, Full Of Terrors, Sick, A Place To Hide, To Defy Control, The Unsuspecting One, Rewind It All, Navigator, One By One, Embrace The Blaze, Hate/Aggression Schedule // Misery, Shattered
