[Dajana] EARTH are recognized as pioneers of drone metal, leaving a huge impact on many bands of this sub-genre EARTH laid the foundation for. Founded back in 1989 EARTH became legendary for their distorted, droning and minimalist song structures, with the band's Earth 2 being regarded as a milestone of this genre. Just remember the fact that Sunn O))) once started as an EARTH tribute band. 2014 has seen the release of EARTH’s 10th album Primitive And Deadly, another great piece of musical art, which them they embarked on a European tour now. Germany secured four shows and one of them took place at the • FZW Club • in Dortmund. Lucky me ;) This was a date not to be missed by every connoisseur of extravagant sounds! I already have seen EARTH playing live (at Inferno Festival, Norway, in 2012) and knew there was to expect something great.
[BRT] For me it was the very first EARTH show and I was quite curious and psyched.
:: pics ::
[Dajana] We started the evening with our “Dortmund ritual”, having a first stop at Idiot Records for a beer, some CDs and the newest Deaf Forever issue, followed by a visit at • Burger Initiative • 5, 6 houses down for an excellent dinner. And though we arrived at the FZW a little bit too early and had to wait outside till the doors got opened up. Never mind.
[BRT] Yeah, both stores couldn’t be located any better. I’m just wondering why not more people do this tour; it’s the perfect concert preparation!

[Dajana] The evening was kicked off by :: DON MCGREEVY & ROGIER SMAL DUO ::, a loose collaboration of :: DON MCGREEVY ::, known for being one of the founding members of Seattle's Master Musicians Of Bukkake (aahh, love this band too), as well as old and new bassist for EARTH. I actually never heard of :: ROGIER SMAL :: before. Hailing from Amsterdam, he is a gifted drummer experimenting with free percussion sounds. He plays with different groups, musicians and solo. However, it didn’t seem to be just a “jam session”. As for that the songs were to complex and elaborated. It was really amazing to see those skilled musicians playing live together.
[BRT] Really exciting and completely different from usual listening habits. I got reminded of the early days of experimental Chicago sounds, which arose around post rock veterans Tortoise. Sounded like a mix of Avant-garde, Freejazz and acoustic Rock sound. Crazy. And played with much delight. It is always again so great to discover new bands, musicians and sounds. If one can’t imagine what we are talking about here but wants to know – go to your CD second hand dealer and look for the Chicago 2018 – It‘s Gonna Change compilation released in 2000 ;)

[Dajana] Also the :: BLACK SPIRITUALS :: were completely new to me. And it was challenging. BLACK SPIRITUALS that is Marshall Trammell, a breathtakingly gifted percussionist, and Zachary James Watkins, a guitarist sound wizard. And here we talk about experimental sounds with jam character, kind of freestyle in every way. I bet no show sounds like the other. What Marshall Trammell did on the drums left me speechless. Can’t find words for this. That’s something everybody has to experience itself. During the first song Dylan Carlson joined in to add some melodies. Definitely nothing to get an easy access to, but stunning!
[BRT] F**king A! Guitar feedback noise meets wild Freejazz drumming. Yes, I’m speechless too, with my jaw dropped. And we were not the only ones who looked like that. What Zachary James Watkins did on his guitar and the huge effects board reminded me a bit of Caspar Brötzmann Massaker. As you can see we range here far, far away from classic Rock structures. Great! But to enjoy that way only live I guess. The visual aspect, especially of drummer Marshall Trammell, is not to undervalue as well.

[Dajana] After those supporting bands :: EARTH :: almost appeared to be like “straight” ;) Here we got clear melodies, hooklines and song structures. Mesmerizing slowness. Close your yeys and let it go…
[BRT] Listening to Primitive And Deadly dusty highways, shimmering heat over the desert’s ground and a road movie in slow motion pop up in mind. I’m praying for such movie only EARTH could do the soundtrack for (Jim Jarmusch’s 2009 movie The Limits Of Control gives a hint). This special atmosphere went a bit under in the club with its slightly washed-out sound. But the trio manages without further instruments (and guest vocals) to capture the magic of the album. Dylan Carlson drug-related past visibly take its toll on him, he doesn’t look really healthy. A bit grumpy maybe. Drummer Adrienne Davis seemingly plays the same patterns but she celebrates her play like a sword dance at the crack of dawn. It was a real pleasure to watch her “work”. EARTH played a selection of songs through the entire history yet focusing on the new record Primitive And Deadly. Great songs, great atmosphere, also without a singer. Great evening!
Setlist: Badgers Bane, Even Hell Has Its Heroes, The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull, There Is A Serpent Coming, Old Black, Ouroboros Is Broken, Torn By The Fox Of The Crescent Moon, From The Zodiacal Light