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2011-05-19 DE – Essen - Turock

It seems like ENTOMBED enjoy to pop up spontaneously and unexpected for a handful of shows and then to disappear again in abysmal immersions. Well, that’s fine to me as long as I don’t miss them. Luckily we have a permanent calendar for Turock shows so events like that can’t per se escape our attention ;) My work schedule graciously let me sally forth but makes clear… the night will be a short one…

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Time to enter my second home and to worship some Swedish dudes ;) To warm up before :: HARASAI :: enter stage. Got in touch with at last year’s tour with Insomnium/Ghost Brigade and they did a great job there. Of course HARASAI still focused on their most recent album release The I-Conception, but also presented two brand new songs. And this time HARASAI kicked so downright ass, everybody was in move, posing, headbanging as if there was no tomorrow. Yes, it was a real pleasure! :)
Setlist: …Into Oblivion, Silent Murder, (new one), Hour Of The Dead Eyes, Destructive Masquerade, A Constant Disbelief, (new one), Spearhead Of Storms

Next round of warm up exercises with :: LAID IN ASHES :: It has been quiet around the guys as of late. As we got told by fronter Fabian the break lasted 7 months due to the departure of their bass player. Now they found a new one with Markus Rühl, started to play shows again and it is was said, LAID IN ASHES also working on new material. Great! As for now they still offered songs from the last both records Solitary Ghostride and Bastards From Hell… oh yeah, couldn’t have said it any better *lol* Hell is open and these gents are still as aggressive and brutal as ever. Nothing has changed so far and fans are freakin’ out, going wild literally. LAID IN ASHES are back!
Setlist: The Bone Collector, Fuel To The Fire, Teutonic Death, Hellbound, Say Goodbay To Innocence, Purified, Solitary Ghostride, Freakshow 666

Ok, neck is ready. Having seen :: ENTOMBED :: twice last year I knew that they are still able to kill live on stage. Anno 2011 however the Swedes excel themselves and deliver such a great show that I’m just blown away. There in such great mood, L.G. is fooling and joking around, pulling faces and running wild on stage, while the crowd burst of laughter. One classic after another got shot into the audience, from the debut record Left Hand Path up to the very last output Serpent Saints. Audience is thrown for a loop, looses any grip of itself ;) ENTOMBED honors and cheers with beers and… um… Jagermeister? Rest of the band of course does not fall any short, especially baser Victor poses and gets the crowd up. What a hell of a great show! Can hardly stand still and smile like a Cheshire cat. Woah! Heart and soul shine now! Thank you ENTOMBED, thank you Turock, I’m coming back, the day after tomorrow ;)
AAAHHH… by the way… ENTOMBED are coming back too for the summer festivals, filling in a handful of club shows. So, don’t miss them!
Setlist: Eyemaster, Serpent Speech, Living Dead, Sinners Bleed, Serpent Saints, I For An Eye, Crawl, When In Sodom, Like This With The Devil, Supposed To Rot, Damn Deal Done, Left Hand Path // Chief Rebel Angel, Demon, Wolverine Blues // Out Of Hand


story & pics © Dajana