After two shows at the Turock Club in Essen during the last years FATES WARNING fans are now invited to see the band playing live at the • Matrix Club • in Bochum, Germany ( where they already played too in the past). Around a Belgian festival appearance FATES WARNING put a short tour together to make worth the travel over the pond. Tonight’s show takes place just a half year after the last European tour and is still in support of the band’s newest effort Darkness In A Different Light.
:: pics ::

Maybe it was too early to tour Germany again; the Tube at the Matrix club did fill poorly. Hardly 200 fans showed up. Contrary to the usual two-bands-practice tonight’s how offered a third, a local opener, Essen-based youngsters :: AERANEA ::. Founded back in 2012, the band seemingly wants to mystify themselves, hiding its origination and making all announcements - if at all - in English. Not that much to learn about them either. What I found out: the names of all band members start with C. By the way, one of those Cs was a former Jesus On Extasy member, what definitely left its impact musically. AERANEA play melodic Gothic Rock with a powerfully modern production and some Industrial/Electro-like samples interspersed. Singer Christina has in fact a pleasant voice but hardly ever changes her vocal style. Visually the band goes through all popular clichés (you know… sliced dusty clothes patched with safety pins and black duct tape plus muddy make-up) and has to face a couple of technical problems as for example the transmitters of one guitar player fell several times out of his trouser pocket. Well… we all have to start somewhere, right? ;) I suppose that all played tracks come from the band’s debut album As The Sun Died. Solid show but did not leave much of an impression.

The complete opposite happened with :: KINGCROW :: I was much looking forward to see this band playing live again. I met them first as Jon Oliva’s Pain support two years ago and was blown away by their performance. KINGCROW play progressive Metal/Rock with heart and soul and much in the veins of (older) Pain Of Salvation. Not too tricky and complicated yet challenging. And the band itself is so downright likable ;) The Italians have a new album out, In Cresendo, they support on this tour. And I have to say the new songs sound awesome live. What a stunning gooseflesh creating and highly energetic show! KINGCROW are much welcome to join my Prog faves next to Pain Of Salvation and Threshold :)
Setlist: Intro, The Drowning Line, Right Before, This Ain't Another Love Song, Fading Out, Morning Rain, In Crescendo

I guess there is not that much to write about :: FATES WARNING :: anymore I did not already tell you. Fans got closer to the stage and made a welcome noise as if the location was packed ;) Ah well, beer had its part too as we are still in the Easter weekend ;) Frank Aresti is still absent and gets replaced by Mike Abdow, who meanwhile plays much more experienced and livelier. Tonight’s show was shorter but included more or less the same setlist. Firefly once again makes me happy. It’s still my fave song from the new album. Love it! The crowd is noisy, cheering and singing along what makes the band smile ;) Once again a great show! Not as thrilling as the last one I’d say but still amazing.
Setlist: One Thousand Fires, One, Life In Still Water, APSOG III/V/VI/XI, Into The Black, The Eleventh Hour, Point Of View, Firefly, Through Different Eyes, Wish, Another Perfect Day, Monument // Still Remains, I Am
