heaviest month in matter of touring is now drawing to an end, but
rearing up the last time, mobilizing everyone who can hold an instrument…
My personal wrecker’s weekend got started with legendary Swedish
Goth’n’Rollers FUNHOUSE who have again
a few gig dates in Germany. Since their album Never Again
in ‘96 FUNHOUSE are one of my all-time favs
and I finally got the chance to experience the gents live face to
face. This evening’s support was provided by SPIRITUAL
CRAMP, a band I met on last year’s Black Elben Festival
and REPTYLE (both hailing from Bielefeld, Germany).
scene of the crime was an odd scruffy location, with the charm of
an narrow-minded and rural look, but though regularly giving home
for numerous events. The PA seemed to be as old as the walls are,
what led to the fact, that none of the bands had its sound check
done when the doors opened. With some electricity finally running
through the plugs, amps, speakers and micros starting to buzz the
chaos just begun…
pics ::
CRAMP ~ kicked off the show around one and an
half hour behind schedule and with minor sound problems, driving
mastermind Stefan mad. But latest after A Stair Into Mind
the trio came into a better fairway and could strike up more relaxed.
Musically speaking the band focused on the latest material from
To Say Goodbye album, but also did not
miss out songs from the previous albums Time and Colour. Myself,
it seemed SPIRITUAL CRAMP played more self-confident
as they did last year. Singer Ivi seemed to have improved her voice,
because she sounded more powerfully expressive. The band delivered
a wonderful repertoire of melancholy-draped Electro/Wave songs that
was well-acclaimed and the audience demanded for an encore.
Setlist: Relief, The Witch, A Stair Into Mind,
Reality, Detail, Phoenix, Passion, Decay, Luk // Centuries

~ being troubled by sound probs as well, obviously
did not take notice any since the monitor sound seemed to be ok.
Anyway, REPTYLE play Gothic Rock in the classic
style and within the veins of British heroes with big gestures and
poses. Fronter Zulu really knows how to conduct his act on stage
and present himself in the best way (or how much to drink for it,
might be the reason for some out of tune parts ;)). REPTYLE
have enhanced for the better for the song writing of the brand new
material that is more refined and mature than on the debut album
A High And Lonely Place. Sure as I speak
this, the band’s eye-catcher has to be 4-stringer Moci, who
was running the risk to stumble over all these wires and scruffy
stage stair with her high-heels. REPTYLE received
a great feedback and had to hit the stage for an encore.
Setlist: Black Snow, One Touch, Bought Me A
Lie, The Scourge, Green Land, Massacre Celebration, Suffer, Something
Wrong In Eden, All Is Love, Honest Liar, In Hell, Because // Anyway

~ hit the stage after midnight and proved that sex,
drugs & goth’n’roll is still the source of all life
an energy for the lovely Swedes. I rarely know a band that is playing
their asses off with so much enthusiasm and as happy as a child.
To me they seemed to be like little boys getting their favorite
toys back in their hands… ;) (sorry cuties, I could not resist
*lol*). FUNHOUSE had to add a session guitarist,
since Peter Mårdklint is roaming the streets down under, but
it seems Matthias (of Mobile Mob Freakshow fame) got already adopted
entirely. That crazy cat hooked up all the band’s material
in less than two weeks and already rocked the London stage. With
the distinct guitar sound FUNHOUSE captivated the
willing listeners with the first tones of opener Care For You
‘till the end of their set. After every fucking song the band
got euphoric ovations. And FUNHOUSE definitely
enjoyed the feedback, drinking beer, wine and other stuff, toasting
at the fans while having a sunny smile on their faces, that actually
not really fitted to the dark and melancholic music they played
;) Anyway, FUNHOUSE played just an hour which was
definitely way to short, especially since the band did not play
any classics. Despite frenetic “we want more” screams
the fans got just one encore including three tracks (only one from
Never Again). What a great show!!!
Setlist: Care For You, Forever True, Chosen
One, I Feel Joy, Second Coming, Never Let Me Down Again, Tung Hit,
So Cold Without You, Cry For Love, Star In My Heart // Stand Alone,
Voices, White Wedding

it was really an amazing an hilarious evening, I would dump every
other band for. The location was really well-attended and the audience
was likewise good-humored and open-minded. Sound problems got amply
ignored and all bands got their great feedback and credits. Ok,
Funhouse a little more I guess… ;)
After the chaotic beginning I pushed back the planned interview
and did it after the show. Turned out into a funny affair, since
the level of alcohol was much higher then. When everybody hit the
road it was already 3am which scared me to death. Because I had
still to go one and a half hour and had to be at work on time at
5.30am. Well, I made it *lol*… on time! Did not look that
fresh, but who fucking cares? Hehehe… The only thing I wanna
nag about is the fact, that there was no real light on stage to
take pictures. And I wanted to take tons of them, great ones, ya
know… It was such an amazing show! Thank you guys, love ya
all! Cheers!!!