Erzingen/Klettgau - the quiet town was not really known to me until now. But if GODS WILL BE DONE after several months of absence from the stage boarded a stage again, then the city on the border to Switzerland is working suddenly far up on the places-to-be list. With DARK ZODIAK and HELLVETICA also were two acts on the bill, which are also busy earning their spurs in the underground. So off to the base – off to the • Durchzug •.

:: DARK ZODIAK :: pulled the trigger for the go-ahead before benevolent counted 100 people. For the local heroes from neighboring Eggingen the Durchzug is something like the second living room. Hometown crowd! Almost needless to say that DARK ZODIAK clearly had fun on the say the least manageable stage from the first note. And the sparks ignited instantly fuses the present. Somewhere in the tension between Thrash and Death Metal the Klettgauer phony stylish by their previous two outputs See You In Hell and Throwing Stones. But the big plus in the band is certainly the lady behind the mic. Simone interacts skillfully examines close to the crowd in front of the stage, appears authentic and heats the Durchzug at the right moments with the right words. DARK ZODIAK presented them as well-functioning opener that put the final song Holidays (including awesome crowd-shout-parts) the final point behind an awesome show.
Setlist: I Can't Breathe, We Are Your Nightmare, Blowout, Time, Throwing Stones, Black Soul, Endless Pain, See You In Hell, Holidays

It could not run much better for :: HELLVETICA ::. Are the Swiss in their homeland long ago not unknown more (the stage were shared already with Samael, Sodom, Cataract or Six Feet Under), the gig in Klettgau means to be one of the first in Germany. The still heated atmosphere was perfectly adapted by HELLVETICA. Opening with Deadly Eyes and Raging Wars of the current EP Deadly Eyes resembled the surplus fuel to the fire. Who expected that the audience turn their backs to the stage after Dark Zodiak, was disabused. The motley crowd in the Durchzug turned out to be an extremely grateful (excluding the small group of long-haired cowl carrier with felt Poison patches - the journey to Jerusalem remains either in preschool or in Wacken) and was loosely inspired by HELLVETICA. No wonder the Swiss celebrates groovy Thrash Metal without frills that runs live in leg and in neck muscles quite well. The only drawback: The Stage in the Durchzug was just too small for the energy level of the Swiss. The brick shithouse behind the mic called Roman Wettstein obscured not only the sun - with his stage acting heavily inspired by Madball and stuff like this you can provide him a soccer field. I would bet any money that this expert would plow every square centimeter. Swiss quality remains Swiss quality.
Setlist: Deadly Eyes, Raging Wars, Take Back My Life, Face The Facts, Last Fucking Breath, The Dream Is Dead, Rise And Fall, Your Destiny, Forever Revolution, Get To The Choppah

Uncompromising as ever - even after a long stage break... This is :: GODS WILL BE DONE :: in 2015. The first barrage in the form of Mark Of Cain and False Prophet cater for a respectful crowd acting with handbrake in front of the stage first. But at the point the band based in Paderborn leave the Apex Predator of the leash and call to circle pit, all hell broke loose. What follows joins not only seamlessly from the first two bands on, it topped it all off. GODS WILL BE DONE put their detonations mainly from the Apex Predator album in the crowd. Hellvetica drummer Bobby practiced in stage diving while circle pits were ignited again and again. In front of the stage a safety distance was temporarily required if Gulles’ dreadlocks turned into rotor blades (the diameter I guess is loose to 3 meters). Even the above-mentioned habit-troop splintered off and was inspire benevolent in parts. The mandatory extra track called The Exorcist on the plan - even if all the evil spirits was already laid in ruins. A great gig, a great headliner for a perfect night at the base.
Setlist: Mark Of Cain, False Prophet, Apex Predator, Democracy Is Dead, In Nomine Dei, Atheist = Heretic, High On Hate, Black Agenda, I Came To Die, The Price Of Loyalty, Eat You Whole, The Exorcist
Except for DARK ZODIAK the epicenter moved in the night even further towards Switzerland to set the next peg in Lenzburg. The messages to there were also superb, excessive vibrations in metallic parallel universe were noticed.
