metropolis does not let me go... London. Although this city itself
is already fascinating a lot, it is the combination with a show
or festival I cannot get anywhere else that eternise these trips.
Some chaos included of course… The first instalment of the
FEST EVENT LONDON was meant to be a trial run for
a possible tour trek as we know from the No Mercy Festivals and
as a warm-up party for the Inferno Festival itself. Anyway, the
organizers had not to fear anything; this year’s fest was
quickly and completely sold out. Of course bands like ENSLAVED
and ARCTURUS attracted a lot of attention but
there has been many fans who also wanted to witness the first
ever live show of GRIMFIST and of course seeing
RED HARVEST performing live.
Scene of the crime was the very popular Underworld
in Camden Town, which unfortunately was way too small for such
an event. In the basement of The Worlds End there might be 450
people fit in, but whose sight on the tiny stage got blocked by
a few columns.
Instead of a usual after show party the organizers invited to
an amusing warm-up party in the early afternoon 2 hrs prior the
show, where everybody could drop in. Bands and VIP’s got
offered a delicious buffet and drinking for free, which was highly
accepted. But I guess it was not the food but the waitresses…
barely dressed with opulent bust sizes… ;)
pics ::
~ kicked of the show exactly on schedule at 6pm.
The band opened was not a disrespectful mistake by the organizers
but rumours say drummer Cato Bekkevold wanted to fly back home
a little later this evening for a fishing trip *lol*. If you ask
an ENSLAVED fan he will sign with his own blood
that it was a great show. I personally do not think so! It was
ok, it was aggressive, but before the spark could jump over the
45 minutes slot was finished. Like kind of a spook ;) ENSLAVED
of course focused on their brand new material from ISA
album which even got nominated for this year’s Grammy Award
in Norway, interlacing with songs from Monumension.

have seemingly lost their bassist on the way to the stage. He
just appeared with the second track (a string was broken). GRIMFIST
did not take any prisoners. Although it was the very first live
show the ghoulunatics disrespectfully kicked everybody’s
ass. While axe man Ole debut as the master of evil faces, Frediablo
was jumping around like a berserker, did not stand still any second.
And new entry Dustin Perle behind the skins (he replaces Horgh,
who is way too busy in Hypocrisy to fulfil his obligations in
GRIMFIST) lived up to his promise: he came to
destroy London! Emptying his bottle of whisky Frediablo needed
all the times some help from his set list to know which song is
the next. Anyway GRIMFIST served us a great show,
I had a lot of fun, the band too. GRIMFIST kills!
Primal Aggression, Outlined In Black, World Of Wrath, From
Hell & Back, No Compromise, Obsession, Lesser Of Two Evils,
Ghouls Of Grandeur, Christ Denied, Mosh-pit Underground

was a band I was looking forward to see them live again. The last
show I have in mind was long time ago in the Netherlands …
totally blurred. The band surprised with two new songs (The
Flood To Come, Sedition) from their upcoming album, that
should be released soon. And I was thrilled! The new songs are
unbelievably heavy, powerful, tricky and still sort of crazy.
If these both songs are reflecting the entire material of the
new album they will deliver a masterpiece! Just great I tell you!
The feedback was amazing and the gents around energetically voluptuous
front woman Agnete whose sunny disposition intrigued those around
her had a lot of fun and enjoyed the positive response. Great
atmosphere and I’m really looking forward to the new album!
Omnivore, The Flood To Come, Breaker Of Worlds, Jigsaw, Sedition,
Rust Cleansing, Necropol Lit

enclosed themselves with a dark hypnotic atmosphere. Fitting to
their graphical design of their current album Internal
Punishment Programs the stage was shrouded into
a dark red light, underplayed with apocalyptic sounding Industrial
samples. And it was crowded on stage since it also had to harbor
the synths and computers. Singer/guitarist Ofu Kahn was like a
beast on stage, nothing was save from his aggressiveness, while
four-stringer Thomas B spend most of the time to his beer, not
forgetting to toast to the audience. Solid show, but nothing special.
Fall Of Fate, Mekanizm, GodTech, Cybernaut, Teknocrate, Internal
Punishment Programs, Cold Dark Matter, A.E.P, Beyond The End

ARCTURUS could hit the stage it took the triple
time to change the backline. Every other band made in 15 minutes
but ARCTURUS needed almost an hour. Well, that’s
known… But not enough, while the stage crew was still stumbling
over wire a guy from Terrorizer magazine entered the stage to
finish the raffle they started at the door. But before he could
pull out the first winner he saw filled cups thrown at him, accompanied
by catcalls and ARCTURUS calls. The only good
thing was the announcement of the entire billing of this year’s
Inferno Festival in March. That poor gent could not find the winner
for the Inferno Festival backstage pass so he better headed off
the stage for certain reasons…
finally, here they are again. For the first time the legendary
Norwegians had four shows outside of Norway in the last year and
it seems they took a fancy to it. Beside the Inferno Fest in London
they will play different festivals this year, followed by a tour
after the new album is released in August. Once just a loveless
treated side project it seems ARCTURUS turned
out into a real band with live-appetite. The special on this evening’s
show was without a doubt the live debut of new singer Simen Hestnæs
(Dimmu Borgir) who replaces Øyvind Hægelund. Hestnæs
already lend his incredible (guest) voice to La Masquerade
Infernale, so he is not an unknown to the band.
Seeing that physical neglect took its toll on his frame and changes
with his facial looks a lot of girls noticed what I saw as well.
Nevertheless Simen jumped on the stage and started singing as
if there is no tomorrow. What a voice! And what a waste in DB!
I can well imagine that he speedily said yes when he got the vacant
position offered. He now seems to free himself, at least it appeared
like that. Anyway, I also have to confess, that he was not entirely
convincing. I guess there was not enough time to practice…
I have seen him singing much better. Another indication: his two
(!) micros with effects…
Compared to the show on the last year’s Nebelmond Festival
the guitar amp got killed before the band started (was it the
same?). But Red Harvest helped out :) However, ARCTURUS
played a great show and they obviously enjoyed the freakin’
out audience. Much fun for everybody!
After 45 minutes the show was over. No encore for ARCTURUS
as well as for the other ones. While getting the equipment together
the band members just entered the stage again for some hand-shakings
and cheers.
Master Of Disguise, Painting My Horror, Ad Absurdum, Alone,
Nightmare Heaven, The Chaos Path, Raudt Og Svart, To Those Who
Dwellst In The Night

Hardly the
last tune was gone as me and Jim had to run for the last tube.
It was a shame because I missed the meeting with the girls and
guys from the ARCTURUS forum :( One of these
guys even came from Brazil to see this show! Respect!
Upshot: The Underworld was really way to small
for such an event. Since the organizers already were thinking
about to change the venue, they should have done it. But it is
a fact: this show was it definitely worth it to head over to London!
And as I already got to hear, there will be a new issue next year
:) Oh, I had to offer some ideas regarding the bands … what
about Zeenon for example? ;)
At the end let me send a huge “Thank You” to Inferno
organizer Ann Frestad, you know what for. I owe you something!
That girl has done a great job with this fest! Cheers!