of all, I really hate standing in line. But I have to, since that's
how it works in Sweden (Stockholm) and I'm not at Pub Anchor until
about 10.30pm. I'm here to see INSANIA of course.
It's going to be the fourth time I see them live, and each time
is better than the last. The band won't start their set until
12.30 however, since it is the clever idea of the owner of the
club. People will stay longer if they have to wait for the band,
and thus buy more alcohol. But hey, no problem, I can wait. I'm
inside, and it's pretty fucking crowded already. I give my jacket
to the girl in the closet, and then I'm looking for the band.
It doesn't take long until I meet Tomas (bass) and he recognizes
me. We have a short chat, and I tell them that I have some pictures
of earlier gigs on the web, and he sounds really enthusiastic
about it all, which of course is what I expected. Tomas is a really
nice guy, and great onstage. I go and buy myself a coke (I don't
want to get too drunk and risk being thrown out), and then I spot
guitarist Peter, who comes up to me, and we talk about the fansite
I'm doing for them, and he says he thinks it's really great I'm
finally putting it online. He says that the guys of INSANIA
have a table on the upstairs floor, and that I should go talk
to them, so I make my way upstairs and spot Dimitri (keyboards)
sitting at a table with a friend and some girl. I'm kind of nervous,
but as soon as I've introduced myself I feel better, and Dimitri
asks me to sit down. I tell him there are pics of them if he wants,
and where to find them. We talk for a while, and then Dimitri
goes down and backstage to speak with the others and I'm left
with his friend and his girlfriend. Soon other people I don't
know join in, and things get really crowded. I look down from
the balcony and right down into the cleavage of some young blonde
chic and her friends. Nice...
flies, and I run into INSANIA’s
sound guy, who won't be handling the sound tonight however, and
he's pretty drunk, but not as drunk as his friend, and they start
going on about a black metal band they supposedly had going in
the early nineties, and claim to have played together with Dimmu
Borgir and Marduk. I know it's a joke of course, but I play along.
Then vocalist Ola comes in from outside, wearing a really cute
cap, and we shake hands a talk a little. Ola is a really warm
and friendly person, a true down to earth guy.
the time has come, and the band enters the stage, which is really
small. If I want to I can reach out and touch the guys, and I
have a great line of vision all along. The band opens with a bombastic
keyboard intro before bursting into Face The King, which
has become somewhat of a trademark opening song for INSANIA
lately. This mid tempo piece offers excellent choruses, and everyone
in the front row sings along, even though it is only the first
song. Directly after comes Life After Life, my all time
favorite INSANIA song, and if I had to leave
now, I would already have been satisfied. Words cannot to this
song justice. As the evening progresses we are treated to such
diamonds as Master Of My Mind (another favorite) and
an oldie from the first album World Of Ice
called Paradisia. Also, for the first time live, the
band performs Illusions, written by none else than Ola
himself, who jokingly says, after having completed the song, that
it is the hardest one for him to sing live, and calls himself
and idiot for having written it! All the time, it is clear how
much the band has progressed with the new members (Peter/guitar
and Dimitri/keyboards), and it is truly amazing to watch Peter
handle the solos alone (earlier INSANIA had two
guitarists), accompanied by the keyboards of Dimitri, who has
been given more space now. Equally fun to watch is bass player
Tomas, who has a great stage personality, and really looks like
he’s enjoying what he’s doing. Credits must also go
to drummer Mikko. I can’t believe how powerful that guy
is. Just try playing double bass for five-six minutes in a row
for yourself, and you’ll see.
gig is ended with the classic Land of The Wintersun,
and by then my throat is fit to burst, from having sung along
all night. AND, as a bonus, we are treated to a newly written
song called Valley Of Sunlight, which finds Ola hitting
really high notes, before launching into a great sing along chorus.
The song is going to be on the new album, which Ola says they
hopefully will start recording in May. As of now, INSANIA
are recording a four song demo, so it certainly doesn’t
seem like inspiration has run short. Thank God for that. I’m
really looking forward to new material from the guys, and if the
new songs will be as good as Valley Of Sunlight, well
you get my meaning. All in all, a splendidly sweaty evening!
