any doubt JEAN MICHEL JARRE not only has paved ways for
the era of electronic music, he has revolutionized this genre.
And he still does, for over 40 years now. He has released umpteen
records, broke records too and has influenced legions of musicians
and bands, even deep in the metal scene.
Where music is not that sensational anymore JEAN MICHEL JARRE’s
breathtaking live concepts and light shows and projects definitely
still are! Yes, once in a life time one should have experienced
a JEAN MICHEL JARRE live show!
pics ::
great when dreams come true and for this many, many thanks go
to Handwerker
Promotion. I really appreciate that a magazine like Nocturnal
Hall gets considered for such an event, although we don’t
range any bit in these musical fields. We just scratched the genre
with Klaus Schulze once... ;)
Arrival was
an easy task, no traffics, an empty parking house with a clever
and cheap payment. Cologne’s Lanxess Arena is made
for 18,000 people, not even the half attended I’d say. The
parquet was completely provided with seats killing my hopes to
get into a photopit and being as close as possible to the spectacle.
At the end we got placed at the right corner of the huge stage
and I quickly reached the limits of my equipment. There was one
photographer with a 500 or 600 mm lens; I guess he was the only
one with acceptable results.

Never mind!
The clock strikes 8, lights out, spot on! Bathed in a single white
spot :: JEAN
MICHEL JARRE :: marches in from the backside towards
the stage, shaking hands while the audience jumps up for frenetic
applause. Solemnly the grand master of electronic sounds enters
the stage and graciously bows. He got into his set the classic
way with old and famous tunes, just to go through all decades
spanning periods of his work, step by step during a 2 hrs ride
of extraordinary sounds from outer space. Some of his compositions
got accompanied by videos on a very huge screen behind or by his
breathtaking laser show respectively. In retrospect I have to
confess that I found the laser show not that gigantic as expected.
Of course JEAN MICHEL JARRE’s play on the laser harp
at the Rendez-Vous is something unique.
Much more
I got blown by his set up machinery. Left me almost beyond words.
It looked almost like a fortress of synthesizers, moogs, keys,
Theremin, and analog machinery… whatever. Every now and
then we got a closer view when JEAN MICHEL JARRE had his
head cam on, while his hands and fingers speeded over keys, buttons
and knobs of all kind.
Likewise breathtaking
was the fact that JEAN MICHEL JARRE was jumping and running
all the time during his show. Without a break (and an oxygen treatment
behind the stage – as some might know from some other artists).
I mean, this man turned 63! My deepest respect to this performance
effort. I know many musicians that act like very old men on stage
yet being decades younger than JARRE. They could learn
from him a lot.

Anyway, in
the middle of his set JEAN MICHEL JARRE started talking
about his engagement together with UNICEF and UNESCO to better
education in the world giving better chances to kids in the so
called Third World or developing countries. He dedicated the song
Statistics, which revealed a lot of frightening statistics
in his video.
Yes, my first
encounter with JEAN MICHEL JARRE live on stage was a great
experience. As it comes by nature I loved the old material more
than the newer stuff. But hey, I’m very happy of having
been a part of this all ;)
Intro, Oxygene 2, Equinoxe 7, Equinoxe 5, Rendez-Vous 3, Magnetic
Fields 2, Souvenir De Chine, Oxygene 5, Variation 3, Theremin,
Equinoxe 4, Statistics, Chronology 1, Révolution Industrielle
Part 3, Rendez-Vous 2, Rendez-Vous 4, Chronology 2, Oxygene 4,
Oxygene 12 // Téo & Téa, Vintage, Fin De Siecle