What Destroys You
invasion second part! After the excellent Thrash Metal package with
Overkill and Exodus, Germany’s Thrash veterans KREATOR
take over leaving scorched earth. Unfortunately no other Thrash
band was included, instead KREATOR gets supported by Metalcore,
Pagan and Metal/Rock bands. Odd… and reaping some disapproval.
Maybe they wanted to play safe, getting the bigger location really
filled. That at least worked for the tonight’s show at Halle
pics ::
quarter too early Bavarian youngsters ::
GATE :: kicked off. Frisky, playful and with brimming
self-confidence and enthusiasm galore they played their songs from
their brand new album Rewake. Yes, these guys obviously had
a blast (and drove the roadies mad *lol*). Ok, musically speaking,
their set was ok; in no way spectacular but to warm up and for a
(disgusting) beer it was a nice entertainment.
Setlist: Double Suicide, Next In Line, The Purpose, Gold
& Glass, Trust In Me, Slave, Life v.2.0

:: have a brand new album up their sleeves. It is called
Evocation I - The Arcane Dominion and will be released
on April 11th. Diligent Swiss, Slania just saw one
year. Unfortunately they didn’t play any new song. They just
focused on the great Slania album, plus a few tracks
from Spirit. Too bad, I was really curious. Anyway,
ELUVEITIE rocked da house. Have seen them several times but
can’t remember that they were THAT heavy. Might be, that flutes
and the Hurdygurdy weren’t that good to hear out soundwise,
so that the show was much guitar-dominated. Might be, that I should
have listened to Slania more often ;) However, it
was funny to see that the second guitar got handled by different
kind of people; even Caliban axe-men Marc was “press-ganged”.
It was really a great show and I think, many fans out there were
surprised by ELUVEITIE, keeping this band in mind.
Setlist: Bloodstained Ground, Gray Sublime Archon, The
Song Of Life, Of Fire Wind & Wisdom, Primordial Breath, Tarvos,
Inis Mona, Tegernakô

:: is a band that needs no introduction anymore. That’s
the Ruhr area most famous Metalcore heroes. They for sure are still
hip, they without a doubt know their business but musically they
are way too stereotyped and the genre itself hackneyed as fuck.
Even the obligatory wall of death doesn’t do it, although
it was a mighty one here in Osnabrueck. I guess, it caused a lot
of bleeding noses (saw a few afterwards). CALIBAN’s
last record The Awakening dates back in 2007; a new
one got already recorded (Say Hello To Tragedy), but
wasn’t considered though. Light was better now and the guys
know how to pose effectively. But can’t say that this show
thrilled me in any way.
Setlist: Nowhere To Run - No Place To Hide, I Rape Myself,
The Forsaken Horizon, I Sold Myself, It’s Our Burden To Bleed,
24, I Will Never Let You Down, Stigmata, My Time Has Come, Life
Is Too Short, Stop Running

the end, almost all peeps were here for only one band ::
:: With the thundering intro Intro/Choir Of The Damned
(from Pleasure To Kill album 1986) they lead over
to their current Thrash smasher and title track of the new record
Hordes Of Chaos (album of the month on Nocturnal Hall), accompanied
by the video on a huge screen behind. Everything was alright now,
the support bands… forgotten. KREATOR were the masters
and the crowd followed enthusiastically. Everybody was going wild
and in a twinkling of an eye the first crowdsurfers plopped clumsily
into the photopit ;) And right after KREATOR immersed themselves
deeply into their own history, shooting one classic after another
among the crowd. Damn! What great setlist! What delight! They even
didn’t forget the 1985 debut Endless Pain. Though,
around Violent Revolution certain tiredness could be sensed
out. Not so many fists got raised anymore. Moshpits? No way! On
the tiers left and right drunkards already sleep. It’s Friday
night = weekend, and, as already mentioned, many wanted to see just
one band and killed time by drinking. At least we had a lot to laugh
about ;)
Setlist: Intro/Choir Of The Damned, Hordes Of Chaos, Warcurse,
Extreme Aggression, Phobia, Voices Of The Dead, Enemy Of God, Destroy
What Destroys You, Pleasure To Kill, People Of The Lie, Coma Of
Souls, The Patriarch, Violent Revolution, Terrible Certainty, Betrayer,
Amok Run, Riot Of Violence // Flag Of Hate, Tormentor
