Avatarium - Entombed A.D. - Voivod - Secrets Of The Moon - Villagers Of Ioannina City - Gingerpig
Jess & The Ancient Ones - Lord Dying - Ketzer - Sahg - Albez Duz - Powder For Pigeons
[Dajana] After the successful and acclaimed inauguration last year we were much looking forward for the second edition of LEAFMEAL– A Feast Of Friends. Once again under the roof of the :: FZW Club :: in Dortmund, Germany, 12 bands were booked to rock two stages and to thrill the audience. Half of the bands I never saw performing live so far or even heard of them before. So the LEAFMEAL turned out to be once again a musical expedition into unknown fields. Yes, I was really curios about everything around LEAFMEAL– A Feast Of Friends 2016.
Last year fans complained about the festival set on a Friday as many of them had still to work and so missed the first bands. So, this year’s edition was thankfully put on a Saturday.

[BRT] Ah yeah, great! Welcome to the second LEAFMEAL edition. LEAFMEAL– A Feast Of Friends - a unique festival with a wide spectrum musically in a great venue and a cool concept. So far my personal enthusiasm. Unfortunately, the rush of visitors left much to be desired. What a shame. Either, people are too skeptical when it comes to bands and music different to the so called scene, or there were too many other events around that detracted the amount of visitors.
[Dajana] Yes, I agree. Although the tickets were even a little bit cheaper the LEAFMEAL was visibly less attended. Yes, there was a show in almost every club in the Ruhr area, but that is normal during November. It’s the most packed month of shows and touring. That was indeed a pity. I so would have loved to see the venue packed and crowded or even sold out.
[Dajana] The Friday was used for warm-up parties at the FZW and to small locations around. On Saturday noon the :: Idiots Records :: store nearby offered a signing session from 1 to 2 with VOIVOD and ENTOMBED A.D., which was well attended and much entertaining ;) Both bands took a lot of time to talk to their fans and to sign all kind of memorabilia. I was really, really keen on a limited edition of the VOIVOD - ENTOMBED A.D. split 7” I actually had to buy later at the merch, since they only had the common 7” edition at the store. Still, both bands cared to get my edition signed too :) ♥
:: pics ::
[Dajana] Once again the merchandise and the record fair were located at the bar of the venue. One corner of the counter was booked for :: Burgernitiative ::, a Burger restaurant nearby that was chosen for the catering. Oh yeah, I love this restaurant with its fresh and handmade burgers and sandwiches. But, it didn’t work out well. Their Chili and baguettes were delicious but sold out in a twinkling of an eye. So to say. After around 3 hrs everything was gone and the fans left hungry, as many fans didn’t want to leave the venue for a longer time to get some food outside due to the tight running order. This was in fact the only organizational point to nag about.

[Dajana] On time. :: POWDER FOR PIGEONS :: opened the LEAFMEAL festival on the club stage. And wow, my new discovery #1! And such a great one. POWDER FOR PIGEONS is an Australian-German duo consisting of guitarist and singer Rhys and drummer Meike. And those two created a hell of noise. Highly intensive and energetic. It’s so awesome to see how you can make such dense and diversified sound with only 2 instruments (Ok, recently I saw Black Cobra performing live. Same formula). Hach, I’m in love ;) To see a woman behind a drum kit is always great, especially playing with those mules. Rad! POWDER FOR PIGEONS played songs from their last two records and a brand new one called, The Hobbit. If the band goes on with their release rhythm, this song should be found on a new album released in January 2017 ;) Great show, great start.
Setlist: Ghost Of You, The Hobbit, Early Grave, El Horizonte, Skies, Sign Away, Said & Done

[Dajana] Let’s switch over to the main stage in the hall, where :: GINGERPIG :: kicked off their set. In the twinkling of an eye GINGERPIG turned out to be THE festival surprise to me. Their blend of Blues, Funk and Stoner Rock was so incredibly stirring that the whole audience started swinging heaps and butts. This was stunning! What I didn’t know at this point was that founder, guitarist and singer of GINGERPIG, Boudewijn Bonebakker, was the one back then, who quit Dutch Death metallers Gorefest because he was fed up with that kind of music. Now I know why ;) Damn, that was bloody awesome and entertaining!
[BRT] Hell yes! A really strong start. Boudewijn Bonebakker proved that you can celebrate Classic Rock without permanent Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin recitations. His band played tight, the music was grooving, great solos and catchy refrains. Good! Extremely good!
Setlist: March Of The Gingerpig, Undefined Call, Joe Cool (The Fool), Dimlighted Heart, Burning Up The Road, Nothing, Stay Down, Ugly Heart

[Dajana] The term “occult Doom Metal” gets meanwhile inflationary used. In case of :: ALBEZ DUZ :: this term though perfectly suits the music and the music offers everything one might relate to in this matter. Singer Alfonso Brito has a great voice, deep, charismatic, reminding a bit of Pete Steele. Unfortunately, the singer is so vain that it got on nerves watching him twiddling hair, clothes and jewelry. Ok, with that ravishingly beautiful guitar player at his side he might be in need doing so. Julia Neuman is a real eye catcher and it was indeed funny to watch men watching her playing guitar ;) By the way, ALBEZ DUZ have just released a new album, entitled Wings Of Tzinacan, I’d like to recommend to all those who are into occult Doom Metal.
[BRT] Well, at least the squad is meanwhile rehearsed and doesn’t stumble through its set anymore as experienced in Brussels last year. But it didn’t help that much as the narcissistic singer acts foolish and kills the fun one could have with the music, which isn’t any bad. Technically and vocal-wise ok. And yes, the guitar player was for sure an eye-catcher.

[Dajana] Next up were the :: VILLAGERS OF IOANNINA CITY ::, who left me with ambivalent feelings. Their music might be great to listen to back home within your own four walls, but live on stage there didn’t happen anything. Nope, didn’t catch me at all.
[BRT] No, no, no! I absolutely can’t understand that this band did not catch you. I already read a lot about the Greeks, but to see them performing live was truly an experience. Their progressive tinged psychedelic Stoner sound took the audience on a journey into other dimensions. Also pretty cool was the blown up pig masked as a bagpipe, or was it the other way round? However. The VILLAGERS OF IOANNINA CITY were THE discovery to me! So, right after I bought their CDs and went to the next band.

[Dajana] And this next band was no one else than :: SAHG ::. One day after their tour with Jess & The Ancient Ones and Powder For Pigeons and one day before their tour supporting Opeth, SAHG made a quick stop at the LEAFMEAL Festival. That’s why they played at such an early time. Whatever. I was there right from the beginning, so I didn’t care. And I urgently wanted to see them. Since their album III SAHG is one of my fave bands. And SAHG have just released a new album, Memento Mori, which is also extremely great. Sound wasn’t the best this time but didn’t narrow the pleasure. With songs such as the new Sanctimony or the classic Pyromancer you can’t do anything wrong. The cheering crowd proved them right ;)
[BRT] SAHG played a nice set through their history and score with their unique mix of Doom, Psychedelic, Hardrock and Prog. The guys are in best mood and rocked the small stage down to earth. And yes, I agree, the new album, Memento Mori, is awesome!

[Dajana] Now, the main stage was left in darkness. Mostly. :: SECRETS OF THE MOON :: had announced a special set for this festival. Well, I didn’t find anything special at this. SECRETS OF THE MOON played their new album Sun in its entirety. That’s fine as Sun is great, but nothing special anymore. Especially, since there wasn’t anything else: no visualization on the screen behind, no candles, no fires, no special lights. Nothing. Hardly any lights and a lot of smoke. That’s all. Yes, I was a bit disappointed.
[BRT] Hm. Seems, the discrepancy between a great album and an average live performance becomes a topic in the house of SECRETS OF THE MOON. That’s pretty odd. The musical development the band ran through is great. I especially like the new album Sun, it’s an amazing piece of music. But… as it already happened at the really bad performance at Party San Open Air last year, I absolutely don’t like the cool and reserved manner. Just remember them when on tour with Dark Fortress back then. No, the sparks don’t get ignited anymore. Bummer! I heard some mockery in the background like: “sounds like Paradise Lost…”, which actually isn’t that negative as it probably was meant t be.
Setlist: No More Colours, Dirty Black, Man Behind The Sun, Hole, Here Lies The Sun, I Took The Sky Away, Mark Of Cain

[BRT] I somehow had the same sentiments with :: KETZER :: afterwards. I like the way the band developed during the last decade and their new album, Starless, is truly great. But, as it already happened at Unaussprechlichen Culthe-Festival, KETZER don’t manage to convey their special atmosphere live on stage. And that’s a pity. Maybe it’s because the singer didn’t make the improvement step vocal-wise the band did technically. Maybe the band is still in a transition period. Whatever. At least, KETZER rocked the small stage way more powerful than SOTM did on the main stage.
Setlist: Starless, Satan's Boundaries Unchained, The Fever’s Tide, When Milk Runs Dry, Endzeit Metropolis, X, Godface, He, Who Stands Behind The Rows, The Fire To Conquer The World

[Dajana] Aaaahhh! Finally! :: VOIVOD ::! As a fan girl it was already clear with the announcement that VOIVOD would be THE highlight of the festival. They never fail. And they did not at LEAFMEAL either ;) I just love them ♥ There is hardly any other band so likeable, so down-to-earth, so close to their fans and so awesome musically. VOIVOD of course played another great show, were in high spirits and rocked the stage as if there is no tomorrow. Frontman Snake joked, fooled around, pulled faces and so always scored. And of course they remembered their late guitarist Denis „Piggy“ D’Amour. Damn, 11 years passed already…
[BRT] Yes, yes, yes. Totally agree. But, well, I’m a fan boy too. VOIVOD are the gods I worship. VOIVOD were brimming of energy and enthusiasm and with a lot of punky charm and winks my favorite Canadians rocked through their history. VOIVOD closed with the cover version of all cover versions, Astonomy Domine, and hell broke loose. A band that greets its fans personally at the door of the venue, and put their whole hearts in their shows, all without any airs and graces – is kind of a blueprint for a perfect band. At least, many bands can take a leaf out of VOIVOD’s book. (fan mode off).
Setlist: Killing Technology, Tribal Convictions, The Unknown Knows, Overreaction, Fall, Korgüll The Exterminator, The Prow, Post Society, Psychic Vacuum, Voivod, Astronomy Domine

[Dajana] To see :: LORD DYING :: playing after Voivod is a tough matter. LORD DYING are the third part of current Entombed A.D./Voivod tour and got its slot too. So far the guys from Portland, Oregon, didn’t cross my horizon. And to be honest, they didn’t leave any deeper impression after this show either. The band fully focused on their new album Poisoned Altars.
[BRT] And this record isn’t any bad but suffers from a weak singing. LORD DYING in fact play a great show, its sound is mighty and groovin’, but the pressed singing quickly got on nerves and I escaped. Too bad.
Setlist: Greed Is Your Horse, The Clearing At The End Of The Path, What Is Not... Is, A Wound Outside Of Time, Suckling At The Teat Of A She-Beast, (All Hope Of A New Day)... Extinguished, Darkness Remains

[Dajana] Till October 1st, fans were able to vote for a bunch selected the songs :: ENTOMBED A.D. :: then would play at LEAFMEAL Festival. This way a nice setlist was put together. Show was great but lights were terrible, the worst ones at this festival. Besides, same picture as we have seen with Voivod: a band in best mood kicking asses powerfully, having a lot of fun, most of all frontman Lars-Göran Petrov.
[BRT] Who caught a terrible day regarding his voice. His undifferentiated bawls was hardly to stand and ruined the classics. Nope, that was a bummer. Sound was good, the band was playing tight, but the singing…
[Dajana] Apropos sound… was pretty good the whole festival, except some minor flaws. Chapeau to the sound guys!
Setlist: Waiting For Death, Second To None, Dead Dawn, The Winner Has Lost, Eyemaster, Full Of Hell, Say It In Slugs, Like This With The Devil, Damn Deal Done, But Life Goes On, Out Of Hand, Hollowman, Chief Rebel Angel, Left Hand Path, Night Of The Vampire/Serpent

[Dajana] After Gingerpig, :: JESS & THE ANCIENT ONES :: were the second big surprise to me. Unfortunately I almost completely missed the show because I ended up staying at the Entombed A.D. show. And this was the only band with overlapping stage times. I caught the last 3 songs, but those ones presented a charismatic woman with a stunning voice. Wow! Again a band that is marked as “occult Rock” to catch more attention. Isn’t necessary, the band’s mix of Psychedelic Rock speaks for itself. But yeah, there is something magical to sense, some witchery going on. Hauntingly beautiful. Goose bumps.

[Dajana] And here we are, at the grand finale of the LEAFMEAL– A Feast Of Friends 2016. I have to confess, :: AVATARIUM :: was in fact a worthy headliner but not a smart one. Many people had already left, drained the hall, which didn’t look any good. AVATARIUM for sure did not deserve that. The Swedes dissembled their feelings and played an awesome show and got rewarded by an enthusiastic audience. Most of all the ever wonderful Jennie-Ann Smith enchanted the fans, and made new one. I love her style and her stage outfits. There was someone new on bass guitar. I at least was used to see Anders Iwers live on stage, since founder and bass player Leif Edling hardly ever plays live. And AVATARIUM got some little help from Spiritual Beggars keyboarder Per Wiberg (who already played the Leafmeal festival last year with his other band Kamchatka). As I already said, it was a great show but it was obvious, the fizz has gone. People were tired and left one after another.
Setlist: The Girl With The Raven Mask, Bird Of Prey, Moonhorse, Deep Well, All I Want, Tides Of Telepathy, Run Killer Run, Pearls And Coffins, Avatarium
[Dajana] And here we are, the LEAFMEAL – A Feast Of Friends 2016 came to an end. Once again it was a great and well organized festival. No delays, no cancellations, no troubles. The musical spectrum was wide and interesting. I got surprised and discovered new bands. And I had a blast. Optimal conditions but average ticket sales. I just hope that especially this point did not out that tragically that another edition is impossible. So far, we say thank you and hope to see you next year! :)
