Yeehaw! Monsters unleashed ;) Finnish zombie monsters LORDI have released a new album entitled Scare Force One, to give you once again a good scare. With their wonderfully elaborated and detailed costumes, LORDI enter European stages again to let us know how the new record sounds like live on stage. Admittedly, venues become smaller and the amount of fans less, but the • Matrix • is well-filled, although the stage is almost a bit too small for the 5 monsters and all the stuff, extra people and gimmicks.
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Regarding the fact that there were no support bands announced we had even two. To kick off the evening :: SINHERESY :: from Trieste, Italy entered the stage first, offering two singers (Cecilia Petrini and Stefano Sain) that couldn’t be more different visually. But their combination of voices worked pretty well. The band’s music is pleasing, offering nice and catchy melodies and hooklines. But everything was already heard umpteen times (you know, (Nightwish, Within Temptation and co.) and did not offer anything new or interesting. Songs came from the 2013 released debut album Paint The World and its preceding EP The Spiders And The Butterfly. Nice but anything than spectacular.
Setlist: The Gambler, Made For Sin, Last Fall, Paint The World, Break Point, Temptation Flame

Aaaahhhh, I got warned. Teutonic metal. And true, hardly that :: PALACE :: got on stage they proclaimed it and carved it in stone with the opener Rot In Hell. So to say ;) Yes, that is old school Teutonic heavy metal as its best… I actually missed the last 25 years. To be honest, I never heard of them before and can’t remember that I ever had news or promos of them on my desk. Well… However, PALACE look cute, especially singer and guitarist Harald "HP" Piller (who so reminds me of Running Wild’s Rock’n’Rolf or Grave Digger’s Chris Boltendahl respectively; and so does the music) so typical German, as if they would like to use all clichés this genre has to offer. Same goes for their song titles. But the music is anything than clichéd or tender. Here you’ll get the full raw power of traditional heavy metal. Great riffwork and a band with an overwhelming delight in playing. Just WOW! Singer HP’s voice reminds me a bit of Kreator’s Mille and I’m somehow awaiting an “are you aggressive?” saying, which luckily does not happen ;) The way PALACE got me they got the crowd too. Frenetic screams for them are to hear and a highly cheering audience. Great show!
Setlist: Rot In Hell, Bloodshed Of Gods, Between Heaven And Hell, Dark Prophecies, Iron Horde, Women In Leather, The Healer, Machine Evolution

Now it takes some time to get everything changed. At every corner a box with a lot of stuff stands, plus a gas cylinder for CO2 jets in the photo pit. Huuuh, this will be thrilling ;) First the aircraft captain and his stewardess appear for safety briefing on board the Scare Force One. Ready for take-off? Yeah, off we go! :: LORDI :: hijack the Scare Force One and make clear what they are about with Nailed By The Hammer Of Frankenstein. Right after two LORDI classics follow to heat up the crowd for a mix of songs through the band’s entire history, of course focusing on the new album. Main monster Mr. Lordi complains that it is fucking hot on stage, funny enough, as it is unusual fresh in the Matrix tonight ;) LORDI play a 2 hrs set including a 5 song encore, while clowns, midgets and babies strike bloody horror into people’s hearts. Value for money I’d say! The entire show is pure fun and I once again wonder how they are able bear the heavy costumes over 2 hrs and still play correctly on their instruments. My respect for that! Yes, that was an entertaining evening :) Tired and exhausted I was flown home by my personal Dani Force One ;)
Setlist: Nailed By The Hammer Of Frankenstein, This Is Heavy Metal, Hard Rock Hallelujah, Deadache, Hella's Kitchen, Hell Sent In The Clowns, Blood Red Sandman, Give Your Life For Rock And Roll, Don't Let My Mother Know, How To Slice A Whore, It Snows In Hell, The Riff, Sincerely With Love, Amen's Lament To Ra II, (guitar solo), Not The Nicest Guy, Sir, Mr. Presideath, Sir, Devil Is A Loser // SCG7: Arm Your Doors And Cross Check, Scare Force One, Who's Your Daddy?, Would You Love A Monsterman?, God Of Thunder
