To be honest, I can’t remember my last MY DYING BRIDE show. Must have been ages ago. One reason might be that the Brits hardly ever tour, at least not in recent years. I also lost sight of them musically, so I might have missed some live date announcements as well. It’s the band’s brand new album, Feel The Misery, that brought MY DYING BRIDE back onto my radar of awareness.
All the more it made me happy when I got confirmed for one of those rare shows on this only 10 dates lasting European tour in support of the new album. After a wonderful pre-evening (as Sheldon Cooper would have said) I went to my second home, the • Turock Club • in Essen, Germany, which was completely sold out that night. It’s going to be cuddly…

Before every spark of serenity and felicity got choked, the crowd got pleased with Century Media’s newest signing :: OCEANS OF SLUMBER ::. Hailing from Houston, Texas, this Prog Metal act caused quite a stir with its third full-length, Winter, released on March 16. I had no chance to check them out yet but they got warmly recommended to me right before I headed towards Essen. And yes, rightly, OCEANS OF SLUMBER are amazing!
It’s difficult to peg them, but they are anything progressive, merging elements of Rock, Metal, Doom, even Jazz and Alternative. They are eclectic, rather down-to-earth than tricky and overly complex, unique, original and aside of bands you know from this genre. Eye- and ear catcher is without a doubt frontlady Cammie Gilbert. Her appearance was an enchanting mixture of certain shyness and raw growls, of sublime gestures and whirling braids, of energetic outbursts and an exceptional vocal performance. Occasionally growls were added by the other band members. Sound and vocals were unbalanced and the band’s stage acting could have a bit more energetic. But hey, it’s just the beginning for the band, I’m sure they will improve with every show and tour they embark on.
Besides, there was a flying splice to witness, when drummer Dobber Beverly switched over to the keyboard and guitarist Sean Gary took over the drums (keyboard player Uaeb Yelsaeb did not take part in this tour). Quite interesting ;)
However, the band focused on the new album Winter with its atmospheric tracks, but I mostly got blown away by the last one of their show, the Moody Blues cover Nights In White Satin. And I wasn’t the only one old enough to recognize that song and singing along… ;) OCEANS OF SLUMBER are indeed a promising band and I’m much curious with what they will come up in the future.
:: Pics :: MY DYING BRIDE ::

With a beer, some shoptalk and the defense of my first row place I bridged the change-over. And then, finally, time has come and :: MY DYING BRIDE :: entered the stage, accompanied by a frenetic welcome. MY DYING BRIDE kicked off with the very old Your River from the 1994iger Turn Loose The Swans album, followed by From Darkest Skies from The Angel And The Dark River. Holy shit! What a great start! Has blown my mind to smithereens. And it was just the beginning. MY DYING BRIDE went through their entire history, spanning 25 years of excellent music,considering almost every album and spiced up with tracks from the new album, Feel The Misery. A mind-blowing show with excellent sound.
While the rest of band acts rather reserved, Aaron Stainthorpe dies 1000 deaths, suffers and battles his demons and makes us feel his pain almost physically. More than once I feel the need to put my hand on his shoulder to comfort him and to ease his agony.
Oh dear, I so forgot how emotional, sad and intensive a MY DYING BRIDE show is. So hauntingly beautiful.
Many fans tonight saw MY DYING BRIDE for the very first time and it was awesome to watch watch them reacting with increasing enthusiasm. The Prize Of Beauty heralded the second part of the show, which was much heavier. More classics from the early days with growls and gruff guitar walls.
Without leaving the stage, MY DYING BRIDE smoothly led over to the encore part and finished with the title track of the band’s very first 1991 EP release Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium. What a stunning finale! What a great show! What an amazing evening! If you missed them, you truly missed something special!
Setlist: Your River, From Darkest Skies, And My Father Left Forever, My Body My Funeral, Feel The Misery, Thy Raven Wings, The Prize Of Beauty, Erotic Literature, To Shiver In Empty Halls, The Cry Of Mankind, She Is The Dark // Like A Perpetual Funeral, Symphonaire Infernus Et Spera Empyrium
