2010-04-04 DE – Oberhausen - Turbinenhalle

Exciter - Flotsam & Jetsam - Omen - Living Death - Exumer - Savage Grace - Angel Dust - Witchburner - Eure Erben - Neurasthenia

[Psycho] I have no idea if someone had a serious think about when the Ruhr area became "European Capital Of Culture" in 2010. But I definitely loved the idea to create such festival. Right now there are enough old stagers around who wants to have another go, checking their limits, so I guess organizers were spoilt for choice.
[Dajana] That’s exactly what NOT happened. When the Ruhr area became the "European Capital Of Culture" everything else got considered but not any kind of alternative music, although especially this scene has a significant position in this area. That’s why the Rock Palast company got this idea for this festival aside of all these official events…
[Psycho] Beside the regular festival there was also a huge metal market. So not only my cervical got much stressed… Although… rummage tables with (metal) shirts for 5 Euros… just great and nothing to nag about really *lol*
Actually the Kutten Festival… um… sorry… the METROPOLE RUHR FESTIVAL was announced to open its doors at 1pm, they did, a half hour later and were chasing time from this point on. I’m not sure what they did but the headliner finished its set at midnight as planned. Ok, that have been 10 hrs. which was way enough for one “evening”!

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[Psycho] first band of the day were Italians :: NEURASTHENIA :: They sounded much old school but were probably totally unknown to the crowd.
[Dajana] I wouldn’t wonder since the cats were definitely everything else than old school regarding their age *lol* They just indulge their passion…
[Psycho] never mind! It was too early anyway and just a handful of people saw this band. I’m always skeptic when it comes to bands from the boot-shaped country but NEURASTHENIA made a good job. They’ve got nothing to lose but took their chance. Respectable outset of the festival and I want the singer’s evil red horns on my kutte too! ;)

[Psycho] Formerly known as Darkness, the next band graced us (not), now trading under the name :: EURE ERBEN :: As the name so the lyrics are now in German only but musically the guys still offer the same kind of plain rumbling Thrash Metal, which already caused a shaking head or even laughter during the band’s early days. Don’t get me wrong: I don’t have anything against political lyrics, much the opposite, it’s great when people have to tell something, but please, not that hackneyed way as this band did here on this early afternoon! Let’s quickly enter this part as “unnecessary” and not even the great shirt of the lead guitarist could not change it (Celtic Frost - Emperor's Return).

[Psycho] Unfortunately this dull level was kept, :: WITCHBURNER :: could not convince me either. Already in the run-up to this festival I had the sneaking suspicion that this band could emerge as a miscast and so they did at the end. Their sound is too much Black Metal like, even if they sell themselves as Thrash Metal. Ok, for the booking you cannot blame WITCHBURNER for, bur for their show, which was just embarrassing. Songwriting and singing was an absolute no-go! And for this aspect I see the band responsible. Maybe on another festival, but as for today, sorry, no!

[Psycho] :: ANGEL DUST :: was the last band added to this festival when everything else was already finalized. Looking what the festival is about it should not have been a difficult task to decide how to set up the own show best. But it seems these kind of thoughts ANGEL DUST never had. Instead of focusing on songs of the old (and great) record Into The Dark Park they played mostly songs from the newer albums. Sorry guys, but these songs no one wanted to listen to! And it wasn’t any pleasure at all, since the show was perfectly supported by an utmost boring performance. Sit down - that's a fail!

[Psycho] After we dealt with European bands only so far the first oversea band was about to enter the stage :: SAVAGE GRACE :: I don’t like to say it, but regarding stage-acting and conveyed delight in playing all other bands here so far can really take a leaf out of their book! A difference of light-years (that should appear more often from now on ;)). It’s though a paradox since the guys around Mr. Christian Logue mainly consists of the band Roxxcalibur (German NWOBHM tribute band)…
Anyway, SAVAGE GRACE pleased and convinced with a lively and committed performance and such great songs as: Into The Fire, Master Of Disguise and Dominatress. And finally the singing could be taken literally. Only closer and cover version of Priests Exciter was a bit unfirm. Great show and the first highlight!

[Psycho] Next up was :: EXUMER :: and many fans were curious what they are about nowadays. In the 80’s they used to be cult, while always polarizing. Well, generally nothing has changed. I personally found their show unmasking: the band played uninspired und badly rehearsed. Songs emerged as 08/15 Thrash Metal and singer Mem von Stein got totally on me nerves for his Hardcore-like singing and his excessive stage-acting.
To be fair, it has to be said that the majority of the crowd really enjoyed the gig, EXUMER went down well. Also the NH crew was judging controversial…
[Dajana] Because I liked the show… ;)
[Psycho] Who knows, maybe their show was just calculation to remain a talking point? In this matter if might have worked out then…

[Psycho] Also :: LIVING DEATH :: raised questions prior the show. Would singer Toto try it with some real singing as on the latest record or just scream like pain in the ass? Questions that became totally unimportant after LIVING DEATH started a show that was so downright unmotivated that no one cared for the voice anymore. To what technical skills and possibilities this band still able they could not hide, but a failed song selection, a practically non-existing stage-acting and the valerian-soaked charisma of the frontman killed every approach of a well-done show and diffidently upcoming fan response. So we got the dubious situation of experiencing the best performance when it comes to technical skills and the worst one of the evening at the same time…

[Psycho] Luckily long desired act :: OMEN :: did not have any problems to turn everything to the best ;) Song selection was great as well as the band’s enthusiasm. And there were some handicaps to get over. Biggest problem surely was that Kenny Powell broke his little finger 2 days prior the festival. He had pains but he played as if there was no tomorrow. Thank you so much for this show Kenny and get well soon!
Next was the sound, an ongoing annoyance on this evening. I identified the opener Termination first with its refrain. Mercifully OMEN got themselves a great singer with George Call, who slightly remains of Bruce Dickens and perfectly suits the OMEN song material. Funny, however, was the fact that George with every song tried to conjure the old spirit of Heavy Metal but the four mates looked like anything else but Metal musicians. Who cares? Music was awesome! Stunning! And way too quickly over :( And they messed up my favorite track The Curse… Generally it seems the band is still lacking a bit of a conjoint routine but made it up with an overwhelming delight in playing and classics such as Teeth Of The Hydra, Into The Arena and Battle Cry. This show should make the other bands thinking. Not every reunion makes sense…

[Psycho] Following :: FLOTSAM & JETSAM :: did not have any problems either. Since their very beginning in 1986 the Arizona boys were more or less present throughout all the years. And this got displayed on stage: FLOTSAM & JETSAM was by far the most professional and experienced band on this festival.
The running order of this festival was much discussed. OMEN was supposed to play much earlier (they luckily did not) and FLOTSAM & JETSAM many had as headliner on their bill. Well, they played is if they would be and kicked off with Doomsday For The Deceiver. The band played their asses of, tight and heavy as fuck, while fronter Eric A.K. was da man. Besides he delivered an awesome singing performance. Respect! Unfortunately they slipped up and played too many new songs. That might be understandable from the band’s point of view, but the gap between old and new material is significant and always caused a little break in the setlist. At least we got treated with such masterpieces as Escape From Within, I Live, You Die, Hammerhead, N.E. Terror, Iron Tears or the grandiose version of No Place For Disgrace (as closer). The show was definitely better than I expected!

[Psycho] Now we had to face the question if :: EXCITER :: would reach or even top this show? The last show we have seen was the one at Rock Hard Festival in 2008, which was nice but not made for headliners. Well, obviously the band spends all day waiting impatiently for their own part and was more than just keen to finally enter the stage.
[Dajana] Yesss! The guys were most time roaming the photopit, especially at FLOTSAM & JETSAM to cheer them on and had lotsa fun while doing so.
[Psycho] Yep, and that’s what the crowd got. Have rarely experienced a band that is so up for METAL, giving 200%. Although the show was dripping of clichés and the songs are not the most variable ones EXCITER offered such overwhelming play and dedication that it came down like a huge wave; no metal head could resist such passion.
No difficult task for EXCITER to get the crowd up after almost ten hrs of festival running. They just did it with a twinkling of an eye and the crowd was following unconditionally, screaming, freaking out and singing along. Setlist was peppered with classics such as Long Live The Loud, Heavy Metal Maniac, I Am The Beast, Pounding Metal and Victims Of Sacrifice (if I remember right) and perfectly suited the spirit of this festival. Fronter Kenny Winter did not get tired of running and jumping over the stage (although running out of breath) and heating up the audience, while his mates just left scorched earth. Just great!
EXCITER was the only band with an encore allowed and closed this festival with Violence & Force. As good as it gets…

[Psycho] It was a really long day that got off the grid quite lame but then constantly gained strength. Though I think 10 bands were just too much, 6 or 8 bands would have been enough. And the bad sound was really annoying too. The voucher-system I did not like but was ok because of its fair prices. Next time they should just extend their offer. Only schnitzel and bockwurst with potato salad available. No food for veggies and much more… they closed the hall due to problems with the cops. Means, no one was allowed to leave for food or jacket in the car or food locations around the corner of the Turbinenhalle.
Btw… they of course could have announced this closing on stage to get the fans aware of this fact!
All in all a nice festival we had fun on. See ya next year I say ;)
[Dajana] Yep, because organizer Martin let the audience know that there will be a second edition in 2011 with the first bands already confirmed, as there is: Accu§er, Desaster, Warrant and Necronomicon ;)


story • Psycho & pics © Dajana