I think MIDGE URE does not need further introduction. The native Scot is part of the Pop culture, has rendered outstanding services to the world and music scene and got overwhelmed with awards. Everybody interested in music should know who MIDGE URE is.
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The summer of 2014 has seen MIDGE URE releasing a new album after 13 years. In between he was of course not any bit idle, much the opposite, as he is a restless soul with many projects under his belt. He also toured and still tours a lot. Solo, with band or with collaborative musicians. In support of his brand new album Fragile he just toured the UK so far. For the European countries he rather does it solo & acoustic with a best-of set of his almost 40 years spanning career. MIDGE URE was one of my heroes in the glorious 80s with Ultravox. To see him finally playing live was for sure a very special moment.

As there was absolutely nothing announced, we expected to see something like a 2hrs solo show by MIDGE URE. But, surprise, surprise, as we arrived at • Zeche Carl • Essen, Germany a support act was about to enter the stage. This was very talented Scottish singer/songwriter :: PETE MACLEOD ::, presenting his debut album Rolling Stone to a wider audience. I have never heard of him before but was immediately pleased and captivated by his likeable charisma and great performance. Also the crowd welcomed him warmly, although I’m sure, most of them did not know him either. PETE MACLEOD plays a straight and pleasingly mix of Rock and Folk with a Pop appeal. Besides, he scored with his (to us funny) Scottish accent, every now and then asking if we were able to understand him. We did, although we had to think what he was trying to tell us at times ;) Great show!
Setlist: Let It Shine, Give A Little Love, Rolling Stone, God Speed, Away, Crestfallen, Today I Went Swimming

That most of the people tonight came along just to see :: MIDGE URE :: is surely no secret and does not narrow the great performance of Pete MacLeod any bit. It’s just natural. However, MIDGE URE kicked in phenomenal with three of his solo hits and proved especially with Breathe that he is still not only an amazing musician but also a great singer. With 61 years. The first goose bumps were caused by his acoustic version of Fade To Grey, he back then wrote with Visage. This was truly awesome! Really. One hit followed the next, taken from different periods of his musical work. Next highlights to me were Dancing With Tears In My Eyes and Love's Great Adventure, both Ultravox hits, that were downright spine-tingling. Such an emotional outburst. From his new album Fragile only two songs were played: the current single Become and the title-track during the encore. In between MIDGE URE was talking to the audience, wittily joking and taking himself and his Scottish roots not too serious ;) We really had good laughs there. Priceless! But he did not leave out serious topics too. Several times he mentioned his Band Aid Project (founded together with Bob Geldorf) that celebrates its 30 anniversary for what both organizers have re-recorded Do They Know It’s Christmas to raise money for the Ebola epidemic in West Africa. Everybody was invited to donate. So, what is left to say? MIDGE URE – a great musician, singer and songwriter, and such a charming man. Great show and a great evening! That’s it!
Setlist: Dear God, Breathe, Call Of The Wild, Brilliant, Fade To Grey, No Regrets, The Voice, Light In Your Eyes, Guns And Arrows, Lament, Man Of The World, Vienna, Become, All Fall Down, Hymn, One Small Day, Dancing With Tears In My Eyes, Love's Great Adventure, If I Was // Fragile, Cold Heart, Spielberg Sky, Contact, Waiting Days