After extensive touring through the United States, MASTODON now conquer Europe in support of their latest effort, Emperor Of Sand. Finally. Hype or no hype, when MASTODON announces shows eyes start shining, not only at Prog and guitar nerds ;) Besides, MASTODON have invited great support acts: RED FANG, they already have toured with in 2012 and, much more interesting, RUSSIAN CIRCLES, I have not seen playing live yet. Yeah! And just to top it all, MASTODON invited Neurosis’ Scott Kelly as special guest! Holy moly!
This time they did not play in Cologne or the Ruhr area. This time I had to go north to Herford and the :: X-Club::. It’s a rather small location for MASTODON and though, it was not sold out. Hm…
The band’s stage production is already big, has even increased, and that caused some trouble. The main entry to the hall had to be blocked to use the space next to the stage for all the boxes and equipment.
:: pics :: RUSSIAN CIRCLES ::

With a brand new :: RUSSIAN CIRCLES :: shirt on I jumped into the photo pit. Ready for the show :) Lights were rather suboptimal for the photo job but perfect to close the eyes and immerse deeply into the music. The instrumental Post Rock of the Chicago-based trio is much heavier and edgier yet highly mesmerizing. While bassist Brian Cook and guitarist Mike Sullivan acted rather restrained, drummer Dave Turncrantz was playing wild, with flying hair.
The band’s current album, Guidance, dates back a year already, so, RUSSIAN CIRCLES decided to play a best-of, so to say. They played one song from each of their six albums. Oh, no, sorry. They cut out the debut and played 2 songs from the sophomore. RUSSIAN CIRCLES only played for 30 minutes. Way too short of course. Great music, awesome band.
Setlist: 309, Afrika, Harper Lewis, Youngblood, Geneva, Deficit
:: pics :: RED FANG ::

Next up were :: RED FANG :: and they didn’t play much longer. Musically, it was quite a contrast to the opening band yet the perfect link to the headliner. The bands were built upon each other. That I call a smart dramaturgy ;)
I already saw RED FANG in 2012 supporting Mastodon. It was a wild show back then, and it was a wild show tonight. The Portland, Oregon-based guys didn’t lose any bit of their fierceness. Sludge/Stoner Rock with a Punk attitude, gruff, nasty, and with an irresistible sexy groove. Huh yeah, that was fun! Live, this band kicks so badly ass. On CD they are rather tame. Same procedure with the setlist. Since the band’s latest effort, Only Ghosts, also dates back a year, RED FANG played a best-of set too. Again, the show was way too short.
Setlist: Blood Like Cream, Malverde, Crows In Swine, Antidote, Wires, Flies, Cut It Short, Dirt Wizard, Prehistoric Dog
:: pics :: MASTODON ::

After a 30 minutes break :: MASTODON :: got on stage. Orange speaker walls right and left from the drum kit created a very earthy Stoner sound. On the LED banners animations, artworks and other visuals from the MASTODON universe were flickering in screaming colors and made a cool light show. MASTODON surprisingly kicked off the show with the 13 minutes monolith The Last Baron. Wow! Stunning.
Of course, the band focused on the brand new record Emperor Of Sand, but also dwelled in Crack The Skye - to me still the best album of the band.
I once again had my difficulties with the sound. Instruments were overdriven, singing way too quiet. Known problem, as well as the sedateness on stage. Well, the guys are getting older. The guys looked stressed and tires. Especially guitarist Bill Kelliher had dark circles around his eyes. But the responsive and thankful crowd made them smile ;)
After around an hour I was the one that fell almost asleep. Early shift, stressy day. I had a one hour ride ahead and an alarm that would get me up at 4.30am… So, with a heavy heart, I decided to leave and missed the “encore” after a 90 minutes show, which featured Scott Kelly. And what I heard… it was an amazing performance. Ah, damn… Yes, I know, I missed something unique and special here and frustration bites me while writing.
MASTODON played a two hours show and offered an extended setlist across the band’s history that made the fans happy.
Setlist: The Last Baron, Sultan's Curse, Divinations, Ancient Kingdom, Colony Of Birchmen, Ember City, Megalodon, Andromeda, Oblivion, Show Yourself, Precious Stones, Roots Remain, Mother Puncher, Steambreather // with Scott Kelly // Scorpion Breath, Crystal Skull, Crack The Skye, Aqua Dementia, Spectrelight, Diamond In The Witch House
