actually was leaving to see Germany’s finest known as DARK
SUNS playing live (and doing an interview) this evening.
Since their debut Swanlike they are one of my
faves and definitely one of the hopefuls in Germans metal scene.
PAIN OF SALVATION is a band that is well-known,
latest since their masterpiece Remedy Lane. Though
I never dealt with them that closely, a fatal mistake!
Tonight’s show was scheduled to be the first on this tour
and the only one in Germany. Many different city codes were to
find on the venue’s parking ground. Anyway, fans seem to
freak out this evening and attended quite early at Zeche
Carl in Essen. Astonished about this weird ado I
first picked me up an energy drink and tried to solve the thang
with the photopass (thank you so much Rob!). Of course, most of
the people there didn’t know anything about DARK
SUNS, a circumstance that changed fast...
pics ::
~ kicked off early with Zero in an almost
sold out location. The band was obviously nervous since it was
not only the first gig date but they also shared the bill with
one of the band’s biggest idols and influence. While the
surprised crowd was searching the singer – who of course
sat behind the drum kit – the band discarded their nervousness.
Just the lightning man seemingly slept anywhere. While a DARK
SUNS crew member filled in to manage the lights the audience
really started to get into the band’s music. DARK
SUNS offered an unfortunately very short but atmospheric
and emotional show of melodic but sophisticated progressive-influenced
Death Metal. All six songs come from the band’s latest release
Existence, that was high-rated everywhere.
I think this tour is huge chance for the band to present themselves
to a bigger audience. Judging from what was said around, the band
succeed! Grandiose show!
Setlist: Zero, The Euphoric Sense, Her And
The Element, You, A Phantom Still, Daydream, Patterns Of Oblivion

OF SALVATION ~ needed longer time to change
the backline and to prepare themselves. During this time the audience
already chanted “Daniel, Daniel” and “Pain Of
Salvation”, underlaid with applauds and stamping. It was
clear for whom the fans came over. Lights out, spots on! While
with the intro the crowd seem to freak out completely I duck and
PAIN OF SALVATION started thundering with Used.
Now I understand why Dark Suns are such fans … now I understand
what thrilled the audience… I understand! I will never ever
forget what I experienced here! Never, ever! PAIN OF SALVATION
played an almost 3 hrs set! In words: THREE HOURS!!! 2 ½
hrs planned set with a break of 10 minutes and an encore for around
20 minutes. I couldn’t believe that! The band pulled out
all the stops good stage entertainment has to offer. The band
members were joking, telling stories, explaining things, making
fun, and communicating with the fans in front of the stage. On
a huge screen in the background sequences from the current DVD
BE were running. The band played a repertoire
of all five albums, beginning with older songs blended with a
few from BE and in the second part a
lot of material from Remedy Lane and
are fast, heavy, energetic, melancholic and emotional. They are
Metal, they are progressive, but not boring people to death with
the fingers on the fretboard. They are such skilled musicians
(you should have seen how Daniel continued his great solo with
broken strings), entertainer and bloody charismatic. What a show!
What an enthusiastic audience! And all that although Daniel Gildenlöw
explained that he couldn’t rehearse that much coz of illness.
The band already seems to burst for energy and enjoyed a lot to
play. Even after almost 3 hrs, fans hadn’t enough…
an unbelievable show. It was so awesome. Couldn’t get it.
Speechless. Oh, and what was Winnie Puuh doing on the screen?
Setlist: Intro, Used, Diffidentia, Welcome
To Entropia, Winning A War, People Passing By, Oblivion Ocean,
Spirit Of The Land-Inside, Inside Out, Ashes, Falling, The Perfect
Element // Of Two Beginnings, Ending Theme, Rope Ends, Second
Love, Animae Partus, Deus Nova, Dea Pecuniae, Iter Impius ///
Undertow, ! (Foreword), Martius / Nauticus II

However, I
think there is nothing left to add without repeating what was
said before. I guess I have to purchase a bunch of CD’s
now ;) Oh… and hell yes! We won the battle with the Spaniards
and the Greeks. Yeah!