Triptykon - Decapitated - Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult - Negura
Bunget - Aborted - Dew-Scented - Byfrost • Morbid Angel -
Ensiferum - 1349 - Belphegor - Melechesh - Primordial - Absu - Desultory
- Skeletonwitch - Urgehal - Truppensturm - Puteraeon • At
The Gates - Enslaved - Morgoth - Watain - Hail Of Bullets - Nachtmystium
- Exhumed - Heidevolk - Panzerchrist - Witchburner - Cliteater -
Dawn Of Desease

Festival season 2011 meant to be sort of… unbalanced to me
;) A few open airs in May and June followed by a dead month. Only
work. All the time. Made my mouth watering for PARTY SAN OPEN
AIR 2011! Much more as this festival is my favorite one since
day 1. The mudslinging party in 2011 was barely done as I was longing
for the next one’s billing. And yes, organizers delivered
their best, once again firing on all cylinders. Headliners only
were worth to move buns down to Schlotheim.
stories :: Thursday
:: Friday :: Saturday
pics :: Thursday
:: Friday
:: Saturday
Apropos Schlotheim. After the PARTY SAN OPEN AIR went down
the mud twice organizers decided for a new and better location.
And I have to state: new location did it very well. I like it. Of
course Ba’al was not willing to take it that easy and put
the rule to the test with storms and rain. Common weather for this
year’s festival season throughout Europe. But hey, thanks
to a drained airfield and a cleverly arranged festival area everything
remained dry. Only stormy wind claimed its victim – the stage
itself – and brought the festival on the edge of being cancelled.
I’ll go into details later.
[Haris] I don’t really have any references since this
year’s PSOA was my first one. A long-established fan
may see the amenity of the new area and that mud-wrestling and the
turbulent weather in Bad Berka the last years with different eyes
– personally the former airport is the non plus ultra with
its asphalted access and thus the felt short travel paths. A lucky
choice for the hosts!

Besides the new area nothing has changed from an organizational
point of view.
What attracted negative attention were the pricing at the stalls
that had increased noticeably. I also had wished for more garbage
backs and bins and a second mobile toilet at the corner of the party
tent as especially the gentlemen of God's gift relieved themselves
at this and around, being too lazy to walk to the other side of
the area for the “official” ones. There have been some
unlovely sights and smells, I tell you. The backstage area I found
a bit impersonal and drafty. It was more cuddly and comfortable
in Bad Berka.
Now a cute sidedish: that’s the city arms of Schlotheim ;)
Yes, here we are at home! *lol*

Arrival was less spectacular, at least on the highways. No stress,
no traffic and meeting friends along the way building a convoy.
But then, as we exited the country road hold a couple of surprises
for us *laughs*. Following spontaneously what seemed to be a short
cut led us into a dead end. Road works. We then embarked on a nice
and funny journey over hill and dale with rarely seen creatures
on the streets and very angry but witty posters in a little village
against the local governing party.
Onset, short phase of orientation and picking up a place for our
tent. Was quite an effort to build it up against the storm ;) Ok,
first mixing our “fruit punch”, a drink and we were
ready. Let’s the party begin! ;)
[Haris] It really looked like there were more road works
in Thuringia than in the rest of Germany altogether – none
of the detours let us reach our goal. So we finally reached the
festival site after the one or other illegal action. A short check
by the marshals and we were allowed to pass.
