Satyricon - Marduk - Suffocation - The Haunted - Repulsion - Misery Index - Benediction - Aborted - Inquisition - Ahab - Lost Society - Havok - Jig-Ai /// Thulcandra - Carnal Ghoul - Spheron - Rogash - Incarceration
Please inform the Captain, this is kidnapping!
[Dajana] The night was cold. Very cold. In other words, I froze my ass off, while the first rays of sunlight peering over the knoll droves me out of the sleeping bag way too early. But I feel absolutely great. BREAKFAST! Beer anyone? Would someone open the beer booth please? Offer tip (all donated to • Kinderhospiz Mittel-Deutschland •) for the black-souled liquid ;)
[BRT] Hurgs. I feel wretched, worn-out and rather groggy. After a felt sleep of 15 mins the crew and the Baden-Cuba-Libre-squadron pushes me up and towards the breakfast tent. No, that’s NO fun at all. But it helps to get myself into gear… sometime…
:: pics ::
[BRT] To start the PARTY SAN FESTIVAL morning with Grindcore is some kind of tradition. So it’s up to :: JIG-AI :: to wake people up and get them out of tents for a first entertaining session. As the coffee was almost transparent the Czech Grindcore commando served the much better wake-up call with entertaining beats and lotsa pig-squeals.
[Dajana] Erm… well… they tried at least, didn’t they? JIG-AI first had to face a dead short. Every time they started their first death rattle a loud crack made everything die. Well, the crowd was laughing, the band scored ;) Calls for an acoustic Grindcore-set however were not considered. When the power was finaly back JIG-AI played a shortened but great show.
[BRT] Ah, yes, I remember, there has been some trouble…

[BRT] :: HAVOK :: right after even accelerated for a proper Thrash Metal punch. Yes, I like. Around the time singer David Sanchez gets philosophic asking: ““Life is too short to have a bad time... Is everybody drinking?” beers already tastes suspiciously good again ;)
[Dajana] To me HAVOK are the Slayer band of the new millennium. Actually… HAVOK is the better Slayer. Young, fresh, playing absolutely tight, lively and with such delight, it’s a real pleasure to watch them.

BRT] Finnish youngsters :: LOST SOCIETY :: even top them. Their power blows everything away. Pure enjoyment. But why the hell do they sell tees in bubble-gum pink? Need to ask the three guys from the servo…
Setlist: Talk Shit, Get Shot, Attaxic, Tyrant Takeover, Toxic Avenger, Braindead Metalhead, Overdosed Brain, N.W.L., Fatal Anoxia, Terror Hungry
[BRT] Full braking in the early afternoon at felt 40°C, pure sun, no shadows… Funeral doomsters :: AHAB :: surely work better when it’s dark. Right now the music just drags down heavily… But when they pay homage to recently disbanded Omega Massif (Wölfe), I perk up my ears again, for the moment. Rest of the time I hide from sun and refill the black liquid…
[Dajana] Admittedly, the sun was sort of counterproductive. But hey, sun, no sun, rain, darkness… who the fuck cares, nothing narrows a great show! And AHAB played an awesome gig! Best enjoyed with eyes closed, behind black glasses, and some black liquid in hands… ;)
Setlist: Deliverance (Shouting At The Dead), Wölfe, The Hunt

[BRT] Next up is demolition squad :: ABORTED :: struggling through some technical difficulties at first. Always again some nasty feedbacks saw through their performance, which is as lively and energetic as you know it from them. Singer Sven de Caluwé’s voice could have been a bit louder… Anyway, seems they did not have their best day. Ah, by the way, blast beats belong into the constitution, right? Right…
[Dajana] Brutal midday heat meets brutal massacre… and takes its toll. The sunny places in front of stage remain orphaned and fill up as slowly as the sun moves and the stage-shadow grows. But it grows. There are enough crazy heads filling up the space song by song and start circle pits ;)

[BRT] Operating temperature is to high and the number of beer blows frighteningly high… BREAK! If you wanna know how the show of BENEDICTION and MISERY INDEX turned out to be… ask someone else. Oh, on my way I stop at the tent and glance at :: SPHERON ::, who play without their original singer. I really like them on CD, but here right now their technical Death Metal fails. Must have been the mediocre sound…
[Dajana] Same procedure here. I prefer to listen to the sound of mentioned bands from afar, in a comfortably horizontal position ;) Bands in the tent I completely left aside, once again, it’ts too much work and I would like to enjoy the festival too.
[BRT] Holy shit! Grindcore veterans and co-founder of the genre :: REPULSION :: honored the PARTY SAN with a re-union performance. What a pleasure. Sound is dull as fuck and gruffy to the max. Rocks the hell out…
[Dajana] I totally agree! Musical innovation is surely something else but that’s not the topic here. It’s about to pay homage to a legend. Period!

[BRT] Again I’m surrounded by louring cronies who take my tattered condition as try to bomb me into nirvana with high proof accelerants. We’ll meet again buster!
[BRT] To be honest, I expected not that much from :: THE HAUNTED :: but was taught better. Well, style, genre and music isn’t any spectacular but the Swedes played a powerful, highly energetic show. Thumbs up that was awesome!
[Dajana] Hmm, well, I was rather skeptic but also curious of the new singer Marco Aro… and was blown away ;)

[BRT] Woah, :: SUFFOCATION :: were just incredible! They had a blistering sound, which made their ultra brutal style of Death Metal killing everything. Holy fuck! Their songs are likewise complex and catchy and pulverize. I’m groggy to the max but cannot elude. Getting pulverized feels great, much better than getting wasted ;) So far, highlight of the festival!
[Dajana] I do like SUFFOCATION a lot but this time they did not catch me. I liked The Haunted more. But hat’s off for the political statements by Frank Mullen.
Setlist: Catatonia, Effigy Of The Forgotten, Pierced From Within, As Grace Descends, Breeding The Spawn, Funeral Inception, Liege Of Inveracity, Dismal Dream, Infecting The Crypts

[BRT] I never could do that much with :: MARDUK :: and my expectations are once again low. And once again I get taught a lesson. The Swedish style. Their sewing-machine-rattling is not really charming but the band’s adaption of Mussorgskys "Nach auf dem kahlen Berge" (here Glorification Of The Black God) let me take their side. Also one or two slower songs, whose title someone could tell me please, catch my attention.
[Dajana] Take the ones below ;)
Setlist: The Levelling Dust, Serpent Sermon, Christraping Black Metal, 502, Those Of The Unlight

[BRT] Well, the “trveness” factor and “Armani-styled Black Metal” of :: SATYRICON :: is debatable (but don’t have to – Dajana / Many did anyway… - BRT). Fact is, Satyr and his mates played an extremely great and entertaining show with many of their hits included. And this I can tell you although I’m almost out of space again! So!
[Dajana] The show was more than just great! This show is truly awesome! At first they overrun the change-over time but outweigh with a stunning fire-proofed best-of show. Satyr morphed from an arrogant asshole to a likeable chatterbox and tells quite a few anecdotes. In between one hit follows another and makes the crowd freak out.
Setlist: Now, Diabolical, Black Crow On A Tombstone, Our World, It Rumbles Tonight, Tro og Kraft, Forhekset, Possessed, The Pentagram Burns, To The Mountains, Fuel For Hatred, Mother North, K.I.N.G.
[BRT] Your order is shipped… I ask you to refrain from further inquiries!
[Dajana] What about the shooting stars? Oh… no further inquiries… pfff… What a service…