[Psycho] After a relaxing night and lots of jokes from our landlord during breakfast we continuously went on: with delays. Finally, we got in front of stage and :: LOTUS THIEF :: onto it and directly delivered one of the highlights of the festival. From a visual aspect, none of the musicians seemed to fit to the other. But musically, the band’s brand of atmospheric Post Black Metal was so enticing, mesmerizing yet dynamic and snappy that people got into swing right from the beginning. Great wake up call. Great show! I want more.
[Dajana] Hahaha, yeah, our landlord was cute. So much laughter at the breakfast table. This hotel I gonna book again for the next PROPHECY FEST. It’s in the city of Balve, affordable, and only an 8 minutes’ walk away from the cave. I was awake, but wouldn’t call my feet relaxed and fit for the day. Nevermind!
The second festival day started way earlier. Or not so much earlier. In fact, doors opened at the same time LOTUS THIEF got on stage. But, as Psycho already told, we got rewarded with a fantastic show. The San Francisco based band crossed the pond for their very first European show to present their stunning sophomore Gramarye (which, of course, changed hands too. The cover artwork of the vinyl edition alone is it worth buying). LOTUS THIEF also played a brand new song, titled Gargantua, to be released on an EP in the near future. Yes, that was an awesome show!
Setlist: The Book Of The Dead, Miseras, Discere Credas, Gargantua, Mortalis, Idisi

[Dajana] Next up was :: THE MOON AND THE NIGHTSPIRIT ::, a Hungarian band that crossed my way back then in 2005. I was thrilled by their debut and sophomore but then completely lost sight on them. Meanwhile, THE MOON AND THE NIGHTSPIRIT have released their fifth full-length, Metanoia, from which they played most of the songs from. Performing live as a four-piece with Gergely Cseh on bass and Gábor Végh on drums, the duo Ágnes Tóth and Mihály Szabó also invited Yasen Lazarov from Bulgarian band Irfan to play a Kaval (a traditional instrument from the Balkans) as a special guest for this show. Good choice! It was a beautiful set.
[Psycho] That definitely was a contrast musically. But a beautiful one. This kind of music makes me think of Dead Can Dance. But THE MOON AND THE NIGHTSPIRIT are versed enough to stand for their own and don’t need to fear comparisons. A bit less varied and less percussive than the reference but an amazing show that was frenetically responded by the audience. Happy faces on stage and in front of. Well done.
[Dajana] I was quite surprised by the response. I wouldn’t have expected that the band is so popular and that there were many fans in the cave. Awesome.
Setlist: A Hajnal Köszöntése, Alkonyvarázs, Mystérion Mega, Éjköszöntő, Az Első Tündér Megidézése, Kilenc Híd, Kristálymezők, Tavaszhozó

[Psycho] While the delay went on to unfold we got fortified by a lunch and returned to the stage for :: SPIRITUAL FRONT ::. I only knew the name and somehow expected (don’t know why) something in the way of Martial Neo Folk. Instead we got sounds that reminded me of Folk Rock with a touch of Hamburger Schule. Interesting. At the end it wasn’t really my cup of tea, but the show was lively.
Oddity: Instead of atmospheric visuals or psychedelic effects on the screen behind, SPIRITUAL FRONT showcased Pier Paolo Pasolini's sophomore Mama Roma with Spanish subtitles. For whatever reason…
[Dajana] Artistic license ;) The show was indeed lively, made people’s hips swing. It was like a mixture of Johnny Cash and Dark Cabaret. It was an excellent and enjoyable entertainment.
Setlist: The Shining Circle, Cold Love (In A Cold Coffin), I Walk The (Dead)Line, Hey Boy, Jesus Died In Las Vegas, Ragged Bed, Cruisin', Love Through Vaseline, No Kisses On The Mouth, Slave, Children Of The Black Light, Bastard Angel

[Psycho] Those, who thought, only Schwadorf is able to play for time during the soundcheck, never experienced :: NOÊTA ::. No wonder, if you don’t bring your equipment stage-ready. Delay summed to 50 minutes, when NOÊTA got off the grid.
I really like the band’s new album, Beyond Life And Death, but live on stage two things (next to massive sound problems) stroke: First – singer Êlea sounds live much more powerful and warmer than on CD. That was great. And, in fact, she had to run the show all alone as her partner in crime Ândris (guitar) couldn’t contribute anything useful to the show. Not technically, not regarding rhythms or anything else constructive. Good choice to use samples, otherwise the show would have been a disaster. To me, the show had the character of a first rehearsal, at best. Consequently, NOÊTA played an abbreviated set. Damn, I was looking forward to this show…
[Dajana] The waiting and long delay visibly and audibly took its toll from all involved. Fans were already calling for the start and the faces of sound engineers and crew members spoke volumes. It was really annoying for everybody, to put it into gentle words. And it was also a dilemma for the band, which didn’t get the response for the music it would have deserved. What a bummer.
Setlist: Pneûma, Beyond Life, In Drowning, Darkest Desires, Hades, In Void, Draumr

[Psycho] Incompetence would surely be the last someone would :: DORNENREICH :: blame for. The Austrians changed equipment and line-checked at record speed and started their acoustic hunt through their entire history. Musically a highlight the duo got cheered, adored and celebrated for. Though, I have to admit that I didn’t really like the singing style of Eviga and his acoustic interpretations. I always got the (subjective) impression that the tracks could sound more interesting with a different voice…
[Dajana] Yep, the singing is special. You may like it or not. But no one else hisses and whispers so electrifying than Eviga. And I think, especially his singing style makes the DORNENREICH tracks so special and goose bumps causing.
DORNENREICH indeed considered every release of their 23 years spanning history, and played at least one song from the first demo Mein Flügelschlag up to the last record Freiheit. From their 2008 album In Luft geritzt they played a little bit more ;)
Yes, the fans reacted frenetically. A DORNENREICH audience always does so. I haven’t experienced a show yet where fans were not driven to tears or well and truly enchanted.
Setlist: Intro, Meer, Schlangenheil, Flügel in Fels, Innerwille ist mein Docht, Hofesfest, Entwaffnet, Aus längst verhalltem Lied, Im ersten aller Spiele, Unruhe, Ich bin ein Stern, Erst deine Träne löscht den Brand, Reime faucht der Märchensarg, Jagd

[Psycho] Always good for surprise – in this case unintended - :: THE VISION BLEAK :: are. They could even top the disappointment of the Noêta gig. Due to the sudden illness of second (live) guitarist Josi, TVB had to shorten their set. And that where they had invited the Shadow Philharmonics. So we got an extra long soundcheck for a felt five (or six) songs performance, before the phantom was gone again. Without any further notice.
The half hour running show was excellent but the abrupt end left fans confused and disappointed. I wish there would have been a statement from the band or the organizers. Sure, it’s a small festival and news go around fast, but the Chinese-whispers-principal isn’t the most confiding one. I think the organizers could haven take their duty to inform a bit more serious.
[Dajana] It have been a few more songs they played ;) THE VISION BLEAK only left two songs out. But it was annoying. Again. And, there definitely should have been a short statement to inform the audience.
The show itself was indeed killer. The Shadow Philharmonics added more depth, intensity and dynamics to the songs. Even Cthulhu himself appeared to watch the performance, spreading his tentacles benevolently over the cave’s ceiling ;) Did you see him? I did :)
Setlist: Spirits Of The Dead, From Wolf To Peacock, Carpathia, Into The Unknown, The Whine Of The Cemetery Hound, Deathship Symphony, By Our Brotherhood With Seth

[Psycho] :: HEXVESSEL :: was the second non-Prophecy band of the festival and totally unknown to me. I experienced a band that played kind of 70s influenced Folk Rock. A professional show but not my cup of tea. Also, first signs of exhaustion appeared – the receptivity of humans is limited.
[Dajana] I really like the voice and singing of Mat McNerney, no matter if in HEXVESSEL, Grave Pleasures or formerly in Code (just to name a few). I was once again enthralled by music and performance.

[Psycho] Meanwhile there was a certain sign of fatigue to sense within the crowd. There were so many impressions to process and the music was challenging. It’s a good thing that the Prophecy Productions team still had an ace up their sleeve - one of their latest signing and the hottest shit these days: :: DOOL ::. And DOOL so properly kicked asses, fulfilling highest expectations. A vast amount of energy was spilling from stage. No sign of tiredness, although that was the last show of their tour. DOOL rocked the stage like no other. And their songs are killer anyway.
The biggest plus of the band is Ryanne van Dorst, of course. If there wouldn’t be the term “rockstar” already, we would have to invent this one for her. She just got everything: voice, charisma, passion and attitude. DOOL have to watch out that the rest of this excellent band doesn’t falls behind. Wouldn’t be the first band with such problem.
Between almost all tracks of the debut, Here Now, There Then, also a new one was to hear. I liked a lot. I guess there is another big thing coming and DOOL won’t play such intimate and cosy locations for long anymore.
[Dajana] Holy fkg shit that was a killer show! We were prewarned by friends who have seen them already playing live, but that DOOL would kick me, us, all, so downright and straight out of our socks… wow! What a front woman. Ryanne has an incredible charisma, stage presence and the energy of an erupting volcano. Absolutely stunning! I’m in love. I’m mad about DOOL now. And the new album? You know… changed hands ;) Heaydliner!

[Psycho] With eventually 90 minutes delay we faced the end of the PROPHECY FEST 2017 and were delighted to witness the very first German show of :: HYPNOPAZUZU ::. This brand new project, most of us haven’t heard of, consists of David Tibet (Current 93) and Youth (Killing Joke). The audience has meanwhile thinned out, though, the band started with enthusiasm, but the spark didn’t want to jump over. I have no idea, how the music will sound on CD, but here, tonight, most of all the off-key singing of David Tibet was too exhausting, so that the quite interesting music (a mix of psychedelic Ambient structures and drums) couldn’t save the show. To be honest, it sounded more like Current 93 than Killing Joke or something completely new. So, no clue what Youth contributed to this project – except the award for the ugliest musician outfit. At the end we left the cave and the PROPHECY FEST 2017 before the show was over and at least I dropped into bed immediately. 30 years ago, that wouldn’t have happened to me…
[Dajana] I was really, really curious how this show would turn out. I’m not familiar with Current 93 but with Killing Joke and that made this project so interesting to me. And indeed, I really liked the mixture of sung, spoken and narrated stories with its dramatic and partly spacey soundscapes. When it comes to David Tibet I had the feeling that he was drunk or stoned, whatever, as his pronunciation was washed-out. But I was told that he always sings and sounds like that ;) Ok. On the other hand, first releases on YouTube from the upcoming debut, Create Christ, Sailor Boy (set to be released on August 25), reveal clear and powerful singing. Well, let’s see and hear when the album is out ;) However, HYPNOPAZUZU as the festival’s headliner didn’t work well. As Psycho already mentioned, people were tired and exhausted and we already had experienced the headliner of the day, where everybody gave it all.
Setlist: Your Eyes In The Skittle Hills, Incidentally – Shaitan, Christmas With The Channellers, The Crow At Play, The Sex Of Stars, Magog At The MayPole, Sweet Sodom SingSongs, Pinocchio's HandJob, The Auras Are Escaping Into The Forest, Night Shout, Bird Tongue

[Psycho] And here we are, at the end of PROPHECY FEST 2017. Despite of two long and laborious days this festival is an entertaining one and highly recommended. So much the worse that the festival did not reach the break even this year and thus takes a break in 2018. I really hope that this is not the end of this wonderful fest. Maybe, a concentrated one-day event would work better? Let’s see what the future will unfold in this matter. Musically it was definitely worth the travel. DOOL clearly topped everything. But also LOTUS THIEF, GLERAKUR, SOROR DOLOROSA, THE MOON AND THE NIGHTSPIRIT and THE SUN AND THE SLEEPLESS played memorable shows. And I actually have to name THE VISION BLEAK too, their show was just way too short. The roster of Prophecy Productions is much diversified, so everybody should have found its faves. And the cave as festival location is hardly to top anyway. Let’s hope to see you again in 2019 :)
[Dajana] Yes, definitely! No matter when, where and how the next PROPHECY FEST will take place, it’s always worth to be there and to support it. It’s a fantastic festival with outstanding (label) bands at an exceptional location. Thank you Prophecy-team, thank you helping hands and caterer, and thank you Fidel-Security, for another wonderful festival edition. It was once again a pleasure to be there. Chapeau!