Oh my, what a weekend! It was so wonderful! It did sooo good. Finally, a real festival again. Finally, time and chance to hear and see great bands performing live. Finally, time to meet like-minded people in dozens, to meet lovely friends and colleagues, to chat and discuss, to hug and cuddle people. I can hardly wrap into words how great this all felt. Beyond words. I had the feeling that every pinch of atmosphere in the cave was sucked up. It was so needed. It was an emotional festival, even tears had to be wiped away. This festival was truly liberating, balm for the soul!

As more as we talk about the legendary PROPHECY FEST, taking place in the likewise legendary :: Balve Cave ::. This festival is a must-be-there event for every fan of exquisite taste in music. Since the festival takes place every two years now, it didn't need to be canceled last year (the US edition however was). And for September things and circumstances around that fucking virus made it possible to let the festival happen. Of course, there have been new rules (proof of being vaccinated, tested, recovered), new structures regarding organization and technical stuff like stage setting etc. But, once inside the area no masks were required, no nailed spots to stay. Everybody could freely move around. Aaahhh, so great!
This year's edition of PROPHECY FEST also marks the 25th anniversary of Prophecy Productions. A reason to hugely celebrate. I mean really big. But, well, you know… At least, the label was allowed to invite fans outside the cave for an intimate tryst with 340 liters of free beer, food and bands performing acoustically. A big thank you to the fans by Prophecy Productions and more than 600 fans followed this call :)
Of course, the billing of PROPHECY FEST once again offered great names. I especially was much looking forward to see NEGURĂ BUNGET material performed live by its former and now DORDEDUH bandmates. I was curious to experience DEINE LAKAIEN between all those metal bands and to see how they would be received by the fans. DOOL, oh yeah. But most of all I wanted to see ARTHUR BROWN! Thrilling times ahead!

Well, the PROPHECY FEST 2021 did not happen unaffected. Bands had to cancel due to travel restrictions (and other reasons), FVNERALS even on short notice and unreplaced. The organizational effort was much higher at less tickets. Only 999 visitors were allowed (and sold except for a handful). The stage was set deep into the cave, with its back parts used as backstage to minimize contacts between bands and fans (which was of no use at all ;)). So, there was no exhibition and no signing sessions. The cave was open all the time for ventilation. It benefited the sound but made the cave cooler and moist.
Instead of tokens we got paper vouchers 1 voucher = 1 Euro (beer 4v, food 3-5v). Beer and other drinks were handed out canned or bottled.
As with every fest, this year's PROPHECY FEST came with an exclusive program book. An anniversary edition. Much bigger, vinyl size, with more than 100 pages. It is much more than just a (program) book. It is an anthology, a retrospective of 25 years of Prophecy Productions. It's history, all tours and concerts, all festivals, the whole catalogue plus four CDs. All designed by Łukasz Jaszak, photographer and graphic designer since the first days of the label.
The whole PROPHECY FEST 2021 was filmed from multi camera perspectives and streamed again for free. The label learnt from the experiences two years ago and engaged a professional team that came with an own outside broadcast van and directly cut and edited everything in a breathtaking quality. There was a huge screen in the cave and a smaller one outside next to the food both. So, you could see every band at any time :) The festival stream can be watched on YouTube » HERE «. Another highlight surely was Ernie Fleetenkieker of :: Krachmucker TV ::, who, accompanied by Matt Bacon (Prophecy USA), interviewed and announced bands live. Always good for a laugh ;)

Ok, so far, the foreword. What's left to say? A big THANK YOU! A thousand times THANK YOU to Prophecy Productions for a unique and wonderful festival once again. For not giving up on the current situation. Thank you to the Schützenbruderschaft Sankt Sebastian and the Festspielverein Balve. Thank you to all helping hands and Fidel security for a very relaxed festival with a care free package. And, of course, a big thank you to all bands for their stunning live shows! |