• Hell Militia - Ares Kingdom - Wodensthrone - Drawn
And Quartered - Dispirit - Oak - Hellvetron
• Root - Inquisition - Demigod - Stargazer - Nunslaughter
- Demonical - Weapon - Adorior - Loss - Grave Upheaval - Ritual
Necromancy - Aldebaran - Warmaster
• Mortuary Drape - Pagan Altar - Dead Congregation -
Zemial - General Surgery - Ignivomous - Tribulation - Cianide
- Disma - Evoken - Adversarial - Midnight - Plutocracy - Blaspherian
- P.L.F.
• Mournful Congregation - Strid - Worship - Antaeus -
Impetuous Ritual - Interment - Akitsa - Valkyrja - Anatomia -
Funebrarum - Mitochondrion - Cruciamentum - Vasaeleth - Hour Of
13 - Ilsa - Anhedonist
pics :: live
stories ::
and negativity surrounded the RITES OF DARKNESS III fest
before it began. Big name bands dropping off at last minute. However,
doesn’t that come with any big festival territory? I think
so. Some fans took it personally and decided not to go and sell
their tickets. This was a stupid move for those that chose to
do so. They missed out on one of the best metal underground festivals
the US has to offer. Based in the southern Texas city of San Antonio,
the RITES OF DARKNESS festivities kicked off on Thursday
with a pre-show at a tiny club called Bonds Rock Bar. Featuring
QUARTERED, DISPIRIT and old school thrashers ARES
KINGDOM. Three of these bands played for a second time over
the weekend. It took nearly an hour to get into the club and by
that time VASAELETH was ready to take the stage. Throwing
the crowd into a frenzy with their old school black metal which
sounds similar to Arch Goat. Muddy as fuck. Next to take the stage
was England’s WODENSTHRONE, putting everyone under
a spell and giving a different vibe with more of a melodic black
metal tone, also the only band on the fest to have a keyboard
that I can recall. Next up was the Seattle three piece DRAWN
AND QUARTERED. With their dose of doom impending blackened
death metal. Quite appeasing to the crowd. After their performance
we skipped out figuring we’d catch DISPIRIT and ARES
KINGDOM at the fest over the next 3 days.