the second day starts very early, at 11 am. And I’m even
awake before the alarm rings but enthusiasm is something different.
Well, first coffee and an extended breakfast…
First band
of day 2 is :: RABENWOLF
:: and I don’t wanna miss them. Epic melodies
with a proper Folk note, rough singing and sing along refrains
is what RABENWOLF is about and what the first hundred peeps
get up and awake in the venue. Yes, that makes fun, even at this
damn early time. I liked the flute, which added an extra to the
music. Much likeable bunch of people!
Setlist: Aufbruch, Ewiger Kampf, Sturmzeit, Gezeiten,
Feld der Steine
were surely here to promote their brand new album Von Worten und
Taten, a great piece of blackened Thrash/Pagan Metal. But it is
actually fronter Tetzel who impresses and attracts most attention.
There’s something on the tip of my tongue but hey, I know
how to behave… ;)
Setlist: Was Angst ist, Klingenschmiede, Tatenklang,
Wahn & Chaos, Die Nibelungenmär', Die letzte Schlacht
der Fünften, Asenblut
During ::
:: and :: MIDNATTSOL
:: I take another break and am back on time…
And with them my so called “hometown run” begins (to
put them broad-minded near my hometown ;)). As one might know
two members of them played formerly in Helrunar, a hint you can
clearly hear out as especially guitarist Dionysos has this distinctive
guitar play I love(d) in Helrunar and love in UNDER THAT SPELL
Setlist: Set The Fire, Zenith, Abyss, Black, Their Last
Creation, I Am The Prophet
:: are on tour right with Vreid and Solefald (playing a little
later) and play a great show of progressive Black and Death Metal
with wonderfully alternating singing between Andreas Frigstad
and Sindre Nedland as well as bassist Kristian Wikstøl.
Actually do all band members sing ;) Again a band with a new album
(Ænigma) out IN VAIN play three songs
from. One little drawback of a great show was the absence of light.
Well, you know, photographers… ;)
Setlist: Captivating Solitude, Against The Grain, Det
Rakner!, October's Monody, Image Of Time, Floating On The Murmuring
Another band
that has blown me away is ::
Founded back in 2009 MALADIE gather many known faces of
current and past bands and serve their music with three singers,
all of them totally insane *laughs*. MALADIE seek and destroy
and leave nothing than scorched earth. I’m pretty sure,
after a regular and full MALADIE show you are ready for
the nuthouse. Definitely the highlight of the second day!
And then,
they are back, these wonderfully flickering Black Metal guitars
I love so much. :: EÏS
:: formerly known as Geïst, who have released
atmospherically dense and intensive records under both names.
Also EÏS have a surprise for their fans: singer Seuche
of German Black Metal band Fäulnis contributing guest vocals
to Kainsmal. And he sounded utmost sick.
Setlist: Mann aus Stein, Galeere, Auf kargen Klippen,
Kainsmal, Helike, Winters Schwingenschlag
Not only the
RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL celebrates its birthday, so do ::
::, their 15th band anniversary. As they did in 2011
they also offered us a fantastic fire show in 2013 too. Too bad
photographers were not allowed to enter the pit. OBSCURITY
played a best-of set through all records and got five (5!) enthused
guest singers on stage during Obscurity, who won this part
in a competition on the band’s website.
Setlist: Varusschlacht, Bergische Löwen, Fimbulwinter,
Tenkterer, Obscurity, Blut&Feuer, Nach Asgard wir reiten,
Die letzte Schlacht, Bergischer Hammer // Nordmänner
During the
:: show there was not that much to see. Only smoke
and stroboscopes and some shadows. Sound was bad and singer Ingo
seemed to have a sore throat. Here I actually expected new songs,
but no. If RIGER work on a new album I don’t know
Setlist: Prolog, Hinter Mauern aus Stein, Des Blutes
Stimme, Angriff, Brandschiff, Zunft der Lügner, Germania,
Streyf, Auf die Ahnen!
:: luckily have a better sound and singer Skald Draugir
is pleased to play RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL for the fourth
time. He says, that makes the venue to his living room, almost
;) And a HELRUNAR show is always great.
Setlist: Kollapsar, Unten und im Norden, Unter dem Gletscher,
Schwarzer Frost, Nebelspinne, Aschevolk, Älter als das Kreuz
Again I allow
myself another break and miss :: MENHIR
:: (who, so I got told, had the worst sound and left
the stage abruptly before its end). ::
:: I actually wanted to see in its entirety but make
it to the last two songs only. But those one gave an impression
of an outstanding show.
Side note: Some might remember the lyric-clash between NOCTE
OBDUCTA and a certain Kanwulf (Nargaroth, what brings me back
to my problem I was nagging about in the beginning). Those Kanwulf
was there as a VIP guest and walking around. Seems there was some
trouble around…
When ::
:: entered the stage I was fully awake and present.
I never have seen them playing live before. No wonder, their last
show in Germany was 1998 and they didn’t play at all since
1999. The show starts with singer Cornelius Jakhelln sitting on
a chair in the middle of the stage, writing, with wonderful classical
music running in the background. I would like to know which composer
that was. Anyway, a great scenery that somehow reminded me if
Hemmingway. I don’t know why. However, what Cornelius was
writing there is a poem; he just did to celebrate the 10th anniversary
of RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL. And he wrote this poem in German!
And the recited it before the show! It is not perfect, but the
idea itself is just wonderful. I am deeply impressed. SOLEFALD
surprisingly played many songs from the 1997 debut album The
Linear Scaffold and besides one of (almost) every other.
And the fans respond frenetically and still wanted more. Exceptional
show, really!
Setlist: Jernlov, CK II Chanel No 6, Red View, The USA
Don't Exist, Backpacka Baba, Sun I Call, Vitets Vidd I Verdi,
Philosophical Revolt, When the Moon Is On The Wave
Well, after
I have seen Nattefrost last night staggering and creeping on stage
with Shining I did not much expect from tonight’s ::
FOREST :: show. And again, Nattefrost was dead
drunk, dealt more with his Whiskey bottle than with his show and
audience or was busy scrolling through his lyric book, what actually
didn’t matter, because you couldn’t understand anything
of his slurred speech and singing. Though, the show wasn’t
that bad as it was supposed to be. Nattefrost is much used to
this kind of performance and the rest of the band made the best
of a bad job.
Setlist: Intro Damnation Chant, The Suicide Song, Mask
Of The Slave, Hymne To Doden, The Frostbitten Woodlands Of Norway,
One With The Earth, Carpathian Forest, Bloodlust & Perversion,
Skjend Hans Lik, Knokkelmann, Morbid Fascination Of Death, Return
Of The Freezing Winds, Black Shining Leather, It's Darker Than
You Think, The Well Of All Human Tears, Shut Up, There is No Excuse
To Live, He's Turning Blue, Diabolism
Norse black metallers ::
off with two songs of their smashing new record Welcome Farewell,
to go back in history right after. Those who already fell asleep
got mercilessly woke up by the sirens of Alarm. Again I’d
loved a little bit more of lights.
Setlist: The Ramble, The Reap, Songen Åt Fangen,
Welcome Farewell, Arche, Alarm, Sights Of Old, Raped By Light,
At the Brook, Pitch Black
Last but not
least, it is up for :: SECRETS
OF THE MOON :: to close this year’s edition
of RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL. I think it’s a pity to
let play such awesome band as a closer of a festival at this late
time. They would have deserved a better slot. Of course, audience
has thinned out this time but luckily not that strong as I was
afraid of ;) SECRETS OF THE MOON had a lot of candle and
fires on stage for a very mystic atmosphere and I loved it. It’s
also great to see how the band gets better and better on stage,
playing more harmonious and to attach importance for the little
things that add this special atmosphere. During Lucifer Speaks
Torsten of Nocte Obducta/Agrypnie appeared on stage and sang this,
not his best performance, if you ask me, but it didn’t ruin
anything either. It was outstanding show, one of the best of SECRETS
OF THE MOON I experienced so far and definitely the highlight
of the whole festival!
Setlist: Blood Into Wine, Seraphim Is Dead, Serpent
Messiah, Lucifer Speaks, Nyx, Shepherd, The Three Beggars
Ok, here we
are at the end of the 10th anniversary festival of RAGNARÖK
2013. It was a great festival, no doubt, but as for me, not
so special a 10th anniversary would have deserved it. Many of
the bands that played yesterday and tonight I already have seen
2, 3 and 4 time at this single festival. Regarding attendees,
it seems that less have been here as in the last years. Maybe
time has come for changes?