2011-04-30 DE – Lichtenfels - Stadthalle
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Todtgelichter - Obscurity - Twilights Of The Gods - Orphaned Land - Thyrfing - Månegarm - Valkyrja - Agrypnie - Eïs - Adorned Brood - Arafel - Dalriada - Path Of Golconda - Ctulu - Blackshore

Much work, less booze = easy morning :) We got quickly, had an opulent breakfast and entered the hall on time to welcome the first bands. Many fans managed too, although some of them still looked… wasted *lol*

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Germany’s finest seaside metallers :: BLACKSHORE :: kicked off the second day and right from the first minute played such tight and asskicking show! The perfect wake-up-call. It’s still a young band, around since 2007 with two EPs and one full-length up their sleeves, playing songs from all of them. As they told their sophomore is already in the making and set to be unleashed in September. Let’s see ;)
Setlist: Stalinorgel Terrorbeast, Doomdriven Devils Of Death, Black Metal Untermensch, Frostbitten Warmachine, Rise Of The Necrotyrant, Empire Of Ashes, BlackShore, Bitchgrinding Metal, Are You Ready For Some Real German Anger?

More Black Metal, this time in a special packaging :: CTULU :: used the chance and made their appearance at RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL to the release show of their brand new album Sarkomand, almost completely played. Only opener and closer came from the debut Freie Geister. First fires got ignited and some special light spots installed, but it didn’t work out the way it was probably meant to be. Wrong daytime I’d say, but didn’t narrow any bit of the show itself.
Setlist: Freie Geister, Arckanum der Tiefen, Sarkomand, Nachtwind, Gezeitenstürme, Blindes Chaos, Nemesis // Mondsucht

Next musical delicacy comes on the heels. And again… damn… didn’t see :: PATH OF GOLCONDA :: for ages. Also their third release Return seemingly passed by unnoticed *argh*. December 2009… Mea culpa! Guilty conscience to and fro, PATH OF GOLCONDA rock out as hell and leave burning stages. Nothing has changed in this matter ;) Driving grooves, aggressive blast parts and melodies galore in between. No holding back and in no time the hall is full of moshing fans :) That’s just awesome! Wanna get more of it, please!
Setlist: Metropolis Rotting, Serpent Gate, The Wolves Are On The Prowl, Uncreation, A Cannibal Crusade, Return

One woman's meat is another woman's poison. Hungarian :: DALRIADA :: causes same defense reaction as Battlelore the day before (see female fronted metal bands…). In fact DALRIADA emerges as sort of an Arkona clone. Where you will miss the Russian soul, Hungarian folklore steps in.

Finally less folk and more black! And a singer well-known and (perhaps not so surprisingly) enthuses the audience. We talk about Israeli band :: ARAFEL :: fronted by former Equilibrium singer Helge Stang. As for me I’d like to state sharp-tongued that ARAFEL don’t differ that much from Equilibrium, apart from violinist Nasha Nokturna of course ;) But it was definitely funny to see how many jaws in the first rows hit the ground when Miss Nasha jumped on the speakers, using the f-word and let it fly *laughs*

Next up is :: ADORNED BROOD :: a band that is known in this genre that is nothing to tell about anymore. They also jumped in for a cancelled band and can already call the RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL their second home, since they played that festival several times now. What else to say? Folk Metal rules the world, the fans goes wild and fervently sing-along to 7 Tage.
Setlist: Hammerfeste, Adorned Brood, Am Grunde Des Meeres, 7 Tage, Pagan Knights, Lebenslied, Lead My Ship, Under Yggdrasil

Now we can finally leave the Folk/Viking Metal genre *phew* Formerly Geïst, now :: EÏS :: playing finest solemn Black Metal. EÏS captivate and mesmerize with tracks from records such as Patina, Kainsmal and Galeere. I feel reminded of Helrunar and Agrypnie, whereas latter one is much more aggressive. EÏS’ music is dense, very intensive and stringent. They truly got me under their spell!
Setlist: Galeere, Stille Wasser, Patina, Winters Schwingenschlag, Helike, Unter toten Kapitänen, Kainsmal

No sooner said than done :: AGRYPNIE :: enter the stage with a singer with a broken hand and without his guitar. An AGRYPNIE show is per se a highlight, always, but this evening was really special. Together with Eïs bass player Alboin AGRYPNIE played 16[485]/Brücke aus Glas from their most recent record, a song that was a taboo, till now ;) AND… frontman Torsten sat down WITH a guitar and plucked the strings. Someone said something like “musical ecstasy”… I could not have said it any better. A fantastic moment, a grandiose show!
Setlist: Figur 109-3, Der tote Trakt, Kerkerseelenwanderung, Morgen, Schlaf, 16[485]/Brücke aus Glas

Afterwards Stockholm-based Black metallers :: VALKYRJA :: could not keep up this high level of enthusiasm and energy. They for sure did a good job and tried their very best. Audience went off for a break and I missed the atmosphere I know from their records to get captivated again.
Setlist: Oceans To Dust, Laments Of The Destroyed, The Vigil, Origin Reversed!, As Everything Rupture, Catharsis (Contaminate The Earth), The Womb Of Disease, Frostland

Next band already had several stints at this festival too :: MÅNEGARM :: I guess I have seen them too often. They played a professional show, Viking hymns, with no highlights and no downer. Even the wild acting of the crazy violinist is common; also that he often does not have his instrument under control.
Setlist: Intro (Hraesvelg), Vetrarmegin, Vedergällningens Tid, Nattsjäl, Dromsjäl Genom Världar Nio, Mina Fäders Hall, Geigensolo (Intro von Dödsfärd), I Evig Tid Hemfärd

Ah, and now another band that has to be per se a highlight at RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL :) Swedish own :: THYRFING :: This band cannot do it any bad. Love them. And once again they played a furious and aggressive show with songs through their entire history. Viking Metal par excellence! As two years ago, definitely one of the festival’s highlight.
Setlist: Far åt Helvete, Farsotstider, Från Stormens Öga, Storms Of Asgard, Draugs Harg, Vansinnesvisan, Griftefrid, Mjölner, Going Berserk

Also :: ORPHANED LAND :: let the stage burn. Another band from Israel that knows how to fire up the fans to the max. The crowd literally freaked out. Tonight the guys looked pretty “normal”, also their belly dancer was left aside. But though, with some special lights, singer Kobi Farhi looks and reminds of Jesus, no matter what he says ;)

Listening to Bathory’s most influencing and legendary album Hammerheart during our drive towards the festival, we now get its songs and other ones live on stage presented by the tribute band :: TWILIGHT OF THE GODS :: entrusted to Alan Nemtheanga. (Primordial), Frode (Einherjer), Nick Barker (Dimmu Borgir, Cradle Of Filth), Blasphemer (Mayhem) and Patrik Lindgren. (Thyrfing). With flambeaus and Shores In Flames they got into their set on a smoke-shrouded stage. Great atmosphere but no excitement on my side. Quorthon cannot be reached, his singing, his attitude. Not even such charismatic singer as Alan Nemtheanga is could make it. Too much pathos, too big gestures. Gonna get stuck by the originals ;)

The festival draws to a close and has to face its fulminant highlight the fiery :: OBSCURITY :: show. The Bergisch lions are the only band of the festival with a pyro show. And here someone, Boni of Japanische Kampfhörspiele to be exactly, really had a lot of fun doing so :) Oh and it seems it was damn fucking hot on stage *laughs* Well, that’s the price you have to pay ;) Likewise hot the crowd responded. Once again the audience was spiraling up to the max to worship and adore Viking Metal as its best. It was truly a great party going on, while the band focused their last both releases Tenkterrer and Várar.
Setlist: Nach Asgard wir reiten, Keltilwald, Tenkterer, Varusschlacht, Wer Wind sät, Keldagau, Blut Und Feuer, Bergische Löwen, Bergischer Hammer // Schutt & Asche, Brukterer, V Legion

Right after the warriors were exhausted and left the battlefield weary and tired. Bad for :: TODTGELICHTER :: who played the last show of the festival for a barely filled hall, while in the background people already started to take down equipment and stuff. No good conditions but that’s life (at a festival). I’m still fully awake and besides much curious. I already have seen the avant-garde black metallers playing live and was enthused. With their third album Angst they have released a little masterpiece with a completely new concept around I really like. Great show, really. And I loved the guest vocals by Marta. Great finale for a great festival weekend :)

Summary: Time has come and the RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL 2011 closes its gates. OBSCURITY’s pyro show was for sure the best thing of the day, AGRYPNIE also really, really awesome, ORPHANED LAND, EÏS and THYRFING to die for :) Yes, we had great moments, meetings, experiences and happenings, making this weekend once again to something special. It’s late; we are down the drain too and toddle off towards the hotel. And of course we are already much looking forward to see you again at RAGNARÖK FESTIVAL 2012! Goodnight & cheers!

story & pics © Dajana