Having just survived some special adventures with my car on Dutch
highways I was more than just happy when I saw the ride offer
on my hometown board. SKINNY PUPPY, idols of
the 80’s… dunno when I saw them the last time performing
live, must have been ages ago. Anyway, since I can’t attend
any of the summer festivals I have to catch the bands in between,
especially such ones that generally tour rarely in our latitudes
and just come over the pond for the festivals. SKINNY
PUPPY is such band and Utrecht in around the same distance
as Amsterdam. Hehe… it’s quasi like checking out the
distance from the “outside” ;)
Many thanks
to Mr. Beutolomäus Sack, who managed to squeeze five (5!!!)
Skuppy-freaks into his bubble car, driving them more than 200
km to Utrecht. Arriving on time we collectively got felled by
the parking charge at Utrecht’s Old Town. Instead of hourly
purchasing a part of our parking lot for 3.85 Euro we went for
the evening ticket (from 7pm to 1am) for 13,50 Euro, which is
a little cheaper than the hourly tax. Utrecht has a great Old
Town and all these canals, definitely worthwhile a look, but this
charge I call pilferage. Way too exaggerated… tststs…
Club: The Tivoli
emerges as a huge and roomy hall. Looked like an old warehousing
with high ceilings and long corridors. The ground was declining
towards the stage so that also the last rows had a good sight
onto stage.
Since there was no photo pit I immediately settled down in the
first row, provided with beer (boah! I wasn’t the one to
drive tonight? *g*) and waiting for what has to come…
pics ::
… and
the thing creeping over was called •
VON SCHIRACH • striking down everyone.
No idea how to describe the following... Ok, a lonely laptop on
a small lonely table protected by a plastic dog with glowing red
eyes. This dog alone already looked more than just moronic...
Well, this scenario isn’t unusual. I know many electro/Industrial
artists working like that on stage. As far as good. A black-hooded
single person was scurrying around, plugging in the last cables...
AND THEN... suddenly, like being stinged, this person jumped up
and disrobed himself, unleashing what was shrouded upon approx.
400 people: OTTO VON SCHIRACH. Dressed like a
black’n’silver Superman this moronic man was feakin’
out on stage like an insane: jumping, running, ranting, twiddling
the knobs and worming out hyper-fast and wild sound orgies ranging
anywhere between Techno, Industrial and Black Metal. Singing was
so ultra distorted; every old school black metal gurgler would
have gone green with envy. This entire scenery was soooo flashy,
gross, sick, bizarre, spacy and beyond of anything that everyone
was starring at the stage with big eyes. OTTO VON SCHIRACH
didn’t speak, no announcements, instead he was fighting
a banana biting massive furball that was holding a ghetto blaster
on a stick. Battling… he did it with an extremely kitschy
light sword…
Maybe I should now mention that OTTO VON SCHIRACH
isn’t such unknown… erm… musician. He also worked
with Skinny Puppy…

The half
hour for the change-over wasn’t really necessary since all
the stuff was already built up. But everybody was thankful for
this little break to recover. Reflecting on what was closing in
the last 30 minutes many people just looked around questioningly;
not knowing what to think about, how to categorize what was seen
and experienced…
Lights went
off and under generally showed enthusiasm •
PUPPY • entered the stage. Well…
means… cEvin was – as usual – entrenching himself
behind his high-built synths. Same goes for the live drummer,
who was only to see when he stood up and was drumming while standing.
Ogre even didn’t show up and stayed behind a screen exercising
himself in Chinese shadow plays for the first three tracks (thank
the wang no one cared about the announced 3 song rule to take
photos… it would have been a disaster…). SKINNY
PUPPY kicked off with the very old song Anger
from the 87 album Cleanse Fold & Manipulate.
They even went back to the debut EP Remission
(‘84) but ignored the 85’s Bites
and 90’s Last Rites. Besides they
include everything else except for the fact that they disregarded
the “common best-of-list”. Of course most songs (4)
came from the duo’s current album Mythmaker
and of course, the white screen wasn’t there just to look
good ;) It was the basis for Ogre’s blood spitting and bloody
messes. This screen could have been sold afterwards as art…
;) Sound was just moderate and Ogre every now and then giving
signs to the techs for changes. I missed the guitar but the performance…
was intensive as fuck! Ogre really knows how to present himself
best suiting to the musical concept. In between Orgre was flagging
and disappeared after almost every track behind the screen (jetlag,
too drunk or stoned?) but that didn’t do any harm on the
show and fans didn’t take it amiss in any way.
After having acted expectant during the first three songs the
feedback became more and more enthusiastic with every new song,
what in turn animated the band to put more and more energy into
their show. At the end both sides couldn’t get enough from
each other, was the applause almost frenetically. And that got
rewarded with 2 encores. So! I absolutely loved this show! Just
great! Awesome! I know... many people said afterwards that it
was once of the worst SKINNY PUPPY shows ever.
Well… can’t say anything about this, I didn’t
saw them that often.
Setlist: Anger, Ugli, Dogshit, Tormentor,
PolitikiL, Rodent, Pedafly, Worlock, I'mmortal, Dig It, Amnesia,
Hardset Head, Fascist Jockitch, haZe // Far Too Frail, Blue Serge

OTTO VON SCHIRACH was at least good enough for
one laugh and is generally best suited to scare people off (musically)
;) SKINNY PUPPY was just great, as already mentioned.
Just wonder how a so called legendary show of them must turn out…
However, the trip to Utrecht was definitely worth the endeavors.
It was cramped *lol* but it has made lotsa fun. Especially the
“conservations” sitting in a threesome in the back
of a Nissan Micra (me in the middle with the two guys to the left
and right ;)) like: “You’re in?”… “from
your side I mean?”… Asking to the other side: “you
found the other one? It’s in too?”… A question
from the front: “how are the legs?” Answer: “Legs?
What legs?”…etc. ya know *lol* Yes, it was a great
evening and definitely not the last time I was at the Tivoli ;)