you ever have seen a SKUNK ANANSIE show and especially
front lady Skin acting on stage, you will always come back and
not miss a show near your town! It actually does not need a particular
reason but putting out a new record is of course the perfect chance
to start a new tour ;) With SKUNK ANANSIE a 3-days-Cologne-concert-excursion
ends and sees me stop by at • E-Werk
• Tonight’s show was downgraded from the Palladium
across the street but that is not really a bad thing. Now the
E-Werk was really crowded with a formidable atmosphere around.
pics ::
The Evening
got opened by the unknown Australian band ::
::, onstage quite an unglamorous quartet consisting
of singer Hayley Mary, pianist/keyboarder Heather Shannon, drummer
Nik Kaloper und guitarist Samuel Lockwood. Unglamorous because
of the constantly boring green light and the motionless performance.
Singer Hayley Mary in fact tried to move and to dance a little
but it all looked much stereotyped and monotonous. The music itself,
listened to without the visual factor was quite enjoyable, offering
nice melodies. THE JEZABELS is a band to listen to back
home within your own four walls, not really a visual experience.
Setlist: Endless Summer, Easy To Love, Trycolour, Catch
Me, Hurt Me, Dark Storm

ANANSIE :: is of course much the opposite. Even
if it takes some time till you get what you are waiting for. There
are worlds… um… universe between. However, lights
out, spots on and The Skank Heads was thundering down the stage.
Skin jumps onto stage and masters the crowd and photographers
in milliseconds. Skin is literally sugar for the lenses ;) And
we got a fantastic light show, and a great sound. It all was so
much better than last year’s show at the Live Music Hall.
Skin rocked the stage, the hall, the crowd and the evening. SKUNK
ANANSIE is a band consisting of four members, but it is Skin
who always attracts attention, making her mates Ace, Cass and
Mark looking pale. Okay, the hooded Cass with his long dreads
was quite an eye catcher. The band focused on the brand new record
Black Traffic, which I think is not such a strong
one. But This Is Not A Game is an awesome song live turning
out to be such a powerful hymn. It’s the older songs that
make the crowd freaking out, so that Skin can surf the crowd during
Weak without a risk. Later she even stands on her fans,
literally, and walks, borne on hands. Crowdwalking so to say ;)
It was an amazing view to see her doing that. When she fell she
got caught and was crowdsurfing back to stage. The fans are frenetic
and enthused. I cannot stand still either, swing and dance. SKUNK
ANANSIE play… I do not know… about 2 hours? They
play two-thirds of Black Traffic, many songs from
the predecessor Wonderlustre and the classics. And
so they do every fucking night. Respect! I just wish I would have
been allowed to take more photos, from the balcony for example,
to catch the wonderful lightshow *sighs* It leaves a photographer’s
heart bleeding… Fantastic show!
Setlist: The Skank Heads, I Will Break You, I Believed
In You, God Loves Only You, I Hope You Get To Meet Your Hero,
Twisted (Everyday Hurts), I’ve Had Enough, My Ugly Boy,
Weak, Hedonism (Just Because You Feel Good), Our Summer Kills
The Sun, This Is Not A Game, I Can Dream, Over The Love, Spit
You Out, Because Of You, Sad Sad Sad, Charlie Big Potato // Tear
The Place Up, Secretly, Little Baby Swastikkka // You Saved Me,