the latest SUICIDE COMMANDO output Axis
Of Evil made an impact (still runs the DAC –
German Alternative Charts - up and down) it was kind of clear
that I would drop in to see them live. While arranging my dates
I was browsing the net for more information about TACTICAL
SEKT and INTERLACE. First audio impressions
of TACTICAL SEKT (side project of Aslan Faction’s
mastermind Anthony Mather) kicked me right out of my socks and
made me even more longing for this show. With collywobbles I
conducted my scruffy car on the highway, always fearing my car
could break down again. It did not …thank God! So I finally
could start my rediscovery trip into the EBM/ Industrial scene,
since I got stuck into the end 80’s/ early 90’s,
except a few acts I always kept an eye on…
pics ::
After an half hour of cool waiting the Tivoli
opened its gate. Of course I had some problems with the guestlist
again but who can resist me? *lol* With my first beer in hands
I was checking out this location (just know the Aladin next door).
This one emerged as a nice venue and got slowly filled with people
(at the end with around 300 people). On time Anthony Mather entered
the stage, but without his mate Lee Lauer. Instead Marco (from
NoiTekk label) behind the keys and Beam (Feindflug) behind real
drums were supporting him. And then … yeah, then I just
got blown away. Right from the first tune TACTICAL SEKT
were playing with such an energy and enthusiasm that I was kind
of speechless. I definitely did not expect something like that!
What a blast! Heavy pounding EBM as its best, running into your
legs, making you dancing your soul off. The singer gave his soul
to please and warm up the crowd, kneeling in front of us to say
thank you, so the drummer and key wiz followed suit. Incredibly
great! Just started, this evening already had its highlight. After
45 minutes of an infernal EBM blast the crowd was almost out of
control and TACTICAL SEKT had to come back on
stage for their encore. Love the guys. Heavily impressed!
Cheerful and in best mood I went to organize the next beer I shortly
after spilt over my clothes totally uninspired. Ok, was the last
one this evening. But that did not prevent myself for being someone
stinking. Well ... that’s me.
Anyway the key section of INTERLACE kicked off
with a dark and oppressive intro, wrapped in a spacy stage outfit,
while the singer just was appareled with a cotton cloth around
his haunches. Barefoot he was lofty stepping alongside the stage.
And these Swedish guys have had a hard job to do. Although I liked
their music a lot and the band had a great performance this kind
of music is not really suitable for a live appearance. You might
better use this kind of music as a background for your own depressions
within your four walls. To enjoy the music you better should know
the band’s releases. It seemed the audience had have the
same feelings, INTERLACE just got the courtesy
applause and they definitely have deserved more. Anyway, soon
I’ll deal closer with INTERLACE, that’s
for sure.
Interlace have hardly left the stage as it got very crowded in
front of. Of course! Mastermind Johan van Roy was in Germany supported
by Torben Schmidt (Lights Of Euphoria) and Marco Calvo Mesa (Dioxyde
– he replaced van Roys’s girlfriend Tanja) and kicked
off their set with the opener of their brand new album: Cause
Of Death: Suicide. From the first tune Johan have had the
crowd in his grip. A walk-over for him. Actually there was even
no need to sing for him, his presence was already enough ... Like
a rubber ball Johan was running and jumping over the stage and
the masses were brought to a boil. The fans have hung like marionettes
at Johan lips. They would have done everything for him ;) Of course
SUICIDE COMMANDO have played many tracks from
the new album Axis Of Evil like: Face
Of Death, One Nation Under God, Mordfabrik and Neuro
Suspension, but also tracks from older releases like Sick
In Your Mind, Dein Herz, Meine Gier and from Mindstrip
album: Love Breeds Suicide and Hellraiser (last
encore). And of course, Johan was straitjacket for a while, as
we know.
show and a nice trip back to the future. The scene got me back
and some label will have one more nettler. SUICIDE COMMANDO
have offered a competent and experienced show as usual. TACTICAL
SEKT was an absolutely highlight – at least for
me and tween INTERLACE unfortunately went under.
Yep ... it was worth it!
