One could say: Never change a winning team! Once proved their worth, THRESHOLD seemingly have strong relations to their support bands. In this way it does not wonder to see French prog metallers SPHERIC UNIVERSE EXPERIENCE on the bill again, a combination already seen in 2009. In support of their current effort, For The Journey (released in 2014), THRESHOLD already completed an extensive touring circuit throughout Europe. Without me actually. In 2015 THRESHOLD only played festivals, so that I had to catch them now on this mini tour to see them playing live again.
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THRESHOLD are known to be an excellent live band, a must-be-there event if a show is announced near you. So, not even black ice announcements could frighten me to head towards Essen and the • Turock Club •. I made it before the rain reaches Essen but doors are still closed. WTF… Doors opened 15 minutes later while the first band started 30 minutes prior its announced time. Twisted world… The Turock quickly fills, is packed and crowded. Well yeah, that’s something I expected… ;)

Opening band :: DAMNATION ANGELS :: are almost done with their set when I get in front of stage. The British power metallers look different: they have a new singer and no keyboard player anymore. The band focuses on their sophomore, The Valiant Fire, and play a lively and dedicated show. To me it was ok but nothing to freak out about.
Setlist: Closure, Icarus Syndrome, This Is Who We Are, Finding Requiem, Pride (The Warrior's Way)

At a breakneck speed equipment gets changed and :: SPHERIC UNIVERSE EXPERIENCE :: get on stage. Their last record, The New Eve, dates back to 2012 and has already some dust on it. The French cats are actually working on a new record and will go on intensively after the tour but those, who expected to get already the one or the other new tune to hear, got disappointed. Instead we got pleased with a best-of set from the band’s four records and they please us well, much better than in 2009. The band has significantly developed, is self-confident and expressive. Singer Franck Garcia tries hard to get the crowd animated. With moderate success. Raised arms and clap attacks weakened as quick as they were initiated. Though a great show!
Setlist: The New Eve, In This Place, Sceptic, Echoes Of The Stars, The Key

When Franck Garcia on his way off stage asked: „Are you ready for Threshold?” it was clearly audible for whom the fans were here for. Yes, :: THRESHOLD :: live is always a mighty force. Umpteen times they have proved to be one of the greatest live bands ever and deservedly gained a huge fan base. SUE had hardly left the stage as things got changed even faster. The crowd now pushed close to the stage to be even closer to the band’s frontman. Of course, THRESHOLD focuses on their current For The Journey they actually play in its entirety (without the bonus track). But the Brits started with something really old, with Freaks from the 1998 album Clone, followed by other classic after For The Journey.
THRESHOLD looked differently too tonight. Keyboard player Richard West was absent, down with a flu and off tour for 2 days now, as Damian Wilson explained. Also bassist Steve Anderson is sick but still plays, pale and staying much in the background with his band mates looking after him all the time. Meanwhile singer Damian Wilson is whirling over the stage like a devil, flirts with the girls, greets fans personally, makes jokes and even comments on the change at the interior. And he of course can’t help himself but making his tour through the fans, climbing the stairs at the outside of the handrail. Later he even jumps from the stage to surf the crowd till the back wall of the club, touches the new Jägermeister ad and pulls himself up on the balcony. Wow! That was risky! Dangerous undertaking. Fans of course found that great and freaked out. Completely.
THRESHOLD played a good 90 minutes show with two songs as an encore, finishing with the great Slipstream. Yes, THRESHOLD is a fucking asskickingly great live band! Once again excellently proved. What an awesome show!
After the show Damian Wilson immediately joined with the fans and caused quite a throng while signing stuff, talking to them and get photographed with them. At this point the Friday disco started… ah, that’s why the hurry.
Setlist: Freaks, Mission Profile, Watchtower On The Moon, Unforgiven, The Box, Turned To Dust, Lost In Your Memory, Autumn Red, The Mystery Show, Siren Sky, Oceanbound, Ashes // The Art Of Reason, Slipstream