[Dajana] True, you can’t see ULVER live on stage that often. But if so, it is mostly spectacular. I only once had the pleasure so far, in 2011 during their Wars Of The Roses tour. But… just to make the start into this new year a bit more interesting, ULVER embarked on a European tour in February in support of their latest effort Messe I.X-VI.X, an album released in summer 2013 together with the Tromsø Chamber Orchestra. ULVER announced that the dates: “…will consist of partly new and improv-based material, likely to revolve around motifs already familiar to our familiars.”. Yes, that could quite spectacular again…

[BRT] I only knew ULVER from their early days as a Black metal band and their first three releases. I was listening to some of the newer stuff but I definitely did not know what to expect from tonight’s show, although I already heard a lot about an ULVER show. Bands that are constantly searching for new sounds and atmospheres generally are in my good book.
:: pics ::
[Dajana] But sometimes the path to an outstanding concert experience is bumpy. Cologne is known for its traffic troubles, no matter at what time and to which club (or any other destination in that city) you are heading for. Well, we arrived on time at • Werkstatt •, ULVER seemingly did not and let us wait in the cold for almost an hour. And we got the same amount of time inside to warm up and have our drinks with ULVERs first three records playing in the background. At 9pm lights finally went out and an epic intro set in, first reminding me of a Master Musician Of Bukkake song (from the Totem albums) but surely was an improvised :: ULVER :: track as well. The Norwegian gents had to struggle to some (monitor) sound problems, not hearing each other properly what led to some asynchronous moments. Keyboarder Tore Ylwizaker even gave up during the first song and left the stage. And the guys looked tired. I guess they would have called it luck that the stage was so small for this 7-head ensemble and its equipment and any kind of lively stage acting impossible anyway. Though, ULVER quickly played themselves into another dimensions musically and took the crowd with them on this 90 minutes lasting journey through Ambient-like soundscapes, Drone-like and experimental parts up to sort of Post Rock. Melodies and sound cascades rise and fall, meander, take unexpected twists and turns. Music to close your eyes and to let loose. Stunning!

[BRT] For some reason I expected something like a Ambient-like Pink Floyd sound show. Not at all. This show was completely different! Mesmerizing sound collages, much distortion and noise and even Industrial and Krautrock elements got woven to a massive and epic sound colossus, powered by Jørn H. Sværens intensive drum work. The show was pretty much hypnotizing, psychedelic, and never went boring. I even would like to call this show as one of the most entertaining one I had as of late. Musically I got reminded of the Avant-Prog/RIO sound of Guapo (Daniel O’Sullivans ex-band) and psychedelic neo-Krautrock bands such as Electric Orange, Weltraum and Öresund Space Collective.
[Dajana] However, although I knew ULVER material well it was rather difficult to recognize single songs. And I actually don’t know anyone who really did ;)
[BRT] Yes, this was definitely a unique concert experience with a very own atmosphere I would like to repeat some day, although the next ULVER show will probably sound completely different from what I got to listen to tonight. Really, really awesome! Please give us a live DVD! [Dajana] Oh, no problem ;) According to reports ULVER will play the shows in Russia with an orchestra and record them for a live DVD release sometime later ;)

Setlist: ?, England, Dressed In Black, Doom Sticks, ?, ?, ?, Glamour Box (ostinati), Tomorrow Never Knows, Nowhere/Catastrophe // Eitttlane
