2006 the HELLFLAME Festival is again generous
in matter of a superb line-up. While the last year’s edition
of the festival was built up around a tourtrack of four bands
(added by 5 another ones), this year 8 “single bands”
were invited to give us some pleasure. And hell – the billing
promises not only a long night but a crushing one! Ok, in my opinion
MARDUK could have put aside in favor for any
other band. I have seen them so many times and most of the shows
weren’t that great. However, witnessing GOREFEST’s
comeback live on stage and GOD DETHRONED’s
and NECROPHOBIC’s new album performances
(so I hope) is already enough to make me happy I could hardly
await to jump into my first fall-festival-pleasure ;)
~ is a band I haven’t heard of before and
they immediately knew to surprise… well, in some way…
Anyway, regarding the billing I did not expected that an 8-head-crew
with violin, flute and contrabass would enter the stage. ADVERSUS
offered a mix of folkloristic tunes, electro sounds & samples
and metal. Lyrics were completely sung in German and had a poetic
approach. Male lead vocals were alternating between clean and
black metal-like singing with a strongly rolling “R”,
while the female soprano just scared to death. It was in fact
not wrongly pitched and it seems she is quite talented with her
voice, but it did not suit the rest of the music and came quite
disharmonic into my ears. Second female voice and the guitar were
mixed out and could not set any accents. They keyboarder alternately
played the flute and the keys. Singer Rosendorn (*lol*) was joking
around, well knowing, that’s not an easy task to open just
festival line-up with this kind of style. So he at least could
make the people laughing when he introduced the band as “…
we’re not so evil as the other ones and play some melodies”
and announced the track Deiner Schönheit gewahr
with: “that’s a romantic track, even metalheads need

~ did not only care for a gross change in style
but also for the first and only delay of 15 minutes, running through
the entire line-up till the end. Why? Satan knows… But for
that the crowd got finally pleased with some great black metal
tunes. Cute corpse-painted Norwegian pandas played their asses
off while mysteriously vanishing in tons of smoke. 1349 delivered
a great show and got deservedly got enthusiastic feedback from
the fans.
[Seb] I was a bit curious if 1349 would be able
to convince without Frost. Frost had to take a break for the rest
of the year due to his obligations with Satyricon, but as a replacement,
there was no one else than Tony Laureano. Of course he did a great
job. 1349 raised the bar for all following bands
with their extraordinary brutal and fast sound. The audience seemed
to like the performance as much as I did. I bet not least because
singer Ravn gave the micro to many of the guys in the front-row
of the stage, so everyone who could make it till the first row
could participate a bit in the show... great gig!

~ yea, yea, yea… death metal supreme! *lol*
That’s a band I was really curious about and looking for…
[Seb] Yeah, finally ... the first time I was able to see NECROPHOBIC
live on stage! Since they where able to continuously grow with
every album, I was hoping for some more tracks from the most recent
[Cal] …Their current album Hrimthursum
caused some furor (9.5/10 on NH; how to speak that btw.?). Unfortunately
they only played one song from this album…
[Seb] …I especially missed the outstanding Eternal Winter.
But anyhow, the Norwegians have so many killer songs on their
other albums, that one great track followed another…
[Cal] …the rest mainly came from The Third Antichrist
and The Nocrturnal Silence. Great! First
highlight! Oh… and btw… if you lamenting Dissection,
take NECROPHOBIC, that’s the perfect replacement!
[Seb] Near the end of their performance they dedicated one of
the songs to their late compatriot Jon Nödtveidt. Altogether,
a very well selected best of and for me: my personal highlight
of the evening!

~ sound like Children Of Bodom, but have less
power and drive. Something nice to listen to…
[Seb] …but could not really convince with their live performance.
They might have earned much positive response with their debut,
but in comparison with the bands playing around them at this festival,
they stayed quite pale. It was a solid but unspectacular gig.
The band was simply a bit to tame, what already began with the
keyboard intro. I guess that was the band for the girls this year

~ just fucking great! Soooo bloody ass kickin’!
They rocked down da house, leaving scorched earth. So much energy,
groove and brutality in best harmony to fall down upon your knees.
Top that all they played a brand new song from their upcoming
album The Toxic Touch (to be released
on October 20 via Metal Blade). What can I say? Expect a hammer!
As for the rest songs from their 2004 released masterpiece The
Lair Of The White Worm like Arch Enemy Spain
and Sigma Enigma did it too. Fans got crazy and sung
along powerfully. Oh, did I already tell that the show was fucking
awesome? It was! For sure! As for me greatest band of the evening!
Yeah! \m/

*yawns*… was like a serenade to fall asleep. Umpteen times
seen (ok, overstatement), not really bad, don’t get me wrong,
but nothing that kicks you out of your socks either. The “new”
singer did a good job, solid show I’d say. I just was waiting
that Mortuus would stumble on his huge converted cross that hung
till the hollow of his knees. But he didn’t…
[Seb] …no surprise for me either. Most seen band for me,
I think. Experienced as always, MARDUK had a
typical, hyper fast and hard performance mostly the younger fans
seemed to impress. I was not disappointed by their show, but there
where definitely bands that gave me more this night.

~ thrashed through their entire history and made
the audience freakin’ out with classics such as Victims
Of War and In The Name Of God. The highlight came
near the end, when a many-voiced choir screamed for Before
The Creation Of Time. Even if you are not a Death Metal freak,
this really kicked ass. After the speed attack by Marduk, this
was finally a feast for the headbanging fraction. I bet, if anyone
suffered from neck pains the day after, UNLEASHED
are not completely innocent. Very great show!
[Cal] Here, my cam came up with an uninspired error 99. As for
me I more heard UNLEASHED instead of seeing them,
while being in conclave with my expensive equipment...

~ are back after a six years hiatus and a strong
comeback album entitled La Muerte released October 28th 2005).
And finally they hit the stage again, proving that the Dutch groove-monster
legend is really back. As expected, the hall emptied a bit (coz
of time, train & busses) but there were enough fans left to
party hard and to band their heads off. Long time ago I saw them
performing live and listened to their stuff. But nothing has changed.
Everything remained unaffected (except the hair color of JC maybe).
Being veiled in tons of smoke, flooded in white and bluish light
and strobos they killed necks. Hell of a sound, hell of a groove.
GOREFEST groove as fuck! Presenting a great best-of
list from Get A Life (False,
93) via the Erase and Low from the classic Erase
up to the come-back album with You Could Make Me Kill (literally,
I tell ya!).At the end GOREFEST was the one and
only band playing an encore… one track…

Once again a great HELLFLAME edition…
[Seb] …yeah, and again with a quite successful band selection.
The HELLFLAME is becoming a metal institution
in September…
[Cal] …I’d say, there was less audience that in the
last year, but for that, there was a little beer garden added.
Chip shop was tasty and prizes ok. Inside of the hall beer had
2.50 Euro what is – if I remember right – 50 cents
more than in 2005. The two-head-team behind the bar was overstrained,
especially during the breaks, no relief in sight. Ok, the first
band is a matter of taste; they surely were off-beat, in a negative
[Seb] …anyhow, the organisation team shouldn't make it a
tradition out of it. At least not with such an “unsuitable”
band on the billing. But that's already all I have to nag about
this year.
[Cal] Hardly
surviving I hit the road back home at 2am in the hope to bridge
the remaining 2 hours to my morning shift with a caffeine-containing
refreshing cure and expedient work (photos for example) to survive
the eight hours afterwards while writing down this live report.
It worked, didn’t it? ;)
As in the last year: next event is the WINTERNOIZE FESTIVAL
with Moonspell - Lacrimas Profundere - Communic - Endstille
- Primordial - Moonsorrow - The Duskfall - A Life Divided
Cheers and see ya there!