- Absu - Aeon Throne - Agalloch - Aggrevator - Anaal Nathrakh
- Ancient Wisdom - Arcturus - Autopsy - Borknagar - Chton - Church
Of Misery - Cleaver - Corpus Mortale - Dead Trooper - Decapitated
- Dunderbeist - Earth - Einherjer - Execration - Gate To Chaos
- Headspin - Kirkebrann - Magister Templi - Manifest - Merah -
Mount Eerie - Necronomicon - Nekromantheon - Noiser - Ô
Paon - One Tail, One Head - Solstafir - Solstorm - Svarttjern
- The Konsortium - The Monolith Deathcult - Ribozyme - Throne
Of Katarsis - Triptykon - Trollfest - Tsjuder - Undying Inc. -
Velnias - Vesen - Vidr - Void Of Voices - Witchery

first INFERNO FESTIVAL experience in 2009 was a great one
and it was as plain as a day I’d come back! Surely not every
year (even if I wish I could) as it’s difficult to get always
the Easter days off from work, and for what it’s worth,
it’s not the cheapest travel (those, who already had a visit
in Norway know what I’m talking about). But every now and
then it’s highly important to pay respect and attenttion
to the organizers of INFERNO FESTIVAL and 2012 had a compelling
reason: ARCTURUS! ;)
reports :: Wednesday
:: Thursday :: Friday
:: Saturday ::
pics :: Wednesday
:: Thursday
:: Friday
:: Saturday
Trials and
tribulations of my very first Norway stint are passé. I
arrive very late, after midnight, check in a new hotel right around
the corner of • Rockefeller
• and with the • Revolver
• club next door, perfectly made for short
visits, uncomplicated but comfortable, and above all, really cheap
for Norway. Staff is lovely, weather too, blue sky, pure sun and
8 °C. No snow anymore. Makes Oslo looking much more adorable
and friendly as it did last time.

This year
I’m also prepared for all the “side dishes”
INFERNO FESTIVAL has to offer: IMC, exhibitions (Norwegian
Black Metal - Part One, Per Ole Hagen’s Norwegian
Metal In Concerts) and beer tasting (Nøgne Ø
Beer Tasting – I actually miss in favor of another lovely
meeting). There are a lot of things going on at the festival hotel
Royal Christiania, where I meet •
Kim Holm
• again, comic-strip artist and illustrator from
Bergen, who again sketches various INFERNO FESTIVAL bands
and showcases is art the next day in the hotel lobby. One wall
he had decorated with original SÓLSTAFIR art work
from their most recent Svatir Sandar double album
(and unfortunately not for sale). Truly awesome!
As for me and my colleagues now a true working marathon begins,
running up and down the stairs from Rockefeller to John Dee and
back for collecting photos and impressions to shape what you read
now ;) If one was still in need for some kind of spring fitness,
right here you go… *laughs*