- Absu - Tsjuder - Agalloch - Merah
- Dead Trooper - Velnias - Aeon Throne - Necronomicon
Friday got off the grid… cumbersome. Really short night,
totally exhausted and tired but sleepless. No rest for the wicked…
I gonna start my hunt for bands on time and have to face first
that announced adversity. I got a photo pass, but not a photo
PIT pass. Okay, at John Dee there is no photo pit at all, but
at Rockefeller and it doesn’t make work easy without the
pit. Unfortunately, as I was not the only one, I could not catch
the one responsible for that and to had to do my job in other
ways. Not really comfortable but I could manage…
First up are
Canadian death/black metallers :: NECRONOMICON
:: who play live in Europe for the very first time,
currently on tour supporting Absu. And they play with much delight
and enthusiasm. Having a strong symphonic character on CD NECRONOMICON
live focused on brutality, intensity and intransigence. Great

On the bid
stage :: MERAH
:: open the evening. Never heard of before but they
totally captivated me. MERAH is the mysterious solo project
of S. Grønbech (brother of Obsidian Claw ov Keep Of Kalessin,
and also worked on the Reclaim EP). Live, he plays the bass, masked,
as the singer was masked and hooded too, standing behind the drum
kit. Later we got to learn that it was Mr. Thebon underneath.
As I think it was their first live show ever and also marks the
release of the debut album Anomalia (which wasn’t
to find anywhere). No song snippets, no info either. Ah, I forgot…

THRONE :: equip themselves for the next battle.
A trve Norwegian black/death metal attack on the John Dee stage.
Generally speaking it’s the amount of Norwegian extreme
bands that score here most. But I actually don’t really
wonder… AEON THRONE is a rather young band that was
founded in 2010 and just has released an EP entitled Dawn
in 2011. I liked it.

Hot on heels
the first highlight follows with :: AGALLOCH
:: who play there very first show in Norway. Again
they deliver one of these intense and wonderful shows, playing
songs from the latest records. Sound is awesome. There is just
the huge stage that kills a bit of the atmosphere. And I didn’t
see any utensils this time. Incense for example, some nature stuff…
etc. Well, maybe I could not see since every band was heavily
wrapped into smoke that you hardly could see anything on stage.
A no-view at no-lights, so to say… Though, great show!

:: (right now on tour with Agalloch) are still a quite
unknown band from the States and play epic blackened Folk/Doom
metal, with a certain WITTR vibe in it. Really great and I’d
like to recommend!

Okay, now
we get real trve Norwegian Black Metal. ::
:: open the gates to hell wide and unleash the evil
upon the crowd. TSUJDER are evil, and brutal, raw, old
school, and hellish fast. Crowd is going wild and I forced to
get me a safer place. On stairs, where I can perfectly watch the
band playing. It is a hellride from start to end, a hellride I
truly enjoy.

Fans keep
it wild and lively downstairs, where the ::
:: kick asses. Thrash till death. It is packed, it
is hot and it is humid at John Dee, but that’s exactly what
we want and what creates such intense atmosphere. Sweating bodies,
rotating heads, flying fists… Yesss!

As we all
are in a special mood, we keep it extreme and ::
:: fire us up. Scorched earth guaranteed. Too bad that
there are only shadows to see in the waving smoke.

Before I vanish
in smoke too I run down to get me a place in the front row. It’s
:: time! I love them. Love their music. And it’s
great to see that they already gained kind of a cult status. Everybody
wants to see them, is curious. The club is now really crowded.
No space left for anything. The big stage would have better on
one side, but as for the atmosphere they are right here. And the
show is unbelievably great and intensive. Only four tracks, again,
but the breathtaking Fjara from Svatir Sandar
album (next to two other ones) and Goddess Of The Ages
from Köld. How long did they play? Too short
Setlist: Ljós í Stormi, Þín
Orð, Fjara, Goddess Of The Ages

I stay till
the end and leave much groggy, dragging myself up the stairs for
the grand finale with :: AUTOPSY
:: It takes a twinkling of an eye and I’m wide
awake and brimming of energy again. What a fucking hell of a show.
My neck gets tortured. It’s an aural party, not a visual
one. Once again *grrr* Not even from the balcony you can see that
much. F*****ck! Well… audience does not care and freaks
out again. AUTOPSY play everything from brand new stuff
back to a song from the debut Severed Survival and
wrack everything. Totally blown away!
Setlist: Intro, Hand Of Darkness, Twisted Mass Of Burnt
Decay, In the Grip Of Winter, Severed Survival, Gasping For Air,
Slaughterday, Dead, Mauled To Death, Voices, Charred Remains,
Ridden With Disease
down the drain and resign from nightly adventures and parties.
I just do the magazine related stuff and fall into the horizontal.
By the way, did I mention that I love Norwegian and Swedish TV?
They really broadcast awesome stuff at night, another episode
of The Walking Dead and I got one episode of the latest True Blood
season, yay :) Wanna have the same on German TV, please!