2012-05-26 DE – Gelsenkirchen - Amphitheater
<< Friday

Bolt Thrower - Psychotic Waltz - Tankard - Unleashed - Hell - Portrait - Motorjesus - Dr. Living Dead

[Psycho] Day 2 started the way day 1 did: with pure sun and a blue sky. All in all it just could get even better as all of my friends named the Saturday the best festival day. A perception I unconditionally follow. And of course, it’s the BOLT THROWER day ;) Anticipation was almost palpable during the whole day. And because the republic meanwhile gets roasted on the beaches of flooded gravel-pits our arrival is easy too… ;)

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[Psycho] The second festival day got kicked off by :: DR. LIVING DEAD! :: Well… that means that first UFO’s Doctor Doctor got completely played as an intro, before skull-asked musicians entered the stage. Musically precious is… different. But as a wake-up call the music between old school ufta ufta Thrash, Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies perfectly hit the nerves of the audience and causes first moshpits. At this early time. Respect! Additional bursts of laughter the band roadie caused, dressed in a spandex-outfit way too small for him, with a mullet-styled wig and a huge mustache. No cliché of the 80s was missed…
[Dajana] This guy was too hot! I couldn’t chill out…
[Sui] To play such lengthy intro as opening track was a risky thing. There was a sign of growing irritation around: Woe betide… DR. LIVING DEAD don’t play a good show now! But hey, their Thrash between Anthrax and Suicidal Tendencies was not only a perfect warm-up but also professional. Have seen worse bands here anyway. First highlight of the day.
[Dajana] I was likewise adorably enthused. And confused at first as I was too late and ran to the stage but then missing a band on it *lol*. Had a blast afterwards. Cool Swedes!
Setlist: World War Nine, Slime From above, Hard Target, Gremlins Night, Revenge on John, Dead End Life, My Brain Is for Sale, Streets of Doc Town, Kill Me!, Chucky, Feeding the Cyco, UFO Attack, Reptiles Beneath, Dr. Living Dead

[Psycho] I only saw two songs from following band :: MOTORJESUS :: I didn’t find any spectacular. Confident Schweinerock. Not that much action on stage if you ask me.
[Dajana] Veto! I don’t think MOTORJESUS is any bit of boring. That’s an extremely great live band, full of energy, enthusiasm, passion and delight in playing. And enough beer from Aldi-South *laughs*.
[Sui] MOTORJESUS reduced pace. Not only when it came to movement but also music-wise. Sound was pulpy and any subtleties not to hear out, if there were any. Was a bit like a nostalgic trip back to the 70s. Not everybody’s taste as the areal emptied out a bit, but I liked it.
Setlist: Dirty Pounding Gasoline, Legion Of Rock, Motor-Discipline, Fist Of The Dragon, Fuel The Warmachine, King Of The Dead End Road, Hammer Of The Lord, A New War

[Psycho] Thanks to rather less exciting Motorjesus I didn’t miss the rumors that Bolt Thrower would start their merchandise sale at 2pm. Since the band is popular than never before but hardly plays live shows promptly sort of a migration set in towards the band merchandise. During the spectacular sales the stall got almost overrun by the fans. Most shirts were already sold out after 30 minutes. So much happier the faces of the ones who could snatch some drapery.
[Dajana] Yeaaahhh. Woohoo. My face for example couldn’t have been happier at this moment :) And yours… just to mention… Shirts look awesomely good by the way ;)
[Sui] I still remember times when people like us (now beyond 40) were pitiful smiling about kids being here for “Obiterry” and “Bohltzroer” only. Now my contemporaries come to blows for shirts of such band and return broken but teary-eyed with two of each. Tstststs. As I couldn’t see any bruises or laceration it can’t have been that fatally.
[Psycho] No respect for the elderly… ;) Besides, we have been moderate compared to others who bought shirts in dozens…

[Psycho] Freshly re-dressed and just in time we were back to see :: PORTRAIT :: beginning their set. As for me I’d say Swedish Mercyful Fate epigones suffered most from the bad sound. At least on the tiers guitars were hardly to hear. Since the band focused on the most recent and awesome album Crimen Laesae Majestatis Divinae nothing could go wrong. As less I didn’t understand why the band acted so shy. There was no reason for it. Luckily singer Per Karlsson was in good voice, which is utmost important especially at high-pitched and clean singing. Nevertheless I was a bit disappointed afterwards. I had expected more.
[Sui] During PORTRAIT I personally had my first low. The band was definitely anything than bad but they couldn’t leave any impression either. Psycho already mentioned the bad sound, probably contributed to the situation.
Setlist: Intro, Beast Of Fire, Infinite Descension, Bloodbath, Darkness Forever, The Nightcomers

[Psycho] I actually did not have any expectations when it came to :: HELL :: The band already exists for ages but due to various circumstances just came out with the (highly acclaimed) debut last year. What can I say? The Brits delivered a crushing show and appeared to be the surprising act of the day. With their sacral Horror-Gothic-theater-staging HELL sparked an impressing spectacle. I guess almost every movement got choreographed. That actually would have been the worst thing ever, but here it was made super professional, never kitschy or cheesy in any way. HELL perfectly performed live! and harmonized with the intros and narrative interludes and passages, while the music all the time took center stage. All in all an entertaining show as its best, bands such as Cradle Of Filth (just to name a comparably show) would like to wrangle…
[Sui] How a wanna-be-evil-show can be a complete flop Ofermod proved during their show at Party San Open Air. That it in return even can work on a sunny feel-good festival HELL proved. Contrary to expectations the second highlight of this day. Especially frontman David Bower perfectly mastered the balance between charisma and embarrassment. A band that could make its breakthrough to the 30th anniversary.
Setlist: Let Battle Commence, On Earth As It Is In Hell, Plague And Fyre, The Quest, The Oppressors, Blasphemy And The Master, Macbeth, Save Us From Those Who Would Save Us

[Psycho] Time to get down to earth with :: UNLEASHED :: , a band that surely does not have any liability to fuss. So we got a straight Death Metal show with a best-of set through the band’s entire history up to the brand new record Odalheim. Songs were frenetically received and likewise enthused the band around fronter Johnny Hedlund. Fantastic show in a crowded location. But is that really the perfect running order for this day?
[Sui] Can’t say that much to UNLEASHED, so I leave it at that and follow Psycho’s explanations. But have to add that I found UNLEASHED deathly boring.
[Dajana] Boring… *pfffff* Philistine! Yes, there have been bands to fall asleep but definitely not UNLEASHED. No way! Perfect band to enter the first row and freakin’ out.
Setlist: This Is Our World Now, Fimbulwinter, Victims Of War, Wir kapitulieren niemals, Long Live The Beast, Hammer Battalion, The Immortals, In The Name Of God, Destruction (Of The Race Of Man), Death Metal Victory

[Psycho] Hardly to believe but :: TANKARD :: were even able to boost mood and response. There was a good reason for that: with the iconic beer-lover and fronter Gerre the band has its mascot always on board. About his entertaining qualities no word is needed anymore. Despite of his age Gerre was running and jumping over the stage as if there was no tomorrow and urged the crowd on. Their 3-generations-hit-set did the rest. Additional female dancers shown up as eye-catchers but weren’t taken seriously, neither by the band nor by the audience. It could have been a metal comedy, but for that TANKARD take their business serious enough, so that we got an harmonious balance between corny jokes and entertaining Thrash Metal. Yes, that was fun and after 60 minutes and Empty Tankard the show was definitely over. I guess Gerre couldn’t have moved any more 10 meters…
[Sui] Gerre in top form. This man is a naturally born entertainer. The Harald Juhnke of Heavy Metal, so to say. Cheers! I’d say TANKARD is the only band in the whole world that after a quarter century has an alcohol-image taken seriously without feeling embarrassed. No frills, no tricky and complex in the music. Synapse can fully focus on booze. Perfect party music.
[Dajana] *yawns*…
Setlist: Intro, Time Warp, Zombie Attack, The Morning After, Rules For Fools, Slipping From Reality, Stay Thirsty!, Minds On The Moon, Chemical Invasion, The Beauty And The Beast, Rectifier, Freibier, Die With A Beer In Your Hand, (Empty) Tankard

[Psycho] I was very much looking forward to see :: PSYCHOTIC WALTZ :: playing live. During their heydays (they split up in 1997) I counted them to one of my absolutely fave bands. Besides, Dajana and Bert only knew good things to say about their most recent shows after the band’s reunion. Considering this… the show here at ROCK HARD FESTIVAL was pure disappointment; objective as well as personally.
Objective, because the tiers of the Amphitheater significantly emptied. No wonder after Unleashed’s Death Metal treatment and the Tankard party express and a likewise crushing Bolt Thrower show ahead. Even worse was the singing of Buddy Lackey. He seemed to have a lot of problems with his voice and often sung out of tune. And the band got the full afternoon sun on stage, while tiers and arena were already in shadows. So there was not any bit of magic or atmosphere rising the band is and was known for and I already could experience in the 90s as well. Musically of course PSYCHOTIC WALTZ were beyond all doubts, just a spark couldn’t be ignited. If they did them a favor to place the band on this slot is wearisome to discuss, especially after the festival. But it remains a fact that PSYCHOTIC WALTZ was the disappointment of the day.
[Dajana] Yes, unfortunately. I was similarly disappointed. On the Power Of Metal tour I had tears in my eyes when PSYCHOTIC WALTZ played. Today it was just terrible what we got to hear. Singing was a complete fail and the sound was terrible though. Even the setlist with the grandiose I Remember (last time played live in 1997) couldn’t save anything anymore.
[Sui] I agree. I don’t know if it was the bad monitor sound or whatever. It sounded out of tune even if you didn’t know the band and its songs. As for complex songs and guitar work sound was way too bad anyway (they should have used the money for Turbonegro for a better sound company). Unfortunately a disappointment, indeed.
Setlist: Sleeping Dogs, Ashes, Out Of Mind, Tiny Streams, In This Place, Mosquito, Faded, Freakshow, Haze One, Into The Everflow, Another Prophet Song, I Remember, Morbid, Halo Of Thorns, Nothing, I Of The Storm

[Psycho] :: BOLT THROWER :: of course didn’t have any problems to motivate the audience ;) And sometimes it is even better not to change proven things. Ergo, I again could draw on all clichés the band was described live as well as musically during the last decades. But… what vigor this band has must be experienced.
This fact is also valid when the setlist (tonight) isn’t too optimal, or one has honestly to say that did it a bit better Kreator last year (okay, they got the local hero bonus).
Anyway, BOLT THROWER delivered what we expected: an uncompromising and powerful show, taking no prisoners. This show shouldn’t have left anybody unsatisfied, except for Karl Willets maybe, who got entangled in his micro cable and promptly came a cropper… An image without any symbolic character as the Brits will still remain on top of the scene for years, even without a new record.
[Dajana] Yes! Exactly! I agree unreservedly. It was such a fkg great and stunning show, heartwarming when everybody in the theater sang along. For me definitely the highlight of the entire ROCK HARD FESTIVAL 2012!
[Sui] I have to admit that I found myself abandoned with my opinion about BOLT THROWER. I have no idea why all these fans here were celebrating and cheering such trivial Death Metal music. Must have been due to the lack of more significant bands. I of course know that a band like Hell with just the debut out can’t be a headliner for such festival. Even if I would have wished. But at least: as headliner BOLT THROWER did a great job. It wasn’t any bad at all.
Setlist: Contact Wait Out, When Glory Beckons, Rebirth Of Humanity, Mercenary, The IVth Crusade, World Eater, Cenotaph, Warmaster, Salvo, Where Next To Conquer, The Killchain, Forever Fallen, ...For Victory // At First Light, No Guts, No Glory, When Cannons Fade

[Psycho] All things considered a really successful second festival day I’d say. I even did not get burnt… ;) Besides, I surely was not the only one thinking that the Sunday did not have interesting bands anymore so that I consequently stayed home. Last year the last day was still a highlight…
[Sui] Hey Psycho, as you already were around you could just have dropped in. Thank you for getting me there the next morning. I guess I wasn’t able to drive anymore.
[Psycho] Welcome. As for the Sunday, it was mainly the full decade birthday of my girl why we decided to stay home for some private celebration...


story & pics © Dajana