Rectal Rooter - Agalloch - Darkfall - Crown - Mortal Strike - Erebos - Sucking Leech - Interregnum - Progeria Buffet
We arrive right at the beginning of :: MORTAL STRIKE :: and get welcomed with good-humour-Thrash, inspired by Kreator unmistakably, which fits the festival like a spiked armband. For The Loud And The Aggressive – this song title describes the sound at best.

:: CROWN :: offer a completely different sound and let us dive into hypnotic depths of monotonous, viscous creeping acoustic monsters; the listeners get abducted into a maelstrom of harsh industrial beats, background melodies and unloading epic passages. Reduced lights support the interim effervescent compositions in nice manner. I really appreciate this year’s diversity concerning the musical program!

Ready for take-off for the birthday party of :: DARKFALL ::! The guys disperse joy in playing and the temperature increases in front of the stage. The jubilee of 20 years leaves nothing to be desired, the sound is heavy-handed, and a fire-breather sets optical accents, in addition to the sword fighters. Maybe that`s a little bit too much of a dog-and-pony-show, but very entertaining. I like the choice of songs, especially the new ones I didn`t know so far. No wonder that the auditorium spends ovations and shouts for encores!

Triple A – absolute arresting atmosphere is atomized by :: AGALLOCH :: on this cold evening. There is hardly another band, which got such a strong impact amid the mountains like these sound magicians. Fragile acoustic guitars or oscillating Black Metal, the dynamic structures, fine vocal nuances and epic sounds are the acoustic equivalent of the wild romantic landscape. In addition, the emotional light show and very transparent sound contribute to a downright overall masterpiece…banned by this goose-pimps-performance, many visitors wobble homewards and notice the last band RECTAL ROOTER only marginally as outflow music, similar to an exquisite red wine, which would picture AGALLOCH's performance in culinary terms…
