Bäd Hammer - Dark Funeral - Anaal Nathrakh - God Dethroned - Rotting Christ - Gutalax - Selbstentleibung - Mater Monstiferia - Killing Age - The Morphean - Prometheus - Among Rats - Silius
:: THE MORPHEAN :: need one or two songs to get into gear, but then the modern Melodic-Death-Metal, interlarded with fine chiselled guitar melodies unfolds to a real joy in listening. I eminently like the ear candy Shadow Kingdom, which resonates in my memory for a while.

A little bit of Thrash can/may/has to be – the sympathetic band :: KILLING AGE :: is a real good choice to raise the energy level, groovy songs massage the neck in convenient manner…

Black Metal with enigmatic shredder-melodies and Cradle-like flair (just listen to the keyboards), oftentimes borne in speed – that*s the way :: MATER MONSTIFERA :: sound like. Their music runs down the spine like honey, but PLEASE do not ask me about song titles...

Once again, Black Metal is on its way, once again a dense atmosphere surrounds the scenery. Discreetly insane, but not at all chaotic, partly epic and borne tunes dominate the performance. The band`s name leads to the garden path, though the demand is really important for :: SELBSTENTLEIBUNG ::. Definitely null negative!

Some Grinders wait for :: GUTALAX :: impatiently, but for my taste this music is not at all interesting…I ask myself about the kinkiness of the singer`s voice and facial expression during the around 149 songs. This human being acts like a mixture of a rabid hedgehog on speed and a halfway flat toad's cadaver…

Already during the signing session the very sympathetic Greeks :: ROTTING CHRIST :: attracted attention through their hearty appearance and got out of the metallic cliché-line. This positive impression continued on stage later on and a feeling of energy as well as positive suspense surrounded us. Even after 30 years, I could not feel any routine, so I was really surprised that Sakis and his warhorses unleashed the thrashy song Societas Satanas, made to sing along in ecstasy. Afterwards, a real insider whispered the three magic words Thou Art Lord in my ear. Consequently, I could not believe, how fast the playtime passed by and the band got deserved applause!

The one and only constant concerning :: GOD DETHRONED :: seems to be the replacement tactics of bald head Henri, but anew excellent musicians perform with nimble technique, first and foremost drummer Mike commands my respect with unbelievable speed. The set list consists of fast and very fast tracks, especially the breakers Soul Sweeper and Villa Vampiria carve the cortex of brain formidably.

This is sheer lunacy! Dave Hunt's announcements are very polite, but apart from that, the singer prefers hysteric vocal expressions. :: ANAAL NATHRAKH :: got something special, caused by the extravagant clear vocals and discreet electronic ingredients, which loosen up the box barrage attacks… very intense, but also hard to swallow compositions like Unleash press out the last drop of the tired Metal-fan's adrenalin.

:: DARK FUNERAL :: Since the year 1993, Lord Ahrimann and his companions create unmerciful tunes, and this cold sound corresponds to the icy temperatures of 5 degrees, but after a while the devil of pabulum creeps in and the speed orgies pass me by without a lasting impression like a hyper active, tuned power mower. Of course the result is delivered – no blade of grass resists this storm or gets levelled by the coldness…

The bouncers :: BÄD HAMMER :: formed a snappy, thrashy rocking closure of this really hearty festival – made by fans for fans!