Let’s get ready for the tenth round at the Semmering! The felicitous mixture of Thrash, Death, Grind, Drone/Doom and a little bit more attracted quite a bunch of Metal-Heads, even on the first day. Seemingly ravenous fans pilgrimage to the Metal Mountain and the sentiment is at best like so many years before…
:: Stories :: Thursday :: Friday :: Saturday :: Pics ::
Marduk - Dark Funeral - Agalloch - Krisiun - Anaal Nathrakh - Rotting Christ - God Dethroned - Valkyrija - Benighted - Gutalax - Darkfall - Hideous Divinity - Crown - Selbstentleibung - Tortharry - Doomas - Killing Age - Sucking Leech - Mater Monstiferia - Scarecrow N.W.A. - The Morphean - Amongst The Deceit - Silius - Mortal Strike - Erebos - Prometheus - Interregnum - Among Rats - Uzziel - Enclave - Progeria Buffet - Bäd Hammer - Rectal Rooter - Void Creation - Dystersol

I’d like to mention the positive acceptance of the population in Spital, mainly our landlord Max from our lodging “Pension Erica” glared through nice hospitality – thanks a lot!!! I’d like to thank: - My ghost whisperer „Metalkutte“ Tobi - Daniel („Romano“) - Elisabeth Eichmüller for the pics - The whole crew at KALTENBACH! - Thomas Spiwak (have fun with Manowar!) See you all next year!!!
Positive: - continuous first-class sound - securities are competent & totally friendly - signing sessions – thanks to moremetal.org! - schedule always in time! - very good food and nice prices.
