2012-08-10 DE – Schlotheim - Flugplatz Obermehler
<< Thursday
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Immortal - Nile - Ghost Brigade - Immolation - Dark Fortress - General Surgery - Skalmöld - Entrails - Gospel Of The Horns - Iron Lamb - Assaulter - Malignant Tumor

TENT • Tormented - Haradwaith - Obscure Infinity - December Flower - Chapel Of Disease - Vivus Humare

“I can’t remember yesterday, so I guess I just arrived”

[BRT] As the last night’s excessive extermination of alcohol was overly successful, it’s quite evident that not only the Nocturnal Hall crew has some difficulties to get into this new day ;) Except for our Baden-based neighbors, who in the earliest morning hours started to kill their Rum-Cola resources, everybody else was fighting a strong aftermath.

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[Dajana] Ahhhh… yeah, the party must have been great, ouch! Nevertheless, we at least stood in front of stage on time to welcome :: MALIGNANT TUMOR :: Oh, these mustaches and wigs at this early hour with such hangover in the neck… boohoo. That kills *laughs*
[BRT] Yes, MALIGNANT TUMOR did a great wake-up-call job. Punk-influenced Thrash Metal with full force. It was surprisingly crowded, but only at the first band. Right after it seemed that everybody was disappearing for a breakfast (something that happened on Saturday morning too).

[BRT] Australien’s :: ASSAULTER :: played somewhat of a black-tinged, slightly Teutonic touched Thrash Metal, but did not get it going and did not leave any deeper impression.

[BRT] Next up is :: IRON LAMB ::, delivering a Crust influenced rock’n’roll sound ranging anywhere between Motörhead and Venom and were likewise pale.
[Dajana] Yep, I agree. Both bands could not even nearly reach the level of mood and energy of the noon band.

[BRT] :: GOSPEL OF THE HORNS :: afterwards impressively proved that Black Metal with full sunshine at tea time is as evil as my grandma. Again thrashy Black Metal but not as half as good as Nifelheim yesterday.
[Dajana] I actually did like their show. It could have been worse with a blood spattered and bowel-draped panda Black Metal band.

[BRT] Oh, clock strikes for a magnificent journey through time. Back to the early 90s. :: ENTRAILS :: so downright rock the PARTY SAN, it was a blast, a pleasure, a delight. It is not particularly inventive, nor is there much action on stage, but ENTRAILS play with heart and soul and that gets honored by the fans. I’m sure that many band shirts went over the counter after the show. Generally the guys appeared to be very friendly and close to the fans, crossed the festival ground and talked to many people. Just great!
[Dajana] Ah, yeah, awesome! Entombed that is! Killer show! ;)
Setlist: Blood Red, Evil Obsession, The Morgue, To Live As To Rot, Entrails, Undead, End Of All Existence, Eaten By The Dead, Crawling Death, Slithering Below, Unleashed Wrath

[Dajana] Following band :: SKÁLMÖLD :: got warmly recommended by Wiebke and left me rather curious. Iceland the second.
[BRT] But compared with Entrails SKÁLMÖLD could only lose. Their folky and more complex Viking Metal seemed to be misplaced. Always again single passages called for attention but all in all the music was too inhomogeneous and the aggressive singing rather disturbing.
Funny, however, was the fact that the band and especially bass player Snæbjörn Ragnarsson afterwards tried to get everybody that attended their signing session at the Rock Hard/Legacy box shloshed with terrible Icelandic booze. Funny, as we found the bass player totally drunk and sleeping backstage.
[Dajana] Hahahahaha… yes, it was Brennivín (classic) and something killing called Opal *hurgs* I tried latter one too and it felt like burning everything away. I bet I won’t get any respiratory disease the next 2 years *lol* Think of Jagermeister without sugar with Vodka and tons of Fisherman’s Friend in solution and you might have an idea…
[Terry] Oh, I tried that stuff too. And I consider that Icelandic booze guilty for my later black out ;)
Setlist: Heima, Arás, Upprisa, Vätt, Hefnd, Valhöll, Kvadning

[BRT] The bloody butcher companions known as :: GENERAL SURGERY :: entered the stage and gave us a brutal and killing Carcass influenced Goregrind treatment with a great stage show. Scream bloody gore I say ;)
[Dajana] And the Swedes delivered an extra tidbit with a new song from their upcoming EP Like An Ever Flying Limb.

[Dajana] I was much looking forward to see :: DARK FORTRESS :: tonight. Germany’s finest Black metallers have so developed over the last years and I did not see any bad show as of late. And again they blew up everything and delivered such an epic and intensive, atmospheric and gooseflesh causing show. Excellent and definitely a highlight!
[BRT] Well, I have to admit, on CD DARK FORTRESS don’t kick me out of my socks. As more I was surprised that they did live on stage here at PSOA. Yes, their brand of Black Metal definitely has an own note. Might be due to the charismatic singing… um… gnarling singing too.
Setlist: Osiris, Ghastly Indoctrination, The Valley, Cohorror, Catawomb, Rite Of Phoenix, Baphomet

[BRT] :: IMMOLATION :: are just grandiose live on stage.
[Dajana] They always have been.
[BRT] Ami Death Metal, heavy, brutal and merciless, and neck torturing. Neck-breaking with pains galore. On CD IMMOLATION is sometimes too tricky, too fiddly yet live they know how to avoid this feeling brilliantly.
[Dajana] Not to forget Ross Dolan and his hair that makes everybody jealous… *sighs*
Setlist: Into Everlasting Fire, Swarm Of Terror, Majesty And Decay, What They Bring, Close To A World Below, Under The Surpreme, Unholy Cult, No Jesus No Beast, Dawn Of Possession

[BRT] Afterwards music calms down but gets more emotional. The atmospheric and partly epic sound of :: GHOST BRIGADE :: perfectly harmonizes with the sunset. Ranging between Katatonia and Isis you might still torture your neck while headbanging but at the same time get some rest from speed.
[Dajana] GHOST BRIGADE already have their second stint on PARTY SAN OPEN AIR. Although their most recent record Until Fear No Longer Defines Us is much quieter they live gain much heaviness and momentum and had some “classics” up their sleeves like Into The Black Light ;)
Setlist: Lost In A Loop, Traces Of Liberty, Breakwater, Into The Black Light, My Heart Is A Tomb, Clawmaster, Soulcarvers

[BRT] Apropos pace… What the dudes of :: NILE :: display in matter of technical finesse, frantic speed and hair-raising changes in dynamics… leaves almost speechless. And NILE are heavy as fuck! Doing so one might easily get over the fact that on stage is not much action to spot.
[Terry] I just remember that I have seen IMMOLATION and GHOST BRIGADE and was in the pit for NILE, landing in the photo pit after crowdsurfing, ending up in the backstage area unnoticed and sitting down. NILE knocked me over, so to say ;) In retrospect I’m miffed that I can’t remember the actual show anymore...

[Dajana] Time has come… for the headliner of the second festival day :: IMMORTAL :: who, however, took a long time to get ready and on stage. Their soundcheck was lengthy (what did not made the sound any better) and produced a backfire with the pyros.
[BRT] I think it is known that IMMORTAL walk a thin line between raging Black Metal on one side and comedy or fair on the other. It is a fact that Abbath and his mates (Apollyon & Horgh) always deliver a great show and are utmost entertaining. Of course one cannot avoid laughs here and there (at least I cannot) when giant Abbath with his mini guitar impressively demonstrates that he is the president of the ministries of silly walks.
Setlist: Intro, Withstand The Fall Of Time, Sons Of Northern Darkness, The Rise Of Darkness, Damned In Black, Triumph, Solarfall, In My Kingdom Cold, Tyrants, The Call Of The Wintermoon, One By One, Intro, Beyond The North Waves, All Shall Fall, At The Heart Of Winter, The Sun No Longer Rises

[BRT] Also the second festival day mostly offered a high-class program, maybe with a few initial difficulties.
[Dajana] Work done, back to party ;) Not that excessive anymore and not that long…


story • BRT, Terry, Dajana • pics © Dajana