- Naglfar - Tankard - Insomnium - Incantation - Toxic Holocaust
-Warbringer - Ragnarök - Archgoat - Nocte Obducta - Cattle
Decapitation - Trash Amigos - Rectal Smega
• Venenum - Kali Yuga - Zero Degree - Mortjuri - Revel
In Flash
with swiveling hips”
A walk across the festival area let me ponder if the guys lying
around are the first ones already relaxing in the sun semiconsciously
or already comatose again ;) It seems the shows with pressure
fuelling attached takes its toll at green users and displays first
aftermaths and side effects.
[Dajana] Thank Buddha I’m free of all these effects
this morning and feel well, in best mood and highly energetic
pics ::
SMEGMA :: replaced Rompeprop in the billing (due
to the drummer’s illness, both Dutch bands), probably have
the most unsavory band name but perfectly played out their strength
as warm-up act. They call it Porn Grind, with supersonic cudgeling,
ultra deep-throated growls and grunts and humor galore. Actually
much danceable. If there is a Grindcore band that causes swiveling
hips than RECTAL SMEGMA.
[Dajana] Another thing I love the PARTY SAN OPEN AIR
for: all these strangely named Grind bands I never would attend
a show back home when reading such names yet great to discover
at such festival :) RECTAL SMEGMA anyway was killer!

[BRT] Swedish
AMIGOS :: could only fell behind afterwards. With
an out and out Slayer sound, bumpy played and with misplaced Mexican
costumes they could not score. Accordingly the crowd’s response
was restrained.

It followed a massacre that left me speechless, at least astonished.
DECAPITATION :: delivered a technically perfect,
mercilessly staged high-speed Grind-Death cudgeling par excellence.
Presence and charisma of the slightly insane appearing singer
was the icing of the cake. CATTLE DECAPITATION were definitely
a big surprise and at the end were the biggest highlight of PSOA
[Dajana] It is indeed unbelievable what these gents do
with their instruments. Luckily the singer did not play any and
used his mobility to go wild on stage. A good compensation for
the static stage acting of the others.

OBDUCTA :: even don’t try to score with speed.
They focus on slow and/or atmospheric soundscapes. Does not really
work at this sunny afternoon and their Ärzte-like announcements
and talks backfired.
[Dajana] Especially this Ärzte-like talking style
is utmost unusually for NOCTE OBDUCTA. I never have seen
this sleaziness and good mood within the band. Generally speaking
it is great to see the band back on stage. Sun or no sun, it definitely
was an amazing show!
Setlist: Leere Pt. II, Es fließe Blut, Prinzessin
des Nachtschatten, Niemals gelebt, Fick die Muse, Solange euer
Fleisch noch warm ist, Gemälde derer, die schieden Pt. III

[BRT] Some
self-proclaimed scene-guards certified ::
:: a ramble-cult-status. Well, I found killer nails
and rivets and iconic corpse paint armed ARCHGOAT not as
half as rumbling as labeled. Their War Black Metal is surely powerful
and straight forward and they even display variety with slo-mo
parts and alternating growl, grunts and gnarl-like singing, but
all in all the band delivers a total unemotional show under a
burning sun. Then better coffee and cake!
[Dajana] Yes, nomnomnom. Oh, by the way… are pink
guitar wires evil as fuck?

:: ale ALWAYS a guarantor for an awesome live show.
There are many established Thrash Metal bands that could learn
a lesson from them. Really. More action on stage was hardly seen
at PSOA 2012.
[Terry] Hell yes, Thrash Metal as its best! Perfect music
to get my eyes open and to get it going again, whereupon Cattle
Decapitation made it already. WARBRINGER play well attuned,
have enough energy, aggression and the right attitude and shot
me into the headbanger universe.

In contrast :: TOXIC
HOLOCAUST :: just fall short. Old school Thrash
Metal but lacking of speed, charisma and recognition value.
[Terry] I’m not really familiar with the band. Just
saw them supporting Kvelertak lately and there they did a good
job. But it was in a small club. Today they could not convince
me at all.

Due to traffic jams :: RAGNAROK
:: moved up two slots in the running order. A spot
unavoidable but not deserved if you ask me. Norwegian Black Metal
too pale, too common and too trivial.
[Dajana] Watching RAGNAROK I for some reason felt
remembered to last year’s Urgehal show, were Nefas was still
alive. R.I.P. Trond!

:: right after outweighed and gave us a good dressing
down in matter of Death Metal, delivering the perfect mixture
of slow, groovy and all crushing parts and infernal blast beats,
evil and dark brought on stage. That’s the way Death Metal
has to be!

As for that following band :: INSOMNIUM
:: hardly left any impression that was more than the
“neither fish nor fowl” thing. Melodic Death Metal
without the emotional depth of Ghost Brigade and without the elegance
Edge Of Sanity. With technical finesse and a few nice melodies
one won’t pave new ground.
[Dajana] Ehem… THAT I see totally different ;) The
new album One For Sorrow already offers so many
great songs, which live emerge to be all destroying crushers,
added by a dark and intensive atmosphere, driving rhythms and
dynamics. Just stunning! Neck-breaking. Just listen to the double
feature Intertia/Through The Shadows. Again, I got gooseflesh!
[Terry] I like too what the Finns do. Some of their melodies
are just… to kneel down for, added by a nicely brutal singing.
Only the bad sound narrowed the pleasure a bit.

Although I’m not a :: TANKARD
:: fan I have to admit: they are a great live band
and fronter Gerre does everything right to animate the crowd,
even if this bromidic knee-slapping humor gets on nerves.
[Dajana] Time out…
:: entered the stage it was finally dark and a cool
Black Metal show with a great lightshow and pyros worked well.
Raging, straight forward with much atmosphere. Great.
[Dajana] After line-up changes Mr. Wrath finally got a
new live crew together. And it was clearly to see how much fun
and delight they had to play live again. Great show, indeed!
[Terry] I also was much looking forward to this show. But
again the sound man was weakening and due to timing variations
one was able to notice that there was a new skinman behind the
kit. Nevertheless a great show with a great setlist. As for me
personally I have to confess that I started to break down after
so many festival days, bands, heat and alcohol. Heard my tent
whispering… that might be the reason why I could not enjoy
NAGLFAR to the full.

I never would have expected to see a Death Metal band creating
such a huge stage show. And :: BEHEMOTH
:: did it perfectly. Decoration, lights, fires, pyros,
everything worked harmoniously together, creating an intensive
atmosphere, dense, a Death Metal storm that was occult and mystical,
thank to charismatic frontman Nergal and his mates.
[Dajana] Yeah, it seems that nothing can stop Nergal anymore.
And it makes me happy to see that he looks much healthier again,
brimming of energy. During the Full Of Hate tour in February I
was afraid he would take too much and as I heard little later
he had a little relapse. However, tonight BEHEMOTH was
definitely a force!

As Terry said, 3 full days of festival, bands, heat and alcohol
sees even the hard-assed fan paying its toll. In my opinion the
Saturday billing was not as strong as the one on Thursday and
Friday but I saw almost all bands on the main stage though. As
already mentioned the bands on tent stage fell short and I’m
sure I missed some great shows. But every now and then I need
time to care for my beer level and to outstretch my old bones.
With Köstritzer beer organizer has chosen the perfect festival
beer at a good price. And the Nocturnal Hall crew intensively
did their best to keep up a high number of blows… um…
drinks. Altogether a great festival with only a few weak points.
[Dajana] I can only agree! PARTY SAN OPEN AIR 2012
was awesome, once again and left us happily exhausted. I’m
already looking forward to 2013 ;)
[Terry] Yeah, we definitely had a blast to rock Northern
Thuringia. A liners note regarding the sound: Although I was quibbling
here and there I most time was satisfied with what the speaker
towers were blowing everything away. It’s an extreme metal
fest. That’s the way it has to be! Thx! :)